Even before Chinese retailers stripped NBA merchandise from their shelves in retaliation for a league executive’s public support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, a yearlong trade war has stoked a surge in Chinese nationalism and anti-American sentiment that’s increasingly bleeding into marketing decisions and consumer buying habits. Companies such as Apple Inc. have seen market share in the country dwindle. And American brands including Coach and Calvin Klein have rushed to issue public apologies after some of their products ran afoul of Beijing’s political sensitivities. Even if a trade truce is reached, marketing executives say that lasting brand damage has been done.
Some American companies now worry that a preference for buying Chinese could morph into an all-out boycott of U.S. goods, as happened when Beijing banned consumers from buying South Korea’s goods in retaliation for its government saying in 2016 it would let the U.S. build a missile defense system in the country. The results of that action: Korean companies lost an estimated $15.6 billion in revenue, hitting giants such as supermarket operator Lotte Shopping Co. and Hyundai Motor Co.particularly hard, according to the Hyundai Research Institute.
hong kong supermarket market share 在 Le bonheur d'Eunice Facebook 的精選貼文
只需分享與Tranquini陪伴嘅放鬆時刻😌,就有機會贏取日本東京雙人往返機票💑,約埋至愛一齊遊日本~ 🇯🇵
參加方法 :
1. Like/讚好 Tranquini Positively Relaxed Facebook 專頁:https://www.facebook.com/TranquiniHongKong/ 或者 Instagram專頁 @Tranquinipositivelyrelaxed:https://www.instagram.com/tranquinipositivelyrelaxed/ (二揀一)
2. 去最近嘅 7-Eleven Hong Kong 惠康超級市場 Wellcome Supermarket Market Place by Jasons 買Tranquini任何口味產品一罐(功能型飲品區域,市場零售價17.9HKD,今次活動期間,店鋪有半價優惠!)。
3. 通過照片或影片記錄有Tranquini陪伴嘅放鬆時刻(Tranquini需要出現在照片或者影片中)
4. 在Facebook 或Instagram上傳 “Public”模式 相片或影片,hashtag #RelaxWithTranquini
5. Tranquini會係所有的參賽者中揀出最有創意、最感動嘅作品贏出比賽。
6. 活動時間:2017年2月22日到3月5日晚上11時59分。
7. 得獎名單將於2017年3月13日Tranquini Facebook專頁內公佈。
一等獎:日本東京雙人往返機票(日期可選) (名額乙個)
二等獎:價值2000港幣的中環Helen’s SPA消費卡一張 (名額3個)
三等獎:價值430港幣 Tranquini放鬆飲品一箱 (名額10個)
#relaxationdrinks #positivelyrelaxed #natural #gift #抽獎 #優惠 #hkblogger #日本 #japan #tokyo #東京 #機票 #airticket #Tranquini
hong kong supermarket market share 在 麵語錄食玩遊記 by Aminn Facebook 的最讚貼文
Tranquini而家喺各大超市、便利店都有得買啦!由2月22日至3月5日,分享Tranquini陪你放鬆嘅時刻, 話唔定可以贏到日本東京雙人來回機票,即刻去賞櫻啦喂!
參加方法 :
1. Like/讚好 Tranquini Facebook專頁 Tranquini Positively Relaxed 或者 Instagram @Tranquinipositivelyrelaxed
2. 到 7-Eleven/惠康超級市場/Market Place 購買Tranquini任何口味產品一罐 (市場零售價$17.9,活動期間店鋪有半價優惠!)
3. 分享有 Tranquini 陪你一齊放鬆時刻
4. 喺Facebook或Instagram上傳 “Public”模式,相片或影片都得,記得hashtag #RelaxWithTranquini
5. 最有創意嘅作品有機會贏出比賽!
6. 活動時間到3月5日晚上11時59分。
7. 得獎名單於3月13日喺Tranquini Facebook專頁內公佈
二等獎:中環Helen’s SPA消費卡一張 (價值$2000,名額3個)
三等獎:Tranquini放鬆飲品一箱 (價值$430,名額10個)
7-Eleven Hong Kong 惠康超級市場 Wellcome Supermarket Market Place by Jasons