彷彿語言的誤解和誤譯本身,已趕在被台灣宗教財團收攏的不肖政客通過「宗教基本法」之前,悄悄成立了宗教——The Universal Church of Miscomprehension and Mistranslation——以防人心發展出理性思考去加以干涉、甚至「迫害」。
以下以【……】標出知名無神論者Sam Harris精彩可期的
著作The End of Faith的部分翻譯問題。
書名:The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason
作者: Sam Harris
譯者: 孔繁鐘
作者簡介 山姆.哈里斯(Sam Harris)
美國著名作家、哲學家、神經科學家。著有《紐約時報》暢銷書《信仰的終結》(The End of Faith,美國筆會2005年非小說類得獎著作)、《給基督教國度的一封信》(Letter to a Christian Nation),以及《道德風景》(The Moral Landscape)。他的作品以超過十五種語言出版。文章曾刊於《新聞周刊》、《紐約時報》、《洛杉磯時報》、《泰晤士報》(倫敦)、《波士頓環球報》、《大西洋月刊》、《神經學年鑑》、《外交政策》及其他許多刊物。為理智工程(Project Reason)的共同創始人與董事長,該非營利組織致力於傳播科學知識和社會中世俗價值。
史丹佛大學哲學學士。他研究東方及西方的宗教傳統以及各種靈性教派已二十年。2009年取得神經科學博士學位,研究主題為相信、不相信、及不確定的神經學基礎。請造訪他的網頁 www . smaharris . org.
譯者簡介 孔繁鐘
The young man takes his seat beside a middle-aged couple. He will wait for the bus to reach its next stop. The couple at his side 【appears to be shopping for a new refrigerator】. The woman has decided on a model, but her husband worries that it will be too expensive. He indicates another one in a brochure that lies open on her lap.
The next stop comes into view. 【The bus doors swing】.
The nails, ball bearings, and rat poison 【ensure further casualties on the street and in the surrounding cars.】
These are 【the facts】. This is all we know for certain about the young man.
A BELIEF is a lever that, once pulled, moves almost everything else in a person’s life. Are you a scientist? A liberal? A racist? These are merely species of 【belief in action】.
It seems that if our species ever eradicates itself through war, it will not be because 【it was written in the stars】 but because it was written in our books; 【it is what we do with words like “God” and “paradise” and “sin” in the present】 that will determine our future.
【People tend to organize themselves into factions according to which of these incompatible claims they accept】—rather than on the basis of language, skin color, location of birth, or any other criterion of tribalism.
All are 【in perverse agreement】 on one point of fundamental importance, however: “respect” for other faiths, or for the views of unbelievers, is not an attitude that God endorses.
【While all faiths have been touched, here and there, by the spirit of ecumenicalism,】 the central tenet of every religious tradition is that all others are mere repositories of error or, at best, dangerously incomplete. Intolerance is thus intrinsic to 【every creed】. Once a person believes—really believes—that certain ideas can lead to eternal happiness, or to its antithesis, he cannot tolerate the possibility that the people he loves might be led astray by the blandishments of unbelievers. Certainty about the next life is 【simply incompatible with tolerance in this one.】
Observations of this sort pose 【an immediate problem for us, however, because】 criticizing a person’s faith is currently taboo in every corner of our culture.
But technology has 【a way of creating】 fresh moral 【imperatives】. Our technical advances in the art of war have finally rendered our religious differences—and 【hence our religious beliefs】—antithetical to our survival. We can no longer ignore the fact that billions of our neighbors believe in the metaphysics of martyrdom, or in the literal truth of 【the book of Revelation】,
Consider the case of alchemy: it fascinated human beings for over a thousand years, and yet anyone who seriously claims to be a practicing alchemist today will have disqualified himself for most positions of responsibility in our society. Faith-based religion 【must】 suffer the same slide into obsolescence.
What is the alternative to 【religion as we know it】? As it turns out, this is the wrong question to ask. Chemistry was not an “alternative” to alchemy; it was a wholesale exchange of 【ignorance at its most rococo】 for genuine knowledge.
OF COURSE, people of faith 【fall】 on a continuum:
they imagine that the path to peace will be paved once each of us has learned to respect the 【unjustified】 beliefs of others.
Many religious moderates have taken the 【apparent high road】 of pluralism, asserting the equal validity of all faiths,
As long as a Christian believes that only his baptized brethren will be saved on the Day of Judgment, he cannot possibly “respect” the beliefs of others, for he knows that the flames of hell have been stoked by 【these very ideas】 and await their adherents even now.
