『Redress 設計大賽」展示了新晉設計師的魄力,為可持續發展帶來無限可能。現時的時裝廢料數量是不能接受的,全球每秒鐘就有相當於一輛垃圾車的紡織品送去填埋或焚燒。預計至2030 年,紡織廢料將增加60%。據說設計師大約能決定八成產品對環境的影響,所以教育對於每屆Redress設計大賽都事關重要。
Redress的使命是减少時裝廢料,而比賽核心標準為轉化各種廢料以推動循環時裝。來自58個國家和地區的設計在公開召集後申請參賽,最終10 名總決賽參賽者採購了當地的廢料——包括卷軸尾端布料、樣品廢料、二手服装、校服、船單、損壞的露營設備來創作他們各自的男女裝比賽系列。
繼9月11日在香港舉辦,由真人模特兒與虛擬模特兒走台的總決賽時裝表演後,致力減少時裝廢料的領軍非牟利機構Redress現正宣布2021年度「Redress 設計大賽」獎項得主:
2021年度「REDRESS設計大賽」與TIMBERLAND合作大獎: Jessica Chang暢芷荺 (台灣)
2021年度「REDRESS設計大賽」優異獎 ORSOLA DE CASTRO 啟導計劃: 金蓓雯 (台灣)
2021年度「REDRESS設計大賽」最佳香港設計師: Psy Lau 劉倩怡(香港)
2021年度「REDRESS設計大賽」人氣大獎:Tulika Ranjan (印度)
2021年度「REDRESS設計大賽」與KIPLING合作歷屆參賽者獎項得主: Beatrice Bocconi (義大利); and Grace Lant (香港)
#Redress #Redress設計大奬 #recycle #recycledfashion Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Redress Design Award Redress
同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅hulan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,現代主義建築最後大師」華裔美籍建築師貝聿銘辭世,享嵩壽102歲。他曾獲有建築界諾貝爾獎美譽的普利茲克獎,「羅浮宮金字塔是他最為人津津樂道的作品之一。 1984年,在時任法國總統密特朗(Francois Mitterrand)委託下,貝聿銘替羅浮宮主庭院設計由玻璃和金屬建造的巨大金字塔,作為主要入口,...
「hong kong design award」的推薦目錄:
hong kong design award 在 Marco Chan Facebook 的最佳解答
11/9 We are back on Fashion Runway
天橋時尚見 💃🏼🕺🏻🙌🏻
KMS Hong Kong Redress Design Award MarcoPro Artists Hair & Makeup www.instagram.com/marcochanpro
hong kong design award 在 Krissi Cristina Facebook 的最讚貼文
📣 Exhibition Alert! 📣
What is the future of sustainable fashion? Find out more at the #RedressDesignAward 2020 Exhibition. Happening NOW!!
Showcasing the best of the best of hundreds of sustainable designers around the world who applied for the 10th anniversary cycle of the Redress Design Award, along with several esteemed Alumni of the competition.
Stop by the exhibition at @theforesthk until 6 Dec 2020.
♥️ @getredressed @ Hong Kong
hong kong design award 在 hulan Youtube 的最讚貼文
1984年,在時任法國總統密特朗(Francois Mitterrand)委託下,貝聿銘替羅浮宮主庭院設計由玻璃和金屬建造的巨大金字塔,作為主要入口,周圍環繞3個相同造型的小型金字塔,於1989年完工。
貝聿銘18歲時留學美國,在賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)攻讀建築,之後轉往麻省理工學院(MIT),1940年取得MIT建築學士學位,1946年取得哈佛大學建築碩士學位,1954年成為美國公民。
貝聿銘踏入建築界後展現設計高樓大廈的長才,1955年與在地產商齊氏威奈(Webb & Knapp)共事的建築師一同成立貝聿銘建築師事務所(I.M. Pei &Associates),事業逐漸起飛。
貝聿銘生前獲得眾多榮耀,最受矚目的是1983年獲頒普利茲克建築獎(Pritzker Architecture Prize)。
1984年,在时任法国总统密特朗(Francois Mitterrand)委托下,贝聿铭替罗浮宫主庭院设计由玻璃和金属建造的巨大金字塔,作为主要入口,周围环绕3个相同造型的小型金字塔,于1989年完工。
Ieoh Ming Pei, FAIA, RIBA[1] (26 April 1917 – 16 May 2019) was a Chinese-American architect. Born in Guangzhou and raised in Hong Kong and Shanghai, Pei drew inspiration at an early age from the gardens at Suzhou. In 1935, he moved to the United States and enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania's architecture school, but quickly transferred to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was unhappy with the focus at both schools on Beaux-Arts architecture, and spent his free time researching emerging architects, especially Le Corbusier. After graduating, he joined the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) and became a friend of the Bauhaus architects Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer. In 1948, Pei was recruited by New York City real estate magnate William Zeckendorf, for whom he worked for seven years before establishing his own independent design firm I. M. Pei & Associates in 1955, which became I. M. Pei & Partners in 1966 and later in 1989 became Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. Pei retired from full-time practice in 1990. Since then, he has taken on work as an architectural consultant primarily from his sons' architectural firm Pei Partnership Architects.
Pei's first major recognition came with the Mesa Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado (designed in 1961, and completed in 1967). His new stature led to his selection as chief architect for the John F. Kennedy Library in Massachusetts. He went on to design Dallas City Hall and the East Building of the National Gallery of Art. He returned to China for the first time in 1975 to design a hotel at Fragrant Hills, and designed Bank of China Tower, Hong Kong, a skyscraper in Hong Kong for the Bank of China fifteen years later. In the early 1980s, Pei was the focus of controversy when he designed a glass-and-steel pyramid for the Musée du Louvre in Paris. He later returned to the world of the arts by designing the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, the Miho Museum in Japan, the Suzhou Museum in Suzhou,[2] Museum of Islamic Art in Qatar, and the Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art, abbreviated to Mudam, in Luxembourg.
