🎥President Tsai honors two Marines killed in Han Kuang military exercises in early July
漢光演訓意外殉職公祭 總統頒贈褒揚令
The two Marines killed in a boating accident during the annual Han Kuang military exercises earlier this month in Kaohsiung were honored Sunday. In a memorial ceremony, President Tsai presented the fallen soldiers with Medals of Marine Corps, presidential citations and promoted their ranks posthumously~ to highlight their dedication. The U.S. de facto ambassador in Taiwan Brent Christensen was also on hand to pay his respects.
發生在這個月3日, 左營海軍陸戰隊突擊艇翻覆,造成官兵兩死一重傷,今天舉行隆重的公祭典禮,除了頒授陸戰獎章、追晉官階,總統蔡英文也特別南下頒贈褒揚令,表彰他們恪盡職守、英勇奉獻的精神。美國在台協會處長酈英傑亦前往致敬。
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