【媽媽們 💐 母親節快樂!】
#魔法部 第五屆「全民潮台灣」首獎影片 #媽媽的樣子
描繪在 #台灣 這片多元包容的土地上
祝所有的媽媽們 #母親節快樂 💝
#記得跟媽媽說愛妳 😘
#原始中文字幕版 👉 https://reurl.cc/vDpxbl
#HappyMothersDay! Although you might not be able to celebrate with your mom in person due to the #lockdown and #SocialDistancing measures in place in many countries around the world, we’re sure a call or a video chat would make your mom’s day, so why not pick up your phone or fire up your computer? We’re sure she’ll be reassured to hear that the number of #COVID19 cases in Taiwan has been stable enough that even some restrictions on baseball game attendance have been eased!
#BaseballNation #MommasBoy #MommasGirl
「have a phone call 中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於have a phone call 中文 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於have a phone call 中文 在 Fernando Chiu-hung Cheung 張超雄 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於have a phone call 中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於have a phone call 中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於have a phone call 中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於have a phone call 中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
have a phone call 中文 在 Fernando Chiu-hung Cheung 張超雄 Facebook 的最佳解答
"Tips for Specialized Out-Patient Clinic (SOPC ) Follow-up Visits"
Due to the current outbreak of novel coronavirus, the Hospital Authority has activated Emergency Response Level in public hospitals. Patients may have doubts about how to attend Specialized Out-patient clinics scheduled visits. Flexible arrangements initiated by the Hospital Authority are in effect now. The public can refer to the following information.
問:我擔心會感染到病毒,無去到或者唔想去醫院 / 診所覆診,咁點算呀🤷🏻♂🤷🏻♀?
答:唔駛擔心😊,你可以喺覆診紙上面搵番醫院 / 診所電話☎,打電話去搵同事幫手。同事會因應實際情況,安排另一個覆診期📅俾你。
Question: I am worried about being infected by the virus. I don’t want to visit the hospital / clinic, or even show up for a scheduled appointment. What should I do?
Answer: There’s no need to worry. Please find the phone number printed on the appointment slip. Please use it to call our colleagues and s/he will make a new appointment for you according to your situation.
Due to heavy call volume, the enquiry hotline may be difficult to reach. Please leave your contact number clearly when leaving a message. If it is not an emergency, you can consider faxing a message requesting for a reschedule. Remember to write your contact phone number clearly. The clinic colleagues will reply to you.
Question: My medication supplies are running low, and I can’t wait till the coming medical appointment. What should I do?
Answer: When our colleagues are rearranging your appointment, please tell her/him that you do not have enough medicines. Our colleagues will make necessary arrangements so that you can get the medicines from the Pharmacy, or s/he will arrange an earlier appointment for you.
The English version is translated by a friend of mine. HA has provided the information in Chinese only.
Please refer to the following HA website for original source (Chinese version only):
Caring for your neighbor and people around you, please spread the message.
have a phone call 中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最佳解答
大推! 希望中文版的翻譯品質能保有原作的精神。美國前 CIA IT 人員,也是2013年震撼世界的吹哨者Edward Snowdon (史諾登)的自傳,出乎我意料的好看。
書中精彩描述他如何帶著貢獻國家的使命感進入CIA IT 的工作,到因著天生好奇心開始發現不尋常之處,然後意識的他所鍾愛的國家以“安全”之名進行的全球監控,然後經歷內心無止盡的掙扎最後決定揭露此事的過程。不但故事精彩,他還是一個非常好的寫作者。包括童年成長背景如何早就他的性格,然後讓一般沒有科技背景的人,可以很容易了解關於網路和雲端技術,關於駭客,關於隱私權被破壞是什麼意義,以及這樣架構背後的意義是什麼。在他的痛苦陳述中,也不乏一些自嘲和幽默。兼具層次,深度,戲劇性,和節奏感的精彩閱讀。
然後,身為人類最後一個經歷過沒有網路的世代 (之後的人打從出生就一直不斷留下數位足跡),他如何看待這個不可逆的轉變以及對於仍保有個人自由的呼籲和期望?
“Content is usually defined as sonething you knowingly produce. You know what you're saying during a phone call, or what you're writing in an email. But you hardly have any control over the meta data you produce, because its generated automatically. Just as its collected, stored, and analyzed by machine, its made by machine, too, without your participation or even consent. Your devices are constantly commuticating for you whether you want them to or not. And, unlike the humans you communicate with of your own volition, your devices wont withhold private information or use code words in an attempt to be discreet. They merely ping the nearest cell phone towers with singnal that never lie. ”
“一般人對於內容(個人資訊)的認知,是你有意識傳達出來的訊息。你知道自己在電話上說了些什麼,也知道自己在郵件裡寫了什麼。但你對於自己所產生出來的後設資料 (Metadata,指資料本身所表現出的行為或是意義)毫無控制,因為它通常是自動產生的。這樣的資料是機器(手機,電腦,或任何聯網設備)所收集,儲存,和分析的,也是機器不需要你的參與也不經你的同意所做的行為。你的設備隨時都在替你用與網路交換信息,無論是你是否希望它這麼做。而且不同於你在自由意志中所願意溝通的人類,你的設備不會為你保密或是刻意使用一些隱晦的用詞以示慎重。它們就是單純的與最接近的通訊基地台連結,忠實地傳送著決不會說謊的通訊信號”
全文與中文版鏈結在部落格中 👇👇👇
#Snowden #CIA #Hacker #PermanantRecord #WhistleBlower #史諾登 #吹哨者 #永久檔案