哈佛知識分享: 第三集(合共七集) What is competitive advantage? What is your value chain? 什麼是競爭優勢? 什麼是企業價值鏈?
仲記得我喺哈佛讀行政人員課程嘅時候,教授 Michael Porter 考考我哋, "In business, is strategy more important or excution more important?" 做生意,策略重要啲? 定執行力重要啲? 等陣同你解釋。
上兩集同你講咗你應該點諗「競爭」? 行業的五加一動力點影響你嘅利潤。今集同你分享下企業價值鏈點影響你的競爭優勢? 策略/執行力,邊個重要啲?
My hobby 《星期六早餐會》!
七/八/九月份早餐會 Topic: Applying "Michael Porter" to your business: How to compete and win!
哈佛分享: 如何應用「米高波特」於你盤生意? 點競爭? 點贏?
講起哈佛策略教授, 無人出名過 Michael Porter. 有幸我2017年在哈佛親身上過他教的課程, 今次早餐會同你分享,希望對你做生意亦有所啟發。
有興趣參加啦 😃 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 中小企老闆/創業者/公司管理層,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 😉 Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
先講何謂「競爭優勢」Competitive Advantage?
Michael Porter 話 "If you have a real competitive advantage, it means that compared with rivals, you operate at a lower cost, command a premium price, or both."
"Competitive advantage is a relative concept. It's about superior financial performance." by Michael Porter
競爭優勢是相對的。 係代表你財務回報做得好過你同行的競爭對手。
"The real point of competition is not to beat rivals. It's to earn profits."
何謂賺錢? Michael Porter 嘅定義唔係純粹睇個大數。 他話賺100蚊嘅公司,唔係一定叻過賺90蚊嘅公司。 因為話唔定賺100蚊嘅公司,佢就投資咗1000蚊,先賺100蚊。 但賺90蚊嘅公司,投資咗500蚊已賺賺到90蚊。 咁後者又何必再投資多500蚊,去賺嗰剩餘嘅10蚊。 因為呢500蚊可以投資喺第二度可能有更高回報,何必為做而做呢?
因此 Michael Porter 睇嘅賺錢,係 measured by ROIC (Return On Invested Capital) 資本投資回報。 即係話你放咗幾錢入去盤生意,equity and debt combined, 資本又好、借又好, 賺錢回報率有幾多呢?
例如,你開間茶餐廳,你自己放咗100萬入去,問銀行借咗100萬裝修,合共投資200萬。開業後,未扣除銀行利息及稅務 (EBIT - Earnings Before Interest and Tax),每年就賺40萬,咁你嘅 ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) 就係40除200,等如20%。
如果你再另外開多一間, 道理上因為經驗多咗啦,總部人手成本一樣,額外投資金額應該就會少咗,開始有 economy of scale (經濟規模效益),當今次只係投資160萬,回報一樣每年40萬。ROIC 就係 25%。
Michael Porter 話, 如果你每開一間,你嘅投資回報 ROIC 會因為 economy of scale (經濟規模效益)而提升,why not! 開多幾十幾百幾千間都得。
但如果你開到某個程度,每開一間,你嘅投資回報 (ROIC) 就下降。 例如依家總投資要成200萬,由於市場開始飽和,每年賺錢只得額外20萬,資本投資回報只得10%。Michael Porter 話咁又何必再開呢? 因為咁樣只會把你整體嘅 ROIC (資本投資回報率)拉低。
做得大,唔代表賺錢。唔好為大而大。有時 Small is beautiful. 細有細嘅美麗。
美國最賺錢嘅航空公司 Southwest Airlines, 睇下呢幅圖, 過去幾十年佢嘅嘢 ROIC (Return on Invested Capital),上面黑色條線,一直保持行內最高, 行內其他航空公司平均係每年回報3.1%, Southwest Airlines 就能夠做到每年回報11.4%,高出同行2.7倍, 肺炎前年年賺錢。
Southwest Airlines 創辦人 Herb Kelleher 曾經講過 ”Market share has nothing to do with profitability. Market share says we just want to be big; we don't care if we make money doing it. In order to get an additional 5% of the market, some companies increased their costs by 25%. That's really incongruous if profitability is your purpose."
