泰國馬術亞錦賽 YouTube 實況轉播資訊如下:
Please find below details of the broadcast times and also an embed code for YouTube players.
Sunday 1st December
14:30 - 17:05
Dressage Team Competition
2. 盧詩璇 Janies S.H. Lu. 馬匹 Urban Legend
6.賴嘉慧 Chia-Hui Lai. 馬匹 Barrichello
10.張玉潔 Vivian Chang 馬匹 Cerise
Monday 2nd December
14:30 - 17:05
Dressage Individual Competition
Tuesday 3rd December
15:00 - 17:05
Eventing Dressage
Wednesday 4th December
10:00 - 11:35
Jumping First Competition
15:00 - 17:25
Dressage Freestyle (YouTube only due to music)
Thursday 5th December
10:00 - 11:20
Jumping Team Round One
15:00 - 16:10
Eventing Jumping
Friday 6th December
14:00 - 16:20
Jumping Team Round Two
Sunday 8th December
14:00 - 17:00
Jumping Individual Round A
Jumping Individual Round B
*All the above times are Indochina (CET+6)
To be used on Sun 1st, Mon 2nd, Tue 3rd, Fri 6th and Sat 7th
To be used on Wed 4th and Thu 5th
FEI Asian Championships
General playlist:
1st Dec 14:30 ICT / 08:30 CET
LIVE 🔴 | Dressage - Team Competition | FEI Asian Championships 2019 presented by B. Grimm
2nd Dec 14:30 ICT / 08:30 CET
LIVE 🔴 | Dressage - Individual Competition | FEI Asian Championships 2019 presented by B. Grimm
3rd Dec 15:00 ICT / 09:00 CET
LIVE 🔴 | Eventing - Dressage Test | FEI Asian Championships 2019 presented by B. Grimm
04th Dec 10:00 ICT / 04:00 CET
LIVE 🔴 | Jumping - Individual 1st competition | FEI Asian Championships 2019 presented by B. Grimm
04th Dec 15:00 ICT / 09:00 CET
LIVE 🔴 | Dressage - Freestyle | FEI Asian Championships 2019 presented by B. Grimm
=> PLAYLIST for 4th Dec: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfqDYhc2wjP4vmL-cq2E2k_m0Q305Uyq6
05th Dec 10:00 ICT / 04:00 CET
LIVE 🔴 | Jumping - Team 1st round | FEI Asian Championships 2019 presented by B. Grimm
05th Dec 15:00 ICT / 09:00 CET
LIVE 🔴 | Eventing - Jumping Test | FEI Asian Championships 2019 presented by B. Grimm
=> PLAYLIST for 5th Dec: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfqDYhc2wjP5RL7xrf8-EVLFr3WfsJ6AH
06th Dec 14:00 ICT / 08:00 CET
LIVE 🔴 | Jumping - Team 2nd round | FEI Asian Championships 2019 presented by B. Grimm
07th Dec 14:00 ICT / 08:00 CET
LIVE 🔴 | Jumping - Individual Final | FEI Asian Championships 2019 presented by B. Grimm
ict competition 在 交通大學校友會 NCTU Alumni Association Facebook 的最佳解答
國立交通大學團隊Team NCTU 8 月13日前往美國匹茲堡,參加美國國防部高級研究計劃局八月中旬舉辦的地下機器人挑戰賽(DARPA SubT Challenge),與全球頂尖大學同場較勁。此次競賽依照地底環境分成隧道、地下城市、地底洞穴三個階段,參賽團隊將運用最新的機器人技術,進行地下環境的地圖建構、自動巡航以及搜索變動。競賽為期三年,將於2021年總決賽頒贈獲勝團隊兩百萬美金之高額獎金。
DARPA機器人競賽為全世界科技工程類競賽之最高殿堂,為刺激國防科技、前瞻技術之發展而設立,其中2007年舉辦的DARPA Urban Challenge促進了現今自動駕駛技術。Team NCTU今年五月通過資格審查,為台灣首度參與DARPA機器人競賽的團隊,將與全世界最頂尖之學校與機構相互切磋,包括瑞士蘇黎世聯邦理工學院(ETH Zurich)、美國加州大學柏克萊分校(University of California, Berkeley)、卡內基美濃大學(CMU)、加州理工學院(California Institute of Technology)、麻省理工學院(MIT)、NASA噴射推進實驗室(JPL)、韓國技術研究院(KAIST)等。
Team NCTU成軍於2018年,在2018 Maritime RobotX Competition國際無人船競賽自十五個參賽團隊中拿下第五名佳績。本次參與DARPA競賽持續開發AI機器人系統,研發自主(Autonomy)、感知(Perception)、移動(Mobility)技術,並進一步將機器人技術與通訊產業結合,透過宏碁基金會之贊助,以及與智頻科技和中科院團隊進行企業合作,將中科院升級後的Super TaiRa遠距通訊導入此次競賽中,預計其高穿透性、遠距、低功耗之特性,能使機器人在地下環境順利通訊、相互溝通合作,打造在地底嚴苛環境進行探勘之機器人系統。
ict competition 在 COMPUTEX TAIPEI Facebook 的最佳貼文
#COMPUTEX d&i awards, an innovation-focused competition well known to global high-tech industry, are open for entries now, where exhibitors or non-exhibitors can leverage COMPUTEX as a platform to showcase their innovation prowess to the world.
A professional panel of judges will carefully evaluate each entry base on five key criteria—"Innovation”, "Technical, "Functionality", "Social" and "Craftsmanship & Aesthetics"— and select only ground-breaking innovations to the exhibition and the entire industry.🎉
In addition to showcasing the winning products at #COMPUTEX2019, they will travel on a display tour to major ICT shows around the world to demonstrate the outstanding innovative power of the global high-tech sector.
Entries for COMPUTEX d&i awards will be closed after April 24th.
For more info, visit 👉 https://reurl.cc/A37yK
COMPUTEX的重頭戲之一「台北國際電腦展創新設計獎」(COMPUTEX d&i awards),隆重邀請資通訊科技產業相關業者報名參賽,秀出你最自豪的產品及服務。展會將邀請國際知名IT媒體及國際重要投資人共同審查,以創新性、技術性、功能性、社會性與工藝美學,評選出最優秀的創新設計產品。
得獎者除了能公開受獎外,更能夠獲得外貿協會整年度的國際推廣支援。今年d&i awards的得獎廠商,將在國際知名展會中宣傳,向世界展現創新實力。💪
請造訪 👉 https://reurl.cc/rYDZx
#AI #IoT #5G #Blockchain #Innovations_Startups #Gaming #XR