Open Letter To Anas Zubedy - A Counter-Letter to Dr. Zakir Naik
Dear Dr Zakir,
I have to apologize for the outburst of my fellow countryman Anas Zubedy who, in his latest blog posting, has asked you to leave Malaysia. I am here to write to convince you otherwise: that not only should you not leave, but to lengthen your duration of stay, diversify your place of ceramahs, return more often and intensify your fervour in the kind of dakwah that you do: a most non-vindictive, non-antagonistic, scholarly and, unfortunately (the one that became the central raison d’etre of some people’s hatred towards you), full of indisputable truths in them. And I too will give you my reasonings.
Now I doubt though that this letter will be read by you, or even reach you, as compared to Anas’ who probably have his minions try send HIS letter to you. If as such, let’s just regard my letter as a rhetorical one---that it could/should be read by others other than you.
I apologize for Anas because you might think that his words represent the whole country in its entirety or are some kind of epitome of the general Malaysian psyche. Nothing could be further than the truth. You see, we Malaysian Muslims are a motley crew of different characters and idiosyncrasies, right from the most pious and God-conscious to the most despicably and spiritually turpitude. And you know what?
Everyone has access to the internet. Everyone can write their thoughts about Islam. Everyone can claim to be a voice of the religion and, if one is equipped with some kind of babyface- ness and some applauds from some islamophobes or liberal muslims, who knows---one might even get to be popular and well-read.
Anas does not belong to the former category. At least you can realize that much by now just via reading. And I am not saying he is spiritually corrupt either, being well-mannered and having pleasant demeanour. But you can well sense his ... lack of knowledge.
His lack of Islamic Spirit, of a Mujahid, of one who cares least if the religion is going to get some beatings or not. His concern is not that. Rather, his concern is more towards what his readers would think of him, the majority of which are made up of non-muslims and liberal islam.
For how are you expected to write if you are writing for those who would like to listen more about Islam not as one which the prophet SAW has brought, but as one which could be modified to fit in the whims and fancies of the general non-muslim populace.
He does not understand Aqidah, as you can well see his stand on Syiah. He does not conform to the idea of Islam being “ya’lu wa laa yu’la alaihi”, as promulgated by the prophet SAW. To him, all religions are the saaaaaaame. All have equal merits, and Islam is just one of the many numerators pegged on the denominator of goodness.
Contrary to his insistence of being an avid Quran reader (he even has some study group making tafsirs of Quranic verses. I am not joking!), he doesn’t understand the Qur’anic spirit. Or, at most, glance off the many diverse Qur’anic verses on faith and life in general and only pick ones which he thinks would be fodder enough for his general blog readers. I shudder to think of the kind of misinformation, of selective facts and of a general depravity of truths that his non- muslim readers have been exposed to all this while.
Now why is there a phenomenon such as Anas Zubedy? One word:
Born Again.
(OK that’s two)
You see, a 60’s, 70’s Malaysian Islam (of which Anas’ childhood was immersed in) is not the Malaysian Islam that we see now. Those were the years of Mokhtar Dahari, of Malaysian women not donning tudung, of “Guinness Stout Baik Untuk Anda” advertisements still embellishing the local malay-held Utusan newspapers.
In general, a widespread era of neo-jahiliyyah. Then in the 80’s-90s (Anas’ formative university years) there was an explosion of kesedaran, and students coming back from al-Azhar and Madinah University began to convey to their parent folks that hey! We’ve been having it wrong all these times.
There is no Bomoh Jampi. Mandi Safar is wrong. Donning the tudung is wajib. And prayers is a must, not something optional. There was an almost overnight transformation due to being exposed to the truer Islam as opposed to the malay-flavoured Islam prevailing then.
But some things steadfastly refuse to be swept along in the winds of change. City folks preoccupied with chasing the hedonistic dreams and life, and youthful folks (university ones, the kind that Anas was surrounded with) just on the verge of being exposed to newly-found breaking of religious shackles ignored this change.
Theirs was the era of Bakat TV. Of the discotheque. We don’t need no freakin’ Islam to tell us what we can do and what we can’t.
But the winds are stronger. Come the new millennium, people like Anas look around them and find that they have been left behind. Far, far behind. They feel a need to catch up, to be shoulder-to- shoulder with those who carve out a name championing a most noble cause. But what to do?