佢話:「市佔率往往同利潤率無關係。 市佔率只係講大, 但未必賺到錢。 有啲公司為咗攞多5%額外市佔率, 願意洗多25%嘅成本, 咁樣同做生意要賺錢嘅理念係互相違背的。」
我自己做商舖基金都係一樣,我成日都話:「我情願人少啲,賺多啲」,遠遠好過「人多多,每人賺少啲!」 人少啲, 社運肺炎,咩風浪都經過起。 人多, 一闊三大,一個浪冚,好易玩完。
記住我上面提過「競爭優勢」就係: 「相比起競爭對手,你有低啲嘅成本,或高啲嘅售價,or both!」 咁點樣同樣嘅產品或服務,你嘅回報就更高。
"Strategy choices aim to shift relative price or relative cost in a company's favor." by Michael Porter
咁點選擇呢? 就係睇你條 「Value Chain 企業價值鏈」啦。
"The sequence of activities your company performs to design, produce, sell, deliver and support its products is called the value chain. " by Michael Porter.
"A company's value chain is the collection of all its value-creating and cost-generating activities." by Michael Porter.
睇圖,Value Chain 包括 Primary Activities 主要活動 and Supporting Activities 輔助活動。入貨、加工、出貨就係你服務顧客啲主要活動。 公司嘅架構、人力資源、科技應用就係輔助活動。Michael Porter 話如果你要贏人, 你就要明白你以上嘅價值鏈每一步、 每個活動、 每個細節對人客嘅價值製造 (value creation) 同相關成本 (cost incurred)。
(1) Compete on execution. Better operational effectiveness. Perform the same activities as rivals, but execute better. Be better, be the best!
用「執行力」去贏人。每一步,設計/入貨/生產/出貨,都同爭對手差不多,但執行得更好、更快、更準。成個流程成本平啲,人客滿意啲。 等於一間茶餐廳, 落單準啲、上菜快啲、 炒餸好味啲。 但教授 Michael Porter 話咁就好似隻老鼠喺個圈入面,operational effectiveness, 跑快啲跑快啲 ,be the quickest, be the best! 但其實不斷地都喺個圈入面跑緊。長遠,人或老鼠,始終會攰, 你好啲,但人哋都會改善追上。競爭對手就遲早令你競爭優勢難以維續。
(2) Compete on strategy. Perform different activities from rivals. Meet the different needs of customers at lower cost or higher price. Be unique.
用「策略」去贏人。設計/入貨/生產/出貨嘅價值鏈,同行內其他爭對手唔同。 明白唔同顧客,有唔同需求。 用低啲嘅成本或者高啲嘅售價,or both, 去滿足佢哋嘅需求。做唯一! Michael Porter 話咁就會令你 好似隻老鼠咁,跑出個圈,走條捷徑,帶你想去嘅地方。 只是專注,長遠你嘅競爭優勢更容易持續。
例如, 美國嘅航空公司過去幾十年都係非常之難做嘅行業,1980年起,ROIC Return on Invested Capital 資本投資回報平均只得每年3.1%。
但我上面提及的西南航空 Southwest Airlines,佢過去幾十年,由(1) 訂票 (只用自己網絡,唔用 agent, 慳番啲手續費) 、(2) 機種 (只用一種波音737,方便機司培訓同保養, 唔似得其他航空公司乜飛機種都有)、(3) 坐飛機無飛機餐(慳返成本及方便清潔)、(4) 無編定座位 (先上機先揀位坐, 唂啲人快啲上飛機,早啲開機)、至 (5) No connecting flights 無轉駁航班 (只有直接 point to point, 唔使等你或你啲行李轉機), 仲有更多更多, 成條嘅 Southest Airlines Value Chain 價值鏈嘅活動,都係同行內競爭對手唔同。 雖然機票售價平啲,但佢成本更加平。咁亦都解釋咗點佢能夠咁多年來平均嘅資本投資回報率 ROIC 高達11.4%,高過同行競爭對手近三倍。
我自己做商舖基金都係一樣, 都係 compete on strategy. 如果我純粹低買,高賣舖。 我只可以靠買得平過人,沽得快過人去賺錢。 但長遠好難持續跑贏大市的優勢, 一個社運肺炎冚埋嚟, 馬上冚旗。
呢條係我哋公司商舖增值嘅價值鏈 (insert graph), 由投資者集資、買舖、解除 order /裝修/分契、至「服務式商舖」搵合適租客 (諗計仔幫佢做多啲生意)、至宣傳推廣出售商舖及「三大保證」售後服務, 加上公司基本設施、人力資源、科技應用、採購流程嘅配合, 我相信香港無任何一個商舖投資者同我哋一樣為商舖增值。 我係舖市要跑贏大市,都係靠呢條 Value Chain 價值鏈。包括,買賣我基金單位嘅交易成本,遠遠低過買賣成間舖。租我哋舖做生意嘅風險,都遠遠低過租間不知名、無人跟進的舖。
根據哈佛教授 Michael Porter,只要條 value chain 企業價值鏈夠獨特及專注, 好難有另一個競爭對手入嚟係香港街舖嘅層面打低我哋。好多人會嚟抄我哋嘅 business model 商業模式,但佢唔會做舖。 佢會做工廈、商廈、住宅、農地、骨灰龕位、大灣區、非洲、火星,但佢唔做香港街舖。 因為個地頭已經畀我哋霸咗,佢點做都唔夠我哋熟。 唔通我講話我要買1000間香港街舖,佢講話要買2000間,邊個人會信佢! 佢話500間就不如唔好講。
當然,教授話任何 good strategy 都需要 good execution,無好嘅執行力,所有說話只係空談。因此我成日話「持續性、持續性、持續性地執行」好重要。
