NBK left out in the cold as shox turns to bodyy - Report
前陣子法國CSGO新聞網指出G2俱樂部有意將隊伍大權轉交給Richard "shox" Papillon,並重新找回前隊友Ex6TenZ,kennyS,SmithZz 組織新隊伍,當時就有臆測最後一位隊員很有可能是Nathan "NBK-" Schmitt。
Flickshot.fr今天提到最後一位隊員有可能會是當初同意板凳shoxㄉAlexandre "bodyy" Pianaro ,原因有隱約提到似乎是以確認的四位成員當中,有人不想要和NBK-繼續當隊友。
shox had originally intended to complete the lineup he has planning with Nathan "NBK-" Schmitt, but Flickshot.fr claims that some of the team's players do not wish to play with the 23-year-old, who recently took the in-game leader role in G2.
🇫🇷Richard "shox" Papillon
🇧🇪Kévin "Ex6TenZ" Droolans
🇫🇷Kenny "kennyS" Schrub
🇫🇷Edouard "SmithZz" Dubourdeaux
🇫🇷Alexandre "bodyy" Pianaro
Info: Flickshot.fr