Muslims and Jews generally take the same arrogant view of their own enterprises and have spent millennia passionately reiterating the errors of other faiths. It should go without saying that 【these】 rival belief systems are all equally uncontaminated by evidence.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過151萬的網紅バイリンガール英会話 | Bilingirl Chika,也在其Youtube影片中提到,チャンネル登録してね♡ 最近語学の効果的な勉強方法について色々調べています。ある研究の結果、語学を学ぶには、ヒアリングによる言葉のマッピングが大事とか。赤ちゃんの語学の取得方法、大人にも役立つのでは? I've been researching a lot about effective way...
「importance of language to culture」的推薦目錄:
importance of language to culture 在 酒類專家 王 鵬 Facebook 的精選貼文
布魯塞爾世界酒類競賽烈酒評選(Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles),是全球最富盛名的烈酒賽事之一。台灣今年在此大賽中,再次獲得佳績,所獲獎牌數量為參賽前五強。第一名是法國(本土44面,海外屬地53面),其次是中國(47面)、墨西哥(27面)、義大利(25面)與台灣(22面)。
台灣雙金獎1面(金車噶瑪蘭 Kavalan Solist Fino Sherry Single Cask Strength)、金獎11面(得獎者包括金門酒廠、信義鄉農會、台灣菸酒公司、國立高雄餐旅大學)、銀獎10面(得獎者包括金門酒廠、台灣菸酒公司、優米企業、金車噶瑪蘭、國立高雄餐旅大學、霧峰農會酒莊)
布魯塞爾世界酒類競賽烈酒評選,巡迴世界各地,今年邁入第17屆,在智利拉塞雷納(La Serena)舉辦。
評審團每六人一桌,每桌由大會指派一名評審團主席(俗稱桌長),來自台灣的陳千浩與王鵬,都是本屆的評審團成員,並雙雙兼任評審團主席。此外,王鵬也擔任大會《烈酒風味評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelienes)編纂計劃總召集人及主編,這項計畫從兩年前萌芽,一年前正式開始籌備,並於本屆順利推出,成為本屆賽事亮點之一。
1. Rhum Blanc Agricole Karukera Canne Bleue by Marquisat de Sainte-Marie Sas, Guadeloupe
2. Château du Tariquet Bas Armagnac Folle Blanche 12 years, France
3. Mezcal Don Aurelio Reposado by Don Aurelio Lamas, Mexico.
4. Ekiss Vodka 2012 by Domaines Francis Abecassis, France.
今年烈酒大賽的評審日程為期三日,在8月22日大會開幕典禮上,將正式發表這部《烈酒風味評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelines),目前這部作品以英文發行。
一個賽事的評審團,通常必須拆分成不同桌次,每個桌次可視為一個獨立的評審團。評審桌長,就是這個獨立評審團的主席,通常我們私下都稱為table captain(桌長),但是正式的說法是president of jury(評審團主席)——位階聽起來威風凜凜,但其實就是桌長。身為桌長,任務內容簡單許多,基本上只要確保該桌工作進度沒有落後,文件資料填寫齊全。但是我擔任桌長時,也希望同行專家都能透過討論,從彼此身上學到一些東西,並確保評選結果符合應有水準素質。
〈智利國家電視台TVN Canal 24 Horas〉Comenzó concurso mundial de destilados
〈智利電視台Ahora Noticias Central MEGA〉2017年8月24日
王鵬主導編纂的《烈酒評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelines)正式推出,是本屆賽事的亮點之一 。以下是王鵬在8月22日大賽開幕典禮上的英文致詞全文,以及中文翻譯。
* * * * * * * * * * * *
My dear fellow judges,
As a judge, we never stop learning. I believe you feel the same way. There are so much to explore in the world of spirits. The diversity of our drinks and cultural richness behind them are fascinating; yet, its complexity can be frustrating sometimes. No one is a perfect judge. However, we try to do our best and fulfill our mission.
And we are lucky being in this family of Spirits Selection, because fellow judges always share thoughts and knowledge at the judging table. I was inspired to collect valuable comments, and compile them into Guidelines, so that such information become available for each member in the team, rather than limited within one single jury at a given table.
Hopefully, these guidelines will help you in the challenging task as spirits judge, particularly when you are faced with certain categories that you are less familiar with. We recommend you spend some time on the “Users’ Guide.” You can find it in the beginning of your booklet. Appropriate use of these guidelines will be helpful in your judging, and will ensure our mission in promoting great culture of fine spirits.