Both strategy and excution are important. 好嘅「策略」及好嘅「執行力」同樣重要。 只有好嘅 「執行力」,無「策略」,你會賺到錢,不過好大機會係細錢。 加埋好嘅「策略」,配合好嘅「執行力」,大錢就會嚟!
你盤生意呢? 你條企業價值鏈 Value Chain 又係點呢? 同人哋有乜唔同? Are you competing on good execution or good strategy? 你係執行力上贏人、定策略上贏人? 點樣做到成本平啲或收費高啲,or both 呢?
有興趣一齊研究多啲點做? 聽多啲 Michael Porter,就來我七/八月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 下集我再同你講 (4) What is strategy? How do you create value? 什麼是策略 ? 你如何創造價值?
My hobby 《星期六早餐會》!
七/八/九月份早餐會 Topic: Applying "Michael Porter" to your business: How to compete and win!
哈佛分享: 如何應用「米高波特」於你盤生意? 點競爭? 點贏?
講起哈佛策略教授, 無人出名過 Michael Porter. 有幸我2017年在哈佛親身上過他教的課程, 今次早餐會同你分享,希望對你做生意亦有所啟發。
有興趣參加啦 😃 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 中小企老闆/創業者/公司管理層,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 😉 Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
#michael_porter, #競爭策略, #企業競爭優勢,#價值鏈
同時也有160部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過115萬的網紅Rayner Teo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Most traders think if they have a profitable strategy, then they can make a ton of money, quit their full-time job, and travel around the world. Nope...
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how important is money 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
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Cùng học IELTS mỗi ngày qua những chia sẻ hữu ích trên IELTS Thanh Loan nào! Hôm nay, cô sẽ chia sẻ với bạn bài mẫu Speaking Part 3 cho topic ‘International Tourism’ xuất hiện trong Cam 16 Test 1 nhé. Share để lưu lại và học thôi <3
⭐ Why is tourism important to a country?
In my opinion, tourism is the key to any country because it is lucrative. When a country attracts flocks of tourists, it can benefit from the extravagant spending of international tourists who are willing to splurge on entertainment activities and restaurants. You know, some people are willing to live on the breadline for months to set aside enough money for an overseas trip. Also, the development of global travel means that more employment opportunities are created. Local people can work as tour guides, open their own business or simply sell local cuisines to earn a living.
⭐ What are the benefits to individuals visiting another country as tourists?
As for tourists, firstly, they benefit from cultural knowledge gained during the trips. Every experience is more practical and realistic in comparison with things they read on books or on the internet. They can also have once-in-a-lifetime memories. For example, visiting Thailand was the first time I enjoyed sex shows which are deemed to be antisocial or even illegal in Vietnam. Secondly, tourists can boost their language skills if their visits are long enough.
⭐ How necessary is it for tourists to learn the language of the country they're visiting?
