Journey into the future of fashion at LANDMARK
and explore 75 of Hong Kong’s local designers
(Hong Kong, 7 July 2020) JUXTAPOSED 2020, hosted by the Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA) and sponsored by Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the collaborative duo present a new and experiential fashion exhibition along with two concept stores. After captivating the fashion industry with its large-scale outdoor exhibitions, JUXTAPOSED is taking on a new form, from simple displays to multi-party interactive experiences. As a key luxury fashion shopping destination in Hong Kong, LANDMARK has been chosen to host the ten-day JUXTAPOSED 2020 Fashion Exhibition and Limited Concept Store. Displaying the works of 75 Hong Kong fashion designers, this exhibition reveals the future possibilities of fashion development while deepening the audience’s understanding of the diverse aesthetics of local fashion designers.
Exploring the future development of fashion
HKFDA not only continues to promote the development of local fashion designers and fashion culture, but to drive the innovations of fashion alongside technology. With rapid global changes in recent years, it is a pivotal time in the fashion industry. Technology has become a greater part of our daily life as a result of this, fashion designers are exploring other forms of fashion design not only in the materials they use but also the ways in which the audience experiences it. Through their shared values and passion for innovative fashion and culture, HKFDA has the pleasure to cooperate with LANDMARK as its venue partner to pursue and create inspiring fashion experiences.
From now till 16 July 2020, with the theme of "Inheriting Tradition, Connecting Technology, and Stepping into the Future", HKFDA's JUXTAPOSED 2020 has transformed LANDMARK ATRIUM into a fashion stage to explore the future. This collaboration marks a notable change for the JUXTAPOSED series of events, taking the exhibition and designs directly to the public audience.
Concept stores linking life and fashion
JUXTAPOSED 2020 will have two concept stores are located at shop 116A and shop B10 of LANDMARK ATRIUM and will showcase up to 4 sets of the designers work. In addition, there will be areas with more innovative and bold designs, as well as exquisite and highly practical fashion products.
Further enhancing the exhibition experience, visitors will be able to purchase the exclusive designs on the spot through LANDMARK's online shopping platform, Style Concierge of the LANDMARK HongKong app between now and 6 August 2020. With over 170 designer creations on display, the exhibition is a brand-new experience from appreciation to purchase and is a new path into the future development of fashion trends.
Inspiration through a diversity of lenses
In addition to physical exhibitions and online shopping, the HKFDA is reinterpreting 75 groups of exhibited works through the lens of 4 new Hong Kong photographers: Lamb Yu, Leung Mo, Deon Wong, and Isaac Lam. Fashion, as seen through their unique perspectives, further inspires cross-industry creativity between photography and fashion. A series of works will also be displayed on a rotation basis in the exhibition space, echoing the exhibition’s installation. It will provide more space for the imagination, leading visitors on a journey into the future of fashion, and exploring the infinite possibilities together.
The Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association invites your organisation to send staff to interview and report on related activities:
Date: (Tuesday) 7 – (Thursday) 16 July 2020
Time: Daily 10:30 – 19:30
Venue: LANDMARK ATRIUM / Shop 116A / Shop B10
Admission Free
Website www.juxtaposed.com.hk
hong kong designers association 在 Anina Ho 何倍倩 Facebook 的最佳解答
日期: 2020年5月28日(星期四)
語言: 廣東話
時間: 下午2:30-4:15
Level 100
面對不可預測的外部因素和當前的形勢, 零售、餐飲、商場的業務大受影響及沖擊。 零售商正在尋求能夠保持業務運營、及時解決當前面對的挑戰,並且易於採用的解決方案, 以填補資源缺口。
而AWS 技術合作伙伴 (AWS Technology Partners) 在 AWS 雲端上以Software as a Service (SaaS) 及託管服務的形式,構建和交付其軟件服務及解決方案,幫助零售商快速應對此挑戰,而無需零售商建立自己的團隊並評估、測試、部署和維護解決方案,以減省客戶大量的人力和時間的投資。
請即加入我們的線上研討會, 探討 AWS 技術合作夥伴在電子商務、電子支付/POS、推廣禮劵同衞生認證方面,特別針對於現時社會環境的解決方案。以幫助零售商加快轉型速度, 並保持業務運營。而我們亦好高興邀請香港零售科技業協會 (RTIA) 為大家分享零售科技趨勢。
Henry Yeung, Vice Chairman, Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association (RTIA)
Plato Wai, General Manager, SHOPLINE
Alex Choi, CEO, BBPOS Merchant Services Ltd.
