上次提到頂峰的 IEO,這次的 IEO 一隻籤最多可以抽 200 USDT 等值份額,預計上線時間是這週。
我看了一下參與規則,一個人最多可以領 7 隻籤,一支是搶購,六支看交易量。交易量每累積 $30000 獲得一次抽籤機會,最多可以多獲得 6 籤。交易量的計算時間是從 9/16 16:00~ 9/22 8:00,有六天的時間。然後現貨+槓桿+合約的交易量都算。
前一段時間,有去跟頂峰爭取過後,頂峰說只要是透過雷司紀連結註冊,前 20 個交易量的用戶(交易量至少需>$3000),頂峰會每個人各送 5美金等值的 IEO 幣,這樣至少不會因為沒抽到籤做白工,至少還有羊毛可以撸。
➡️步驟一:註冊帳號( 30% 手續費返還,刷交易量也可以省手續費):https://ascendex.com/register?inviteCode=BCR9FS2MW
合約(最高 100 倍):https://ascendex.com/zh-tw/basic/futures-perpetualcontract-trading/btc-perp
槓桿(最高 25 倍):https://ascendex.com/zh-tw/basic/margin-trading/usdt/btc
➡️步驟四:幣幣賬戶中至少持有 50 USDT,才可以抽 IEO
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futures trading 中文 在 財報狗 Facebook 的最佳貼文
昨天看到一份不錯的投資書單。這份書單是 Corey Hoffstein 分享的,他是量化投資機構 Newfound Research 的投資長,所以裡面分享蠻多跟量化有關的書。大部分都只有英文,我把有中文翻譯的整理出來了,疫情在家來慢慢消化。
- 決斷的演算
- Python 自動化的樂趣|搞定重複瑣碎 & 單調無聊的工作
- 高效能 Python 程式設計
- Risk and Asset Allocation by Attilio Meucci
- Tail Risk Hedging: Creating Robust Portfolios for Volatile Markets
- The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a Market Sell-Off (有簡體翻譯:如何應對第二輪下跌)
- Plight of the Fortune Tellers: Why We Need to Manage Financial Risk Differently
- 股價、棉花與尼羅河密碼:藏在金融圖表裡的風險
- 隨機騙局
- Red-Blooded Risk
- 風險之書
- The Laws of Trading
- Principles of Financial Engineering by Salih N. Neftci (有簡體翻譯:金融工程原理)
- Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners
- Trend Following with Managed Futures
- Financial Hacking: Evaluate Risks, Price Derivatives, Structure Trades, and Build Your Intuition Quickly and Easily
- Expected Returns (有簡體翻譯:預期收益)
- The Volatility Smile
- Trading Volatility: Trading Volatility, Correlation, Term Structure and Skew
- 金融投機史:揭開貪婪時代九大金融泡沫
- When Genius Failed (有簡體翻譯:賭金者:長期資本管理公司的升騰與隕落)
- Efficiently Inefficient
futures trading 中文 在 千頌C Facebook 的最佳貼文
//False trading is an offence under the market misconduct provisions of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO). As the securities markets regulator in Hong Kong with a responsibility to investigate and enforce against breaches of the SFO, the SFC considers that it is in the public interest for it to clarify its position in relation to this matter.//
false trading係受證券及期貨條例監管,而呢條例嘅調查機構係我,唔係你班差佬。你唔識又踩過界,搞到我要出嚟澄清。
//Investigation into market misconduct offences, such as false trading, often involves complex questions of law and evidence, as well as the need for expert evaluation in relation to securities market functioning, trading methods and investor behaviour. The SFC is ready to respond to any requests made by the Police under the MOU for this type of assistance in relation to any potential offences under the SFO.//