I think nowadays, learning the language of the country you are going to visit is no longer necessary. One day, when I was having dinner in an outlet in a supermarket, a Chinese tourist asked me about how to eat a Vietnamese cuisine. I was shocked because some online applications such as Google Translate could easily make our language barriers vanished. I mean if you are able to communicate with indigenous people in their language, so it's really fantastic. But if not, don't worry because technology has revolutionized everything, including this circumstance.
how important is money 在 Rayner Teo Youtube 的最佳貼文
Most traders think if they have a profitable strategy, then they can make a ton of money, quit their full-time job, and travel around the world.
Why is that?
Because a winning strategy is only one part of the equation.
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The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading: https://www.tradingwithrayner.com/ultimate-guide-price-action-trading/
The Monster Guide to Candlestick Patterns: https://www.tradingwithrayner.com/candlestick-pdf-guide/
Pro Traders Edge: https://www.tradingwithrayner.com/pte/
Pullback Stock Trading System: https://pullbackstocktradingsystem.com/
Price Action Trading Secrets: https://priceactiontradingsecrets.com/

how important is money 在 FERNTUBE (Fernanda Ly) Youtube 的最讚貼文
Fffffinally!! How to have healthy bleached, dyed, or processed hair ⭐
I've broken down the 5 most important points in order to avoid damaged hair. Considering that I haven't had virgin hair in more than 10 years (since I was 14), I like to think that I possibly know a thing or two! Especially since I maintained my long, pink hair for 6(?) years as a model.
Also a reminder that I'm not a professional of any kind. This is just what I've learnt over the years of bleaching and dyeing my hair.
Please refer to my first video (https://youtu.be/LXE29Faj1yQ) for what products I use and recommend. There's a lot!!
Let's all have healthy hair 💞
Thank you for watching!
✩ Products mentioned:
(in order of appearance)
- Olaplex (https://bit.ly/3nYebFp)
- Wellaplex (https://bit.ly/3nJshKu)
- TIGI Bed Head hair stick (https://bit.ly/336AIHW)
- Overtone Daily Conditioner/Coloring Conditioner
#ferntube #fernandaly
✩ Instagram: @warukatta
✩ Email: ferntube22@gmail.com
Please contact my agencies in regards to model work
✩ Songs:
Swing Set - Goosetaf (https://thmatc.co/?l=EC26AFE4)
Efflorescence - Goosetaf (https://thmatc.co/?l=571F1D89)
✩ Subtitle file: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1giWOtpCt39GRShm-g0BDvmXVjmaxyPf-/view?usp=sharing)
*** As Youtube has unfortunately discontinued community contributions, here is the script for anyone still willing to do subs for other languages. If you replace the english text with your language and email me the file, I'll be more than happy to upload it for everyone to see. Thank you for your helpful contributions until now!
✩ FTC: Some links are affiliate links
i.e. I will make some money off purchases.

how important is money 在 samguw Youtube 的最讚貼文
Building your photography portfolio is one of the most important things in your freelance career but it can be very challenging. In this video, I want to share three ways on how you can start building your photography portfolio as a beginner photographer.
Have anymore questions? Let me know!
If you like to support my channel, consider a small donation: https://www.paypal.me/samguw
Music I use:
My 2020 filmmaking/photography kit:
(these are Amazon Affiliate Links and I get a small commission every-time you purchase from these links. These really help the channel out a lot!)
Main photo/video camera: https://amzn.to/2QQ9ChI
Back up body: https://amzn.to/2QRB1zG
Favourite lens: https://amzn.to/2DsOVFy
Second favourite lens: https://amzn.to/2Z2HLPR
Best on-camera shotgun mic: https://amzn.to/3jzhPmO
Cheaper version of ^: https://amzn.to/32WlSD7
Alternative on-board shotgun mic: https://amzn.to/3lKBFx8
Best wireless mic: https://amzn.to/3jHd1Mi
Favourite Backpack: https://amzn.to/3lHETSa
Affordable external SSD I use: https://amzn.to/32NG4a2
Favourite gimbal: https://amzn.to/2Z3k7CJ
Affordable drone: https://amzn.to/2YZEmkK
Favourite action camera: https://amzn.to/2ETfBzV
Let's do something together! Ask me anything you'd like!
[email protected]
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