[專頁公告] 有關我對BBC記者向蔡總統提問的貼文,存在一些爭議。或許是我表達的不夠清楚,而此一事件也有其複雜性,因此經大家傳來傳去後,遂造成諸多不必要的誤解與糾紛。於此,對該貼文的疏漏表達歉意的同時,我也想藉這個機會,向大家澄清我的個人觀點,並提供具體的說明。
原本文章和影片:http://bit.ly/36QOKNP (請務必閱讀背景資料)
Thank you very much, and congratulations first, President Tsai, on tonight’s result. A few months ago, you were struggling in the polls. Many people suggest that the turnaround in your fortunes is because of the actions of China. Its threats that you mentioned tonight. Its putting of the aircraft carriers through the Taiwan Strait, the situation in Hong Kong. So my question to you is this: Do you think you have the Chinese president Xi Jinping to thank for this victory.*
have sb to thank (for sth) 對(某人)感謝
1. to say that you are grateful to someone who is responsible for something good happening. This expression is sometimes used HUMOROUSLY to mean that you are not grateful for what someone has done.
2. If you have someone to thank for something, that person is responsible or to blame for it. 由(某人)對……負責;應責怪(某人)
在長年旅居美國的生活經驗中,隨處都可聽見以雙關作為諷刺性質的幽默(my sarcasm detector is functional)。事實上,從我的回應也不難看出,我認為不恰當的地方乃在於,提問的內容及其所強調者──中國因素:
The people of Taiwan do not have General Secretary Xi Jinping to "thank" for this democratic victory. They have the sacrifices of thousands of democratic reformers and activists around the world to thank for their right to vote and the right to have their voices heard. It is unfortunate that the threats you mentioned are perceived by some as being responsible for tonight's victory.
毫無疑問,有些人並不同意我的回應。但是,若您稍加觀察,便可發現我是圍繞著「have…to thank、 對(某人)感謝」來進行回應,並提出個人觀點。別人用幽默的語氣問我 ,並不代表我不能以字面上的意涵去作正式甚至有一點俏皮的回應。當時,我若在「thank、感謝」周圍加上引號*,唸起來就會有特別的語氣,或許能更加凸顯我充分理解幽默的部分。不幸的是,我並沒有這樣做,致使許多人不理解我的本意。
由於「have sb to thank (for sth)」包含了正面與負面的意涵,而有時也會被幽默地使用。因此幾個小時後(大約凌晨2點),我開始收到一些訊息,告知我並不理解英式幽默。此時我才意識到,自己的貼文不夠明確,使得部分讀者無法理解我為文的重點。在我迅速添加了「have sb to thank (for sth)」的定義後(http://bit.ly/2NnxHv2),便未多想而上床睡覺了。第二天,我下午上班回到家後,卻看到某些針對我貼文所作的評論,認為我不僅對英式幽默缺乏理解,還錯誤地翻譯了該問句。以下,我將對兩種主要的評論作出回應。
have sb to thank (for sth)
1. to say that you are grateful to someone who is responsible for something good happening. This expression is sometimes used HUMOROUSLY to mean that you are not grateful for what someone has done.
I have Phil to thank for getting me my first job.
2. If you have someone to thank for something, that person is responsible or to blame for it.
You have John to thank for this problem.
該專頁也認為我誤解了「have sb to thank (for sth)」──僅譯出「感謝」的字面義而無提供其餘意涵──此一片語。但事實上,我的貼文裡早已附上相關資訊。
在言談分析(discourse analysis)中,僅「thank you」一詞就有許多不同的解釋方式。言語的闡釋與翻譯,必須考慮到語調、肢體語言以及社會環境。我絕對不是專業的翻譯,但誠如下列連結的內容所顯示,文字媒體大多只會提供直譯──亦即「感謝」,畢竟要以短短的幾行文字來完整表達講者的意圖,並非易事。因此,絕大多數的文字報導(包含我的貼文)也附有新聞發布會的完整影片,以為讀者提供更清晰的背景與脈絡。同時,記者也會有自己的顧慮(受眾),因此文字的使用必須盡可能地言簡意賅,以與讀者產生共鳴。
I am not a professional translator by any means, but a literal translation is sometimes provided because it is immensely difficult to get across the full intent of the speaker with a few lines of text. Just the phrase "thank you" could be interpreted in diverse ways in discourse analysis. Interpretation and translation of speech require consideration of stress, body language, and social contexts. If the reporters above provided a connotative translation, the language used would be subjective as it would directly reflect what the translator believes to be the speaker's intentional meaning. Thus, a full video of the press conference was included in nearly every one of the reports to provide readers with additional context. Journalists also have pragmatic concerns (reach, readership), so the language used has to be specific, emphatic, and concise. These reasons might offer some insight into why「道謝」was used instead of a connotative translation.
