各位, 請容我再多分享一篇文章, 我不是以偏概全, 我亦不會再騎劫Miss Tann任何Facebook.
Everyone who has read the post that Tim Chung wrote (by the way, I’ve known Tim since I was 7 years old and he and Jenny are like family. We’ve been on family vacations together, I was at their wedding, and I receive cards and gifts from them every Christmas) is questioning the truthfulness of its contents, turning the matter on Tim, saying how unethical it is for him to hack into my mother’s account. And it makes me so sad because that’s exactly what CYY has accomplished.
The man is many things—greedy, selfish, manipulating, ungrateful, but he is NOT stupid. Think about it. You (his students) are his bargaining chips. Why would he show his intentions to you? Why would he alienate you if he needs you to threaten my mother? He needs to be able to say to her “pay me x amount or else I’ll take my many students and go to another school.” And so he plays the “nice guy” game. I’ve seen the things he’s posted on my father’s wall and have also seen the many times my dinner with my mom has been interrupted with her yelling over the phone, migraine flaring up, because of something ridiculous he’s asked for or done. I’ve seen how many times he’s greedily asked for money he doesn’t deserve or ignored EL’s interests altogether for his own gain. And it sickens me, because he’s conjuring up a fake friendship with my dead father to cover his own ass for the things he’s doing to my mom.
You don’t have to listen to me, but what do I have to gain by lying for my mother?
Tim and I have nothing to gain by currying my mother’s favor because we have nothing to do with her business and are already close to her. In fact so many people bashing one of EL’s top earning teachers could only hurt the company’s income. But clearly we feel like this matter is more important than money. It’s an issue of morals.
I’m not someone who blindly jumps to the defense of another just because they’re my friend or family. In fact, most of the time I’m the first one to point out my mother’s flaws or when she’s overreacting. So I’m only speaking out because I genuinely think it’s the right thing to do, and I can honestly tell you that I loathe this man who has caused so much frustration and strife to my family.