Pei won a wide variety of prizes and awards in the field of architecture, including the AIA Gold Medal in 1979, the first Praemium Imperiale for Architecture in 1989, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in 2003. In 1983, he won the Pritzker Prize, sometimes called the Nobel Prize of architecture.

hong kong design award 在 Dd tai Youtube 的精選貼文
香港知專設計學院Hong Kong Design Institute成立於2007年,位於新界將軍澳調景嶺景嶺路3號,是香港職業訓練局為培育訓練設計人材而成立的專上院校。提供不同設計範疇的高級文憑、學士學位、碩士學位及持續進修課程。學院透過多元化的設計課程,加強學生對文化及環保的觸覺,促進跨學科的融匯交流,以啟發學生的創作思考。學院與業界保持緊密聯繫,透過與設計業界合辦的項目及實習計劃,讓學生獲取工作經驗。園境建築及建築設計的兩個學科專用工作室,設置於香港專業教育學院觀塘分校校園。相關設計學生可同時參與由此學院及該學院所舉辦的活動。香港知專設計學院設有四個學系,分別是:
• 建築設計
• 傢俱及時尚產品設計
• 珠寶及形象產品設計
• 珠寶設計及科技
• 園境建築
• 產品、室內及展覽設計(科目組)
• 舞臺及佈景設計
• 廣告設計
• 創意媒體
• 數位音樂及媒體
• 電影及電視
• 出版設計及印刷媒體
• 超媒體
• 視覺傳意
3.基礎設計學系(DeFS)為 HKDI 所有一年級學生提供基礎的設計課程,藉此培養他們對設計的興趣,發展其創作潛能,為學生日後在設計方面的發展建立良好基礎。除此之外,學系同時亦為其他級別學生的學習注入文化研習及可持續設計的元素,豐富他們的知識及視野。
• 視覺藝術與文化
• 新聞視覺設計
• 演藝造型設計
• 時裝品牌策劃及採購
• 時裝設計
• 時裝設計男裝
• 時裝形象設計
• 時裝媒體設計
HKDI Gallery 隆重呈獻首次於亞洲展出的城市規劃模型項目展覽「夢建城市」(“Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec – Urban Daydreaming”),展示法國設計組合布魯萊克兄弟(Ronan & Erwan BOUROULLEC)對城市發展提出的多個研究方案。布魯萊克兄弟為近10年國際設計舞台最受矚目的設計師之一,先後榮獲多個國際設計大獎所頒發的「年度最佳設計師」殊榮,其中包括2016年Wallpaper* 設計大獎(Wallpaper* Design Award) 。展覽以想像中的各種城市新形態為主題,通過模型與影片呈現蜿蜒曲折、富未來感的都市風景。作為國際設計界的頂尖領袖人物,布魯萊克兄弟於展覽首次涉獵城市發展範疇;這些設計項目背後的創作意念大多源於大自然如何與城市互動,透過詳細的實例方案重新探索都巿中建築物、行人路、噴泉等公共設施與樹林種植間的關係,從多方面探討環境保育問題。是次展覽透過詳細的城市規劃實例方案,探索將大自然融入市區的不同可行性,並提議以不同方法將樹木、動物、水和火等自然元素帶回市區,平衡城巿環境發展的需要。展覽猶如一齣發人深省的舞台劇,讓觀眾彷如置身於一幕幕都巿場景之中。「夢建城市」展覽嶄新的設計方案允許觀眾大膽想像未來都市的各種場景。焦點展品包括以涼亭設計融合空中花園的「雲」(“Clouds”)、以綠色植物結構形成遮陰長廊的「涼棚」(“Pergola”),以及設計成平台兼大型公共長凳的多用途結構「平台」(“Platforms”)。

hong kong design award 在 chungdha Youtube 的最讚貼文
I have reached 100.000 subscribers and today had received a special package from Youtube, the Youtube Creator Award Silver Play button!!!
I could not have done this without all the help from my Subscribers, as a big thank you and also because my birthday is coming up. I have a special giveaway, I will be giving away one 1 year free subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud, so make sure you join the fam and be subscribed to my channel.
Honestly didn't knew they have change the entire design of this award and make it into a large metal plaque. I will make a box for this award to be placed into though as it being metal and also looks like easy to get dust on it.
Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro - http://goo.gl/k2EagF
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#MusicMonday - Is all about audio, review / test audio equipement or showcase music that I like.
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#WisdomWednesday - Review, Tips or Tutorials about filmmaking
#ThrowbackThursday / #TBT - Talking about old camera gear
#FeatureFriday - I will feature a professional, who I will interview or ask about techniques and development in the world of filmmaking. Or I will showcase products I find useful at the moment.
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Hi! My name is Chung Dha, if you ever meet me IRL you can also say Jona. I am a Photographer, Awards winning Filmmaker and Graphic Designer from Rotterdam,The Netherlands. This channel is all about information, tutorials and more to help filmmakers and I personally like to checkout new tech and even make my own. Other things you will find on this channel are a lot of editing tutorials, travel vlogs and DIY tutorials. If you want to know what I am doing or be posted of the next video, subscribe to my channel or follow me on my other social media.
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Chung Dha © 2018 Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong