來自 Tosiku Kusui 的英文圖文翻譯,歡迎轉貼給國際友人介紹加分政策的現況與原住民族人目前遭受到的歧視與偏見言論,希望我們一起 #反歧視 ,也期待 Dcard 能正視歧視與偏見言論的問題,不要讓這樣的事件一再發生。
The post is from @buanistalking
And it’s about a series of earlier incident about the discrimination and racism on the indigenous people in Taiwan.
Extra points is a policy that ROC government use on indigenous people to sort of make up the loss of our people.
And a glass heart is a way of saying someone has a fragile heart or sensitive.
Pasibutbut here references to the Bunun tribe’s traditional singing technique also know as Eight-part harmonies,and they mocking the culture.
And “Delah” is a stereotype here in Taiwan that everyone think indigenous always add “Delah” at the end of the sentence.
And the one that is saying he want to be in NTU is because they thought we all get high score because we have the “extra points” but it’s not true , we only compete with the ones that have the same identity as in indigenous compete with indigenous but they don’t know.
“The ancestor talk” is about when back in the days , the Japanese and the Hans killed a lot of our ancestors but were actually over it and they just think we’re ignorant.
For those who don’t know, Dcard is an app for usually college student to post things like reddit.
And the 4th picture I was saying : Y’all talk about* sorry for the mistake,was pretty pissed translating this.
An Van is a word to discriminate indigenous people,the source I have is it’s from Japanese and it means “uncivilized animal with human looks “ and it’s basically an word like the N word but not slave it’s animal,and they use it on us.
Please ask me if you have questions and if I translate it in the wrong way , do tell me because I’m not perfect at English and thank you sooo much for reading this ❤️