In Singapore, guys often get bullied by girls. All we can do is be a LohYehMohYeh gentleman.
Jian Hao: @thejianhaotan (
Ridhwan Azman: @Ridhwanazman (
Peishi: @Speishi (
Noah Yap: @TrulyNoah (
Luna: @LAphrodite
Tosh: @ToshRock (
Dee Kosh: @theDeeKosh (
Boy Thunder: @BoyThunder913 (
Joshua Simon: @JoshuaSimon (
Song produced by: @fallensuperhero (
What the Loh Yeh Moh Yeh
I can't take this anymore
I'm sleeping with your teddy bear
Save me from this dinosaur
Okay sure meet me where
Im outside your house meet me at the door
But first I wear my underwear
This is MARIA
She is my maid who's cooking's gonna give you diarrhoea
Because the previous one just went back to Indonesia
And have I ever told you that I like girls from Korea
You're a mother father gentleman
I cannot tahan anymore
So close to walking out the door
And when I speak about that door
It's not this door but its that door
What what how you like me now
The last thing that you can have is my char siew pao
Oh wow are you crying now
Just cut the crap and stop being a child
You have become a real man now you gotta get a corner
to lepak and don't bother just get over and forget her
but i really really really really really really love her
I really really love her
I am so sad
I'm not that bad
It's not who I am
Where is she
Special thanks for Mae for letting us film at her shop Selcouth at scape underground
TWITTER: @thejianhaotan ( )
INSTAGRAM: @thejianhaotan