Hin Lau, Advertising Manager, JAG Ideas
Roy Fok, Project Director, Laclary
hong kong designers association 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的最讚貼文
要求港府「全面封關」 暫緩內地人士訪港
新型冠狀病毒疫情逼近,但香港政府至今的應變措施未能消除公眾憂慮,亦無回應民間要求「封關」阻截內地居民入境的訴求。一群專業組織及人士於 2 月 1 日發表聯署信,呼籲社會各界支持醫護工業行動、立即全面「封關」、不要讓政治凌駕專業等訴求,至今已累積逾十萬人參與聯署,遍及眾多界別,主要來自金融會計、工程、建造、地產、媒體公關、醫護、教育及社福。
聯署總人數:113846 (截至二月三日中午十二時)
陳智遠 | 陳成斌 | 柴文瀚 | 朱浩霆 | 張秀賢 | 周子恩 | 周頴進 | 高廣垣 | 梁啟智 | 林輝 | 林立志 | 沈旭暉 | 利世民 | 曾家洛 | 鄧偉鈞 | 鄧小樺 | 黃英琦 | 黃偉國 | 王冠 | 黃偉豪 | 黃瑞紅 | 孔德維
聯署發起團體 (按英文次序排列):
精算思政 Act Voice
香港會計手足工會籌委會 Accounting Bro' Sis Labour Union
廣告公民 Advertising Civilians
思政築覺 ArchiVision
文化同行 ARTicipants
藝界起動 Artists Action
本草匡時 CM Doctors Cure
民主進步會計師 Democratic Action Accountants
工程思政 Engineer Frontier
思言財雋 Financier Conscience
香港藝術家工會 Hong Kong Artist Union
航空同業陣線籌委會 Hong Kong Aviation Staff Alliance Preparatory Committee
香港教育同行陣線 Hong Kong Educators Alliance
全民教育局 HKEd4All
香港青年專業聯會 Hong Kong Federation of Young Professionals
香港金融業職工總會 Hong Kong Financial Industry Employees General Union
香港金融銀行同路人 HK Finance Fellow
香港人力資源僱員工會籌委會 Hong Kong Human Resources Employees Union Preparatory Committee
香港資訊科技界工會 Hong Kong Information Technology Workers’ Union
香港零售業前線總工會 Hong Kong Retail Frontline Union
香港檢測及認證業職工會 Hong Kong Testing and Certification Union
香港設計師工會籌委 Hong Kong Union of Designers
保險起動 Insurance ARISE
IT 呼聲
新世界第一巴士公司職工會 New World First Bus Company Staff Union
Organizing Committee of Hong Kong Construction and Engineering Employees' General Union
香港舞台藝術從業員工會籌委會 Organising Committee of Hong Kong Theatre Arts Practitioners Union
物業管理從業員工會籌委會 Organizing Committee of Property Management Practitioners Union
香港公司秘書專業人員協會籌委會 Organizing Committee of Hong Kong Company Secretarial Professionals Association
香港製藥及醫療儀器業職工總會籌委會 Organising Committee of Hong Kong Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industries Employees General Union
香港地產代理權益總工會籌委會 Organizing Committee of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Rights and Benefit Association
藥劑連線 Pharmacists Connect
進步教師同盟 Progressive Teachers' Alliance
港鐵新動力 Railway Power
Roundtable Education
社工復興運動 Reclaiming Social Work Movement
香港專業眼科視光師工會籌委會 Union of the HK Professional Optometrists
香港言語治療師總工會 The General Union of Hong Kong Speech Therapists
香港文學館 The House of Hong Kong Literature
活現香港 Walk In Hong Kong
專業崩壞 管治失效
港府應「全面封關」 暫緩內地人士訪港
近日有多宗個案,包括虛報外遊紀錄,擅自離開隔離病房等,造成醫護人員和社區恐慌及不必要的感染風險。政府有必要作出嚴厲呼籲和嚴懲有關行為。 如有失實申報,應採用現行法例,進行檢控。而針對非本地居民,更可以列入訪港黑名單。