They don’t have any Islamic trainings. Some have left religion way, way back before. In universities and colleges, while the other students enjoin one another in their usrahs or khurujs or ceramahs, they were busy with dating, with Abba and Bee Gees, with discos. So apart from their primary school years of learning the Juz-‘Amma from their grandfathers or the local ustazs, they really have NOTHING by way of Islamic advancements to be put onto their spiritual resumes.
Beginning from the 2000’s, we see a proliferation of people who you SENSE come from a more liberal society and upbringing but writing about Islam. Suddenly overnight we have these Born-Again writers flooding the internet firstly to show that they THEMSELVES are also champions of Islam and secondly that hey! Read me! I have come with the kind of Islam that is both modern, progressive, accommodative which even the non-muslims love.
Seriously, don’t we wish that we have THESE kinds of people to face Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab during the prophet’s time (SAW)?
But commensurate with Anas’ path towards full righteousness is his being influenced by Quranist ideologies. He is surrounded by people like Syed Akbar Ali, Malaysia’s most vocal proponent of no-hadith, qur’an-only beliefs.
A lack of basic fiqh, fused with a rejection of the prophet’s hadith and general taqwa, and you have a most explosive case of Islamic Misinformation you can ever perceive with two brains.
So there you have it, Dr Zakir. Don’t take too much heart, now that you know certain histories and backgrounds. Onwards to the allegations that Anas have got on you.
Seriously, I don’t even feel a need to comment on this. It is self-explanatory, self-revealing. According to that other Anas, Anas bin Malik (RA), the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: " I wish that I could meet my brothers." The Sahaabah (RAA) asked: "Aren't we your brothers?" He replied: "You are my Companions, but my brothers are those who will believe in me without having seen me."
What can you say, Dr Zakir, some people regard their relationships to the multitude of non-muslims as his family much more than you and me ever are?
As for Anas, yes please be comforted by your “family” here. As for me, my brothers and family are ...err... quite different from yours. Before anyone can point a finger saying that I am against Muhibbah of the races, I am not.
I have a multiracial neighbor that I play games with, drink coffee with and argue with on whether Q could obliterate the Borgs in one fell swoop. But family? Brothers? I only follow the conjunction of the Qur’an: “Verily the believers are brothers.” (al Hujurat-10)
Now I am scratching my head on this one. Is this a statistical study or what? A scientific poll? Which authority has the audacity to conclude something like this, and if so under what premises? And let me pose a counter questioning to Anas: Name one Islamic Dakwah personality which, if brought to Malaysia, would, in your mind, have a POSITIVE impact on the non-muslims towards Islam?
Hello... None, OK? Positive impact means what. That they nod their heads in appreciations? That they show they like it by purchasing Islamic paraphernalia?
Anas said that your presence is getting non-muslims further away from Islam. This is where Anas’ confusion reaches its peak. He equates people disliking Islam as a sign of failure.
If so, Anas lacks the knowledge of Seerah big, big time. He lacks the understanding, not to mention the spirit of Islamic Dakwah big, big time. (By the way how much does Anas know about dakwah, apart from him being able to SPELL it? Has he ever been in khuruj?)
When the prophet preached Islam in Mecca to Umaiyyah bin Khalaf, Walid bin Mughirah, Utbah bin Rabi’ah and others, what kind of response is Anas expecting to be produced by them. The same as his non-muslim and liberal muslim readers accord him now, with applauds and compliments?
Is Dakwah to be done the result of which should be praises and accolades rather than a general feeling of discomfort onto the ears of those whom the dakwah is given?
Have you, Dr Zakir, started to feel a sense of ... inadequacy in the understanding of the Islamic spirit prevailing on this person now?
Actually Anas, they do. What you PERCEIVE as a non-level playing field as far as dakwah is concerned in Malaysia, is actually a phenomenon best described in one of the talk events of Dr Zakir Naik where after expounding the inconsistencies of some biblical texts, one christian questioner stood up and asked,
“Dr. Zakir. Why do you insult us christians? What have you got against the bible that you are saying that their passages are wrong? Why do you say that the bible is not from God?”
And Dr Zakir answers (Anas pay attention carefully). “If I tell you that 2 X 2 is 5, what do you have to say to that?” And the man answered “That you are wrong.”