「general situation 中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於general situation 中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於general situation 中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於general situation 中文 在 民主進步黨 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於general situation 中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於general situation 中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於general situation 中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
general situation 中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[專頁公告] 有關我對BBC記者向蔡總統提問的貼文,存在一些爭議。或許是我表達的不夠清楚,而此一事件也有其複雜性,因此經大家傳來傳去後,遂造成諸多不必要的誤解與糾紛。於此,對該貼文的疏漏表達歉意的同時,我也想藉這個機會,向大家澄清我的個人觀點,並提供具體的說明。
原本文章和影片:http://bit.ly/36QOKNP (請務必閱讀背景資料)
Thank you very much, and congratulations first, President Tsai, on tonight’s result. A few months ago, you were struggling in the polls. Many people suggest that the turnaround in your fortunes is because of the actions of China. Its threats that you mentioned tonight. Its putting of the aircraft carriers through the Taiwan Strait, the situation in Hong Kong. So my question to you is this: Do you think you have the Chinese president Xi Jinping to thank for this victory.*
have sb to thank (for sth) 對(某人)感謝
1. to say that you are grateful to someone who is responsible for something good happening. This expression is sometimes used HUMOROUSLY to mean that you are not grateful for what someone has done.
2. If you have someone to thank for something, that person is responsible or to blame for it. 由(某人)對……負責;應責怪(某人)
在長年旅居美國的生活經驗中,隨處都可聽見以雙關作為諷刺性質的幽默(my sarcasm detector is functional)。事實上,從我的回應也不難看出,我認為不恰當的地方乃在於,提問的內容及其所強調者──中國因素:
The people of Taiwan do not have General Secretary Xi Jinping to "thank" for this democratic victory. They have the sacrifices of thousands of democratic reformers and activists around the world to thank for their right to vote and the right to have their voices heard. It is unfortunate that the threats you mentioned are perceived by some as being responsible for tonight's victory.
毫無疑問,有些人並不同意我的回應。但是,若您稍加觀察,便可發現我是圍繞著「have…to thank、 對(某人)感謝」來進行回應,並提出個人觀點。別人用幽默的語氣問我 ,並不代表我不能以字面上的意涵去作正式甚至有一點俏皮的回應。當時,我若在「thank、感謝」周圍加上引號*,唸起來就會有特別的語氣,或許能更加凸顯我充分理解幽默的部分。不幸的是,我並沒有這樣做,致使許多人不理解我的本意。
由於「have sb to thank (for sth)」包含了正面與負面的意涵,而有時也會被幽默地使用。因此幾個小時後(大約凌晨2點),我開始收到一些訊息,告知我並不理解英式幽默。此時我才意識到,自己的貼文不夠明確,使得部分讀者無法理解我為文的重點。在我迅速添加了「have sb to thank (for sth)」的定義後(http://bit.ly/2NnxHv2),便未多想而上床睡覺了。第二天,我下午上班回到家後,卻看到某些針對我貼文所作的評論,認為我不僅對英式幽默缺乏理解,還錯誤地翻譯了該問句。以下,我將對兩種主要的評論作出回應。
have sb to thank (for sth)
1. to say that you are grateful to someone who is responsible for something good happening. This expression is sometimes used HUMOROUSLY to mean that you are not grateful for what someone has done.
I have Phil to thank for getting me my first job.
2. If you have someone to thank for something, that person is responsible or to blame for it.
You have John to thank for this problem.
該專頁也認為我誤解了「have sb to thank (for sth)」──僅譯出「感謝」的字面義而無提供其餘意涵──此一片語。但事實上,我的貼文裡早已附上相關資訊。
在言談分析(discourse analysis)中,僅「thank you」一詞就有許多不同的解釋方式。言語的闡釋與翻譯,必須考慮到語調、肢體語言以及社會環境。我絕對不是專業的翻譯,但誠如下列連結的內容所顯示,文字媒體大多只會提供直譯──亦即「感謝」,畢竟要以短短的幾行文字來完整表達講者的意圖,並非易事。因此,絕大多數的文字報導(包含我的貼文)也附有新聞發布會的完整影片,以為讀者提供更清晰的背景與脈絡。同時,記者也會有自己的顧慮(受眾),因此文字的使用必須盡可能地言簡意賅,以與讀者產生共鳴。
I am not a professional translator by any means, but a literal translation is sometimes provided because it is immensely difficult to get across the full intent of the speaker with a few lines of text. Just the phrase "thank you" could be interpreted in diverse ways in discourse analysis. Interpretation and translation of speech require consideration of stress, body language, and social contexts. If the reporters above provided a connotative translation, the language used would be subjective as it would directly reflect what the translator believes to be the speaker's intentional meaning. Thus, a full video of the press conference was included in nearly every one of the reports to provide readers with additional context. Journalists also have pragmatic concerns (reach, readership), so the language used has to be specific, emphatic, and concise. These reasons might offer some insight into why「道謝」was used instead of a connotative translation.
