ground shatter 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
★ Donald Trump 當總統對台灣是好還是壞呢?「承認敗選」「政治動盪」的英文怎麼說?30個了解美國大選不可不知道的英文搭配詞 ★
[1] drop a bombshell 投下震撼彈
[2] stun the world 震驚世界
a Brexit-style shock 如同英國脫歐般的震撼彈
[3] a website to crash 網站癱瘓
(e.g. Canada’s immigration website crashed. 加拿大移民網站癱瘓)
[4] a victory speech 勝選感言 a concession speech 敗選感言
[5] concede election 承認敗選
[6] pass the election threshold 超過勝選門檻
[7] a cliffhanger / closely-matched election 難分軒輊的選舉
[8] find common ground / the common denominator 尋求共通點、共識
[9] a real estate mogul 房地產大亨
[10] the volatile stock market 多變、不穩定的股票市場
[11] to steady the currency 穩定貨幣
[12] political turmoil 政治動盪 (to be in~ / to be in a state of~)
[13] shatter / break through the glass ceiling (打破女性在職場無法向上攀升的困境)
[14] economic doldrums 經濟成長停滯、蕭條 (to be in~)
[15] a smooth transition 順利的交接 (確保~to ensure~)
(或口語一點的可說 Obama to hand over the office to Trump)
[16] heal wounds / the divisions 撫平傷痕 / 彌平差異
[17] the US military to withdraw 撤除軍力派守
[18] repeal Obama’s healthcare plan 撤除歐巴馬的健保計畫
[19] plans to be thrown out 計畫被剔除 (The Obama Administration 的計畫)
[20] develop nuclear weapons / arsenals 發展核子武器
[21] nuclear proliferation 核子武器擴散
[22] impose a 45 percent tariff on Chinese exports to the US
[23] steep tariff(s) 用以形容沈重的或高的關稅
[24] punitive tariffs 懲罰性的關稅
[25] tear up / rip up trade agreements 終結貿易的協定
[26] protectionist trade policies 貿易保護主義下的政策
[27] implement policy pledges 實行對於政策的諾言
[28] rebuild US infrastructure 重啟美國大型公共建設
[29] build a wall on the southern US border with Mexico 在美墨邊境逐「長城」
[30] forge strong relations with other big countries 和其他強國建立友好關係