How Can a Housewife Become a Women Entrepreneur
This blogpost could help you to transform from a housewife into a successful women entrepreneur. If you are a woman staying at home filled with ambition to become financially independent then there is an opportunity.
The world has changed and women have proven that they are no less than men in any field. You can see at workplace where women work shoulder to shoulder with their male counterpart.
It is the right time for every housewife to have a career for herself.
How Can Housewife Become an Entrepreneur?
How are you going to do it?
Well! As you know women could play an important role in helping the economy to grow.
There are various sectors of our economy where there is a huge opportunity to explore new things.
The demand is in the market however there is no supply; therefore women can play their role and fill this demand and supply gap.
Especially, developing country like India where human resource is so untapped, women can play their role and emerge as an important player.
This gives them an opportunity for a woman to start a small business and working their way forward to become a successful entrepreneur.
What Women Need to Become Entrepreneur?
Surely, woman can be an entrepreneur. But she needs to have certain quality in her. Some of them are:
1. Ambition – The first thing that differentiates women with men is ambition. So women must have an ambition to succeed.
2. Self Confidence – Yes you can do it.
3. Area of Interest – She has to identify an area of interest. It means area or a field in which she is good at.
4. Right Planning and Strategy – She must have a plan or roadmap laid out.
5. Do not give up – Don’t give up because of some pressure.
1. 企圖心——區分女性和男性的第一件事是企圖心。因此,女性必須有成功的企圖心。
2. 自信——是的,你可以做到。
3. 感興趣的領域——她必須確定一個感興趣的領域。這裡是指她擅長的領域
4. 正確的規劃和戰略——她必須制定一個計劃或路線圖。
5. 不要放棄——不要因為壓力而放棄。
gap 劍橋 在 一起從台灣兩憨的角度看世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[倫敦.印象] 第一次來倫敦時是老妹還在英國念書時,我們全家帶著小胖女兒一塊去玩耍,第一次去,所以甚麼哈利波特片場、劍橋、市區周圍的觀光點幾乎都跑了。(連王十字車站也要來去合照一下)
不過此趟最驚喜的收穫是行前得知知名香氛品牌Jo Malone的創辦人Jo Malone(好饒口)已離開並創立自己的新品牌,全英國也只有一個實體店面座落於倫敦。說到這個店面,背後其實有個相當浪漫的小故事,原來Jo Malone年少時期其實曾在這個地址的花店打工,每天修剪枝葉,是她美好的回憶,她先生就把這個店面買下來,作為新品牌的據點。門牌42號也成為該品牌的招牌香味之一"No. 42",想表達出當初在這倫敦街頭的花店工作時,早晨人來人往經過時聞到的清新花葉香。
所以一日下午我就殺到該店面去,還很幸運的遇到Jo Malone本人,除了買了該品牌的香味回來外,還像個小粉絲般的買了Jo Malone的自傳並請其幫我簽名,開心~
比較起五年前的家族遊照片,那時雖說大多拍的不太行,不過也有少數幾張架腳架拍的成果還可以(後頭七張),尤其是在Piccadilly Circus前趁老婆大人去GAP買東西時在外頭的長曝結果,車燈整個就畫龍點睛,也希望愛拍照的朋友們出遊時都能拍到喜愛的照片囉~
gap 劍橋 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[時事英文] Mark Zuckerberg Testifies Before Congress
今日臉書創辦人Mark Zuckerberg出席美國參議院商業及司法委員會聯合聽證會,對劍橋分析 (Cambridge Analytics) 濫用用戶個資致隱私外洩醜聞聲明:
"It's clear now that we didn't do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm as well. That goes for fake news, foreign interference in elections, and hate speech, as well as developers and data privacy," Zuckerberg said in opening remarks before a joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees.
"We didn't take a broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a big mistake," he continued. "It was a big mistake. And I'm sorry. I started Facebook. I run it and I'm responsible for what happens here."
「我們沒有對我們的責任進行足夠寬泛的觀察,這是一個很大的錯誤」,他繼續說。 「這是一個很大的錯誤,我很抱歉,我創辦了臉書,我經營
In the hearing, one question stood out among the rest. It’s when one senator, Senator Capito (卡皮托), asked Mark Zuckerberg whether deleted information stays in Facebook’s archive:
“But is it (user data) ever really gone? From the cloud or wherever it is? “
「但它 (用戶資訊) 真的不見了嗎? 在雲端或在哪個地方?」
... ... ...
Silly questions from senators: https://goo.gl/6zgdWZ
1. address the issue 面對議題
2. deceptive acts of practice 欺騙性的實踐行為
3. give clear conspicuous notice 提供清楚的通知
4. log into another browser 登錄到另一個瀏覽器
5. privacy settings 隱私設置
6. data breach 資訊外洩
7. install malware 安裝惡意軟件
8. the core value of Facebook 臉書的核心價值
9. remain in backup copies 保留在備份副本中
10. expectation gap 期望差距
11. contradiction to federal laws 與聯邦法律的矛盾
12. do a full audit 做一個完整的審計
13. restrict access 限制權利, 使用或看見某物的權利
14. launch a government investigation 開展政府調查
15. reasonable expectation of privacy 合理的隱私期望
16. user agreement 用戶協議
17. degrees of privacy 隱私度
18. promises to follow up 承諾後續(行動)
19. user data 用戶資訊
20. shape our thinking 塑造我們的想法
時事英文: https://goo.gl/sDXss4
2nd Day of Questions: https://www.facebook.com/ajplusenglish/videos/1179481748859997/
Extended reading:
Full video: https://www.facebook.com/NPR/videos/10156814126021756
gap 劍橋 在 Prepare for Cambridge: First - Gap Fill - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Get ready for part six of the Reading & Use of English paper with this guide to the Gap Fill Reading task. Then take a look at an example ... ... <看更多>
gap 劍橋 在 Stop Gap Cambridge - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Stop Gap Cambridge. 189 likes. The City of Cambridge is proud to now be a part of the Stop Gap Ramp Project which works to remove physical barriers for... ... <看更多>