general situation 中文 在 民主進步黨 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【民主進步黨 31 週年黨慶外交使節酒會 蔡英文主席致詞全文】
Members of the diplomatic community distinguished guests good afternoon!
Nine years ago I took the chairpersonship of the Democratic Progressive Party for the first time. As many of you may know in the same year the party had just lost the 2008 presidential election.
To rebuild the people’s trust in the DPP I launched a small-donor campaign. I asked the public for their support so that we could get back on our feet again and become a viable opposition party.
I knew regaining the public’s confidence would take time so I didn’t expect the response to come quickly. Within a month a lady who earned a living by washing dishes sent us an envelope. There was 20000 dollars and a note inside. The note said: “I ask for nothing in return but your party to safeguard the sovereignty of Taiwan”.
There were tens of thousands of people like her. They came from all walks of life generously pledging their support for the DPP. They felt strongly about the democratic values the party stood for. They believed the DPP is a force capable of moving Taiwan forward once again.
Today I am here commemorating the 31st anniversary of the DPP with you in my capacity as Taiwan’s ruling party. I am pleased to have the opportunity to say we are delivering on those expectations. We have not shied away from the momentous responsibilities placed upon us.
Since my election I have completed pension reform a task previous administrations were not able to achieve. The number of social housing throughout Taiwan is rapidly increasing. Our long-term care plan is gradually benefitting more and more seniors.
One of our most critical pieces of legislation the forward-looking infrastructure plan has passed. At the same time we are also working to reform the military the judiciary and the tax system.
Our economy is improving too. Export orders have seen 12 consecutive months of growth. GDP growth has exceeded past expectations. Following the announcement of public sector wage increases the private sector is also following suit. The unemployment rate in August was 3.76 per cent the lowest it had been in 26 months.
In addition to this we have taken steadfast and pragmatic steps to broaden Taiwan’s international space and strengthen relations with countries around the world.
Of particular importance are Taiwan’s diplomatic allies. We are grateful to the 15 countries that voiced their support for Taiwan at the UN General Assembly earlier this month. We are determined to work with all diplomatic allies in order to more effectively support their development.
For like-minded countries we are furthering trade and investment ties as well as cooperation on issues like innovation green energy and science and technology. We have kept in close communication regarding the shared security challenges in the region.
Another one of our foreign policy priorities is the New Southbound Policy. We have worked tirelessly for Taiwan to play a greater role in the region particularly in areas of trade investment education tourism and culture.
We’re seeing the dividends of such efforts. Tourism from New Southbound countries has increased by 36.7% from the year prior. Trade is up 19.39%. The number of students from these countries has also increased by almost 10%. All of this has brought Taiwan and New Southbound countries closer together.
Taiwan would not be where it is today without support from international society. The countries you represent have walked with Taiwan along our journey towards a democracy. Together we have witnessed Taiwan’s transition from a net-recipient to a contributor around the world.
Today it is undeniable that Taiwan is an active member of the international community. I’m sure that our efforts in health education human rights regional security and climate change have not gone unnoticed around the world.
In fact we recently released our very first Voluntary National Review documenting our efforts for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In the coming years Taiwan’s international participation will continue to face many challenges. Taiwan deserves your support so that as a partner we can contribute to a safer healthier and more prosperous global community.
I started this speech with a story of how one step at a time the DPP regained the trust and confidence of the people.
This story is also relevant for Taiwan’s international situation. Only through continued support from international society even if it is incremental can Taiwan play a greater role around the world.
We have already made our intentions clear. Taiwan is ready to work with each of your countries to create a more democratic secure and prosperous international society. I hope that you will also be willing to work with Taiwan for a better joint future.
I would like to thank you all for coming today. Let us raise our glasses to cheer for our continued friendship. Cheers! Thank you!