#88barsremix #大嘻哈時代 #乞丐ceo
在 StreetVoice 上面聽:
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888S Credit:
作曲Composed by 踢萬8ig8a8y
作詞Lyrics by 踢萬8ig8a8y
製作人Producer by 薑母鴨ginger duck
編曲Beats Arrangement by 薑母鴨ginger duck
混音Mixing by章湘柏
母帶後期Mastering by章湘柏
錄音室Recording Studio Nora Says諾拉說
設計Logo Design by Demi.C
影片剪輯 Editing by 楊策
888S Lyrics:
插卡進 ATM,
Yeah I’m trained to bring game,
華語嘻哈音樂圈還是硬了點 (硬拉)
BIGGIE 萬 my band, (my band)
Just When things seems the same
and the whole scene is lame,
Goddamn 還是討厭下雨天 (OSN)
Show no respect, so relaxed,
go too fast, toast to that (Clink)
8IG8A8Y 八十八個 BARS 霸的話語權
“No Flocking” like Kodak Black (On they ass)
Fuck it 下局見, 風格太平太侷限
Na mean? I need change like PiNkChAiN
太依戀曬衣鏈 What’s my name?
February Twenty Eight, 進大嘻哈時代掙專輯費
三票當選【窮】到四腳朝天, 身價還沒天價但直接
翻一倍 (double up)
Drinking 西西里 Coffee 『Let Me 嘻犀里』
Mini 晉級到 MTV 裡
忠言逆耳說實話我有聽進去 (listen)
了無牽掛 just wanna, work on my album
千里馬 "PONY" 還沒開喝就先掛
先發制人,水到渠成 (每幹拎)
Rhyme scheme so brilliant,
萬 in a billion, 專情的明理人,
Told y’all Imma finished them (On GOD)
鑽新的 bars, shine like 鑽金的卡, 硬底子 Indie 的 rock
講心裡的話,穿金戴銀 (Nah) 是該清醒了吧?
剃刀蔣那 part, 太嘻哈實在 Imma keep that in mind
無限 看齊感激 fo sho (That's right)
HAHA I don’t really care how you feel, everywhere I go
All Star, Hall Of Fame 116, always in the field
獅子星座 Leo 王者爭霸
肉弱強食從此先發, 不是種子真假?
What the fuck happened to Hip Hop?
金價萬夫莫敵,一匹黑馬,思維 gain-up (My 思維)
Know pain Know game huh?
Spitting fire 太嗨了 higher than Higher Brothers
我的 flow 五花八門
喜歡 started from the bottom
Mo money mo problems, 火侯只開了八成
Now I got options
What’s popping?
Reping Taipei City 捍衛我的家人
我的 freestyle 不好說不好不會加分
我的 attitude so awesome
燒肉粽燒口燙, 就像我的貨,roll up son 不誇張
8IG8A8Y 巨嬰活體的 meme
牛年行大運收拾玻璃心,demo 已經錄了太多首你聽
噴 flows, money in, 收進收銀機 (Ching ching)
Drinking Ice Tea 到 6AM in the morning
Love me or hate me, don’t give a fuck about you
恭喜如果有 “Baby Fat” 幫你拍拍手 (拍手聲)
Hashtag 我 #曬北鼻challenge 有在用 IG 都可以參加 though (Okay)
My flows never lazy 從不怠惰 I know
我身高187 所以你看我都要抬頭,94不是一個 idol
Got the key 可以開鎖
Suicide doors 麻將輸了太多,主很愛我 (Lord)
讓我們保持聯絡就算到四點多 (FO)
【窮】,【4PM】, 【Burning】, Make Secens
Fuck you pay me 請你給錢
Get rich or die trying 就像 50 CENT (GGG G-UNIT)