去咗由香港貿發局舉辦嘅5合1展嘅發佈會,包括 #香港國際美酒展(特別展)及美食博覽等,由8月12日至8月16日係會展舉行!香港國際美酒展每年都係11月舉行,今年新加8月特別展,搵嚟50多個酒商展覽,可以買到葡萄酒、清酒、威士忌及手工啤酒等,包羅萬有!我仲會係8月14日星期六下午5:45係現場同大家分享「詩詩與你美酒佳餚繼續吹」!到時會介紹5款現場可以買到嘅酒同美食配搭!快啲mark定日子嚟分享會呀!
Attended HKTDC 5 in 1 Expo press conference, including HK International Wine & Spirits Fair (Special Edition) & Food Expo, from 12-16 August in HKCEC. HK International Wine & Spirits Fair usually exhibits in November, it’s great to have this Special Edition in August! With over 50 exhibitors, you can shop for wine, sake, whiskies, craft beer & many more in one go! I’ll also appear on 14 August (Saturday) at 5:45pm to host a “Wine & Spirits Pairing with CC” sharing session sharing 5 different pairings and you can buy the wine & spirits and food in the Expo right away! Please mark your diary and hope to see you in my sharing session!
#ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #wine #winelover #spirits #sake #whisky #beer
#HKTDC #hktdcfairs #hkfoodexpo #hkwinefair #hkteafair #hkhomedelightsexpo #hkbeautyexpo HKTDC Exhibition Channel 香港貿發局展覽頻道 #hongkonginternationalwineandspiritsfair2021
hk whisky shop 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳貼文
嚟自蘇格蘭嘅Copper Dog 抵港!充滿果香同香料嘅Copper Dog Blended Whisky都幾多黑胡椒同姜嘅辛辣味!係Barber Shop試飲,睇住其他男士剪頭髮,好有趣!Copper Dog 其實系威士忌術語,係以前威士忌廠嘅員工係廠靜靜雞用嚟偷威士忌返屋企飲用嘅銅管,亦都係Craigellachie酒店嘅酒吧名!好有型嘅狗🐶!🥃🎉🥳
@Copper Dog from Scotland has arrived in HK! Full of fruity and spice flavors, Copper Dog blended whisky has quite a lot of black pepper and ginger spicy notes, interesting! Tried it at a barber shop while watching gentleman having haircut there. It’s actually a term which means workers from old whisky distillery would use copper dog to draw some whisky home privately, which is made of copper. It is now the bar’s name of Craigellachie hotel. Wow, such a cool dog!🐶🥃🎉🥳
#whisky #whiskylaunch #scotch #blendedwhisky #copperdogwhisky #dram #ccwhiskyvoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #hairhousebyadamchan Whisky Magazine
hk whisky shop 在 HK foodie Facebook 的最佳貼文
Whisky 🥃 GIVEAWAY‼️Monkey Shoulder係史上第一款三重麥芽威士忌,由三個不同嘅單一麥芽威士忌混合而成!口感順滑,甜甜地幾易入口
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11月15日會公佈得獎名單🎁我會將Monkey Shoulder寄到你屋企❤️
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