To which Dr Zakir replied, “are you insulting me? I say 2 x 2 is 5 and you say I am wrong?” The man said. “I am not insulting you. I am just saying you are wrong”.
“Like wise”, said Dr Zakir. “Neither have I insulted the bible nor have I disrespected it.
What I am saying is it is just wrong. And here is why I have said so .... (proceeds to read and analyse the conflicting verses). Now how can God be the author of some conflicting facts? And if you have scientific, logical, mathematical and factual proofs that you can provide that disproves my thesis, then by all means produce it. If it is sensible enough, I am more ready to declare that I am mistaken in this.”
Anas, if it is not Zakir Naik who could highlight to the masses things like these, then who would. You? Would you like to take his place? No. Notwithstanding, with the kind of “with charity towards all, malice towards none and love for all ...” mentality permeating in you, never in a million years would you be so factual.
You would sooner hide verses such as “Innad-Deen indallah al-Islam” rather than tell your non muslim listeners what Allah says.
Then what would you say in from of Allah on the day of judgement if asked, “O Anas, on earth you played with your friends. Joked with them, socialize with them. But never once did you attract them to Islam.
Even if you think you did, it wasn’t via the way of the prophet. Never once were they attracted to the Quran because never once did you point out that whatever they read other than the Quran was wrong and not from me”.
Now I might sound I am in some level of bigotry here but upon closer scrutiny, I am not. The christians or people from other denominations have equal rights to say that “Actually you muslims are wrong according to our dogma. According to our beliefs, you all will enter hellfire.” And I am okay with that. And get this:
SO IS OUR ENTIRE GOVERNMENT, MUSLIM POPULACE AND ISLAM IN GENERAL. We do not mind you to think that WE are the unsuccessful ones in the hereafter, just like we think YOU are. But will that harm perpaduan?
Not at all. After all this, we still go to our friends’ daughter’s weddings, sit and sip Stevia-laced coffee in any kopitiam, and fight with one another whether Man U is better than Liverpool or imbibe uniappam in any banana-leaf restaurant.
What is preventing us from having our Mokhtar Dahari-Soh Chin Aun-Santokh Singh moments are NOT religion. Definitely NOT Islam. They are politics, and we have diverse ways to view THAT one. Speaking of which ...
Sorry Dr Zakir. Not much comment in here, apart from giving my two-cents view from a religious standpoint. I am neither a politician nor like politics that much, but I do NOT conform to the plan of making our top-most potential people to take over the premiership who have come from a background of homo-sexuality.
Any persons, entities and politicians who conform to this should not be agreed upon. Period. That’s my entire political thoughts wrapped in 2 sentences. Clever, Sensible and Far-looking is what I is.
Lastly Dr Zakir, do not take things too hard, as I said. Perchance if you could be visiting (on your way) to a small dilapidated coffee stall by the roadside in Keramat, maybe you can stop by and I can interest you with some home-made cheese pisang goreng and the best lemang this side of the hemisphere? No?
Your brother
J Rizal
ps: check for adherence to Anas’ rules for Anonymous writers:-
4. Your presence is slowing down Malaysia’s political revitalization
1. No profanity---Checked
2. Seditious – nope.
3. Don’t play God --- Na’uzubillah.
4. Sweeping statements – Like, “You cause family disputes” kind of sweeping statements?
5. Facts as opposed to opinions – Whaaaat? I thought I should be asking you that, especially
with that “Your presence here is causing negative impact” thing
i have checked and found ok 在 黃色的旅行者 Yellow Tremper Facebook 的精選貼文
< 2804 Days On Road>
#SEA #Laos #ThisIsBad
#文很長 #但很重要 #我用手機打的 #看一下嘛
All these following experience were based on my SEA trip which is counting 5 months so far, I ain't say there's nothing good here, how ever to know more to avoid more necessary troubles are indeed, how do you say😆😆
Take care what are you paying for.
Dine in the shop? Getting a room or bed? Pay for the entrance? Make sure you double, triple check things up n welcome to SEA🍈🌞👙
After 5 months traveling in SEA, Let's talk about the latest thing just happened to me.
I was booking through Hostelworld to stay at Vang Viang rock backpacker hostel for 2 nights which the price showns about 23k kip (around $2.9 ) per night (8000 kip is a dollar) as you need to prepaid the service fee to the searching website, so I was paying $1.32 n leave the rest of the $4.68 while check in. However the owner of the hostel was show up with total amount of 60k I need to pay for 2 nights stay, after I remind him I prepaid some on line already n he was replied back "yes yes OK OK" then kept on repeating 60k I need to pay, so I wasn't really pay too much attention on it, since I was tired by the long ride plus I thought I did my confirm already.
有高於一半多一點的機會我會在到下一個目的地前先網上訂好房,沒為啥因為這些個國家網路之爛還有所謂的“ XX 時間 (請自行放入各國家名)” 簡單來講就是時間表聽聽就好別當真。
There for, I took out the only 100k I was having (there was only a 100k n a 2000rip note in my wallet) however the owner was shows up with loads of note front of me also started to count: "1000, 1000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, oh I don't have enough! I own you 2000" .
I was feeling there's something wrong, but since he was kept telling me "this is OK, this is OK, I own you 2000 with a big smile" so I wasn't really think too much just took the deck of thousands n went back to my room.
總而言之呢, 頂著一副反正我已經打理好不知道哪來還學不到教訓的自信心,及平白因為大巴誤點浪費了一天床費的我走到了櫃台邊想Check in。“好哦,倆個晚上(連昨晚)六萬kip (8k 老撾幣= 1美金= 30台幣 )”, 因為長途巴士的關係其實我的精神還頗遭雖然說我有覺得對這六萬好像沒啥記憶點跟連接點,但是憑著掌櫃的持續不斷像唸RAP一樣的一直跟我說六萬六萬六萬六萬倆個晚上付我六萬,再丟了一句我網上有先付過手續費囉之下,掏出了我錢包中僅有的一張100k (10萬) 然後再看著他掏出整個口袋後開始算錢給我看:
I was in room while I tried to sorted my things out also put the change back to my wallet there comes just a thought, how much did I exactly booked per night? So I opened my Gmail n checked the price again, it is writing 6 dollars in total (48k kip, even you count the rate a bit higher then it should be around 50k), but I was been asking for 60k, there was even some prepaid bill already, there is no reason he charged me even higher amount then what I should have to pay, I was getting quite panic n recall back the memory then there comes more of it: I was hung the owner 100k, even he charged me 60k, I still should have the 40k change back, but he was tricking me with those thousand note, so instead of 40k, I got 8k withing pure thought he owns me 2k, what's a play, what a jerk.
其實我還是覺得很奇怪,從頭到尾。可是腦子真的轉不太動,加上他一直用傳直銷那種震撼人心的精神喊話附送一個招牌笑容;所以莫名其妙之下我就半抓著頭邊上樓了。倚著床坐下,好奇心驅使之下我還是試著重開Gmail想確定一下我到底訂的價錢是多少,沒想到不開還好一開嚇到,我明明總房費只需6美金(48k)就好啊,他跟我要了60k,再加上我事前早就預付了差不多12k,他還在那邊堆著笑跟我OK OK?
瞬間我又覺得不妙,翻了一翻他找給我的錢臉拉的又更沈了,你媽媽的果真只有8k?就算依著他的60k 加他嘴裡說的欠我2k好了,剩下的38k 咧?
I went to tried argue with the owner, he was totally denied it, says the hostel will never charge the price so low till I showed him the proof from my Gmail then he turned down n said I was giving him 70k only n he did pay me back the money already. As the Q & A is like catching ball I see this ain't go no where, so I asked him to call back the video which he did, because I started to get some quiet attention already (which is good).
房裡的小夥伴們聲聲催促著我別再算了,趕快下樓找他對帳,我也覺得沒錯時間拖得越久越容易裝傻賴帳,於是我下樓又重新霹靂啪啦蹦地把事情經過跟他重覆一遍;沒想到他真的開始演台劇八點檔了... 一下跟我說他已經找錢完畢了,一下瞪大眼睛跟我裝傻說青旅哪有可能有這價錢,一直到我開了信箱給他看我的訂單收據,他才換口說好吧好吧那我給你預付的錢,丟了一張20k 給我後,我繼續跟他討著我那消失的欠款,那想到他口口聲聲換咬定著我只給他70k了。
On the screen I can clearly see I did only giving him one note which is a 100k note, but 2 note as 1 50k n 1 20k like he said, so I was calling n said see its only one, then I realized him wasn't even watching the screen. I was getting angry, there are 3 people (include 2 other guests) checking the screen together with me, as we all confirmed that I did passing him only one note, but he just kept pretending busy as there are other things to do then this situation: Try wave to air, even there are no people, say hi to other guests while they walk down stairs, pretend there's nothing happened. I was showing him 5 times in total on the screen, but he always tells me he didn't see, so I just have to keep rewind back to let him see it. During the meantime, these two men also came up to asking for overcharged, I was getting surprised, we got to talked in private n realized he was using that same same but different trick to them as well, so I walk to the couple who they are in my room, tell them what we just found, then they also found out they were paying for 4 dorm room, but got putting in 10 dorm in the end with the charging price still keeping as higher one 4.. The owner was excuses he wouldn't put any more guest inside to make it a 4 people dorm, the young couple were buying it for endding up the whole messed situation and at the end I was just able to get back my "missing 2000 n another prepaid bill 20k, all the rest is just end up as the owner started to avoid me n so this is kind of the end of this shitty story.
Oh BTW, I changed to another hostel which is just about 230m away from it, instead of last hostel charged me 8500 kip per dollar (you still gotta pay in kip) they were giving me a much reasonable 8200 kip per dollar.
Check the bill always, make sure you got your ticket, if anyone come ask you for what ever entrance fee, also make sure that ticket have been used meant they kept recycling the used one to gain some more pocket money.
你說我教你們要let go,
這就是我let go的方式,何況待會我要帶著Vodka去飲料攤叫她搖一搖水果之後順便加冰跟加酒。
You will get a loads more to learn, the world is big and you are just a kid. However do enjoy SEA, I don't too much because of the people, but I hope you do, with my full blessed.
買單前查一下單、買票前看一下你跟誰買票,他的制服穿了沒、他的票給你了沒、你的票一拿到就已經打過洞撕過角了嗎?瞄一下當地人拿到的標準跟你拿到的標準是不是一樣;有些東西不知道比較好,知道了腦筋更糾結心理更難過- 我真心覺得很難過的是這個小小的東南亞是我旅行這麼長一路來第一次吧斷聽到許多旅人跟我分享他們經過這次的旅行後他們不會願意在在同個地區停留太久避免知道太多原本短呆不會發現的更深的另一面。
我曾經很喜歡一位土地藝術家說過的 “旅行,就是為了看見異同” 的這樣一句話,但是次時此景想到了這句美麗的話卻被賦予了另一種意義,總覺得心中有點不那麼甜的滋味。
我一個人旅行, 人對我而言的重要性真的更甚於景給我的震撼性;幾年下來的整體經歷我真的很訝異我對東南亞的低評價甚至更遜於中國的有錢說話跟德國的不關他的事!我不願跟你們承認我一路遇上的旅人們出乎意料的都轉換了他們來之前之後對東南亞的態度,但是我覺得我有必要說,有必要分享,誠如我一開頭就講的每個人的旅途不一樣,會經歷上的也不盡相同,如果能多點準備,就會少點中招跟多點對旅程上的感謝。
黃色的旅行者 Yellow Tremper
#東南亞 #寮國 #很幹 #電腦趕快好
#SoloTraveler #3600DaysOnRoad #AStoryTeller #環遊世界3600天
#我一直在路上 #我一個人旅行 #有故事的女人
#這可以PO爆料嗎 #挺我就追蹤加入黃色大家庭
#FollowUpMyTrip #歡迎分享 #ShareIfLike
i have checked and found ok 在 Linora Low Facebook 的精選貼文
Tonight I have a date with a magnesium foot soak. Thanks so much for the gift @elementz.magnesium!!! These will definitely help soothe my achey muscles. Sharing time.
For those who don't know at the start of my comp journey, I found out I'm very magnesium deficient which caused a lot of probs for me like sleep issues, inability to lose fat and weight, bloatedness, tired all the time, who knows it could've been one of the factors for my PCOS. There are many systems of being lack in magnesium that not everyone is aware about.
I highly recommend you get yourself checked since most of the food we eat doesn't have enough magnesium. Read about magnesium when you can. Ok goodnight fitfam 😘 #ElementzMagnesium #MagnesiumFlakes #MagnesiumDeficiency #Magnesium #KnowYourBody #LinoraFitTip #PCOS