Let’s imagine that each bottle or each sample is a person, and it tries to express itself in its own language. To better communicate, we have to learn its language. The diversity of spirits can be compared to diverse languages, and we managed to bridge over that gap, by revealing the secret of “how to speak its own language,” in other words, how to evaluate the spirits from their unique cultural backgrounds. This is what these guidelines are for.
In these Guidelines, we aimed at pointing out common features and frequent faults within each category, and these are often useful tips for judges. We believe, your expertise paired with this powerful tool of Guidelines, will enhance your performance as a judge. I hope you enjoy using these Guidelines before or during judging. Discussions are encouraged, since guidelines themselves are a compilation of these useful comments. When you find them, write them down and send them to us. They are much wanted and desired.
This document is designed to evolve over time, based on your remarks and suggestions. Some pieces are still missing, but I believe they are about to come, thanks to your feedback. Please capture any thought that arises during judging, and let’s share with the whole team in the next edition. Ever-improving guidelines will help reproduce quality judging, which is of utmost importance for the reputation of the renowned Spirits Selection, where we are united as a family and whose reputation is also ours.
I feel so proud and happy being part of the project. Although it was me who took initiative in the creation of these guidelines, were it not for the support of competition organizers and help from fellow judges, the project would not have been carried out with success. We would like to thank all those who have devoted their time and expertise to producing this first version. My special thanks go to Mr. Thierry Heins, who supported this project with great knowledge on spirits and particularly on human resources. He knows his people very well, and always have good contacts. Those fellow judges who contributed to the Guidelines, provided insights and advices, are listed in the Acknowledgements. I believe, in the next edition, this list will definitely grow longer because of your participation.
Thanks for your attention and support. Enjoy your tasting. Let’s get prepared for work!
importance of language to culture 在 酒類專家 王 鵬 Facebook 的最佳解答
布魯塞爾世界酒類競賽烈酒評選(Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles),是全球最富盛名的烈酒賽事之一,該賽事巡迴世界各地,今年邁入第17屆,在智利拉塞雷納(La Serena)舉辦。本屆將近一千兩百種參賽酒款,來自54個不同的國家,66位來自22個不同國家的評審團成員,利用8月22日到24日三天的時間,進行評審工作。王鵬主導編纂的《烈酒評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelines)正式推出,是本屆賽事的亮點之一 。以下是王鵬在8月22日大賽開幕典禮上的英文致詞全文,以及中文翻譯。
* * * * * * * * * * * *
My dear fellow judges,
As a judge, we never stop learning. I believe you feel the same way. There are so much to explore in the world of spirits. The diversity of our drinks and cultural richness behind them are fascinating; yet, its complexity can be frustrating sometimes. No one is a perfect judge. However, we try to do our best and fulfill our mission.
And we are lucky being in this family of Spirits Selection, because fellow judges always share thoughts and knowledge at the judging table. I was inspired to collect valuable comments, and compile them into Guidelines, so that such information become available for each member in the team, rather than limited within one single jury at a given table.
Hopefully, these guidelines will help you in the challenging task as spirits judge, particularly when you are faced with certain categories that you are less familiar with. We recommend you spend some time on the “Users’ Guide.” You can find it in the beginning of your booklet. Appropriate use of these guidelines will be helpful in your judging, and will ensure our mission in promoting great culture of fine spirits.
Let’s imagine that each bottle or each sample is a person, and it tries to express itself in its own language. To better communicate, we have to learn its language. The diversity of spirits can be compared to diverse languages, and we managed to bridge over that gap, by revealing the secret of “how to speak its own language,” in other words, how to evaluate the spirits from their unique cultural backgrounds. This is what these guidelines are for.
In these Guidelines, we aimed at pointing out common features and frequent faults within each category, and these are often useful tips for judges. We believe, your expertise paired with this powerful tool of Guidelines, will enhance your performance as a judge. I hope you enjoy using these Guidelines before or during judging. Discussions are encouraged, since guidelines themselves are a compilation of these useful comments. When you find them, write them down and send them to us. They are much wanted and desired.
This document is designed to evolve over time, based on your remarks and suggestions. Some pieces are still missing, but I believe they are about to come, thanks to your feedback. Please capture any thought that arises during judging, and let’s share with the whole team in the next edition. Ever-improving guidelines will help reproduce quality judging, which is of utmost importance for the reputation of the renowned Spirits Selection, where we are united as a family and whose reputation is also ours.
I feel so proud and happy being part of the project. Although it was me who took initiative in the creation of these guidelines, were it not for the support of competition organizers and help from fellow judges, the project would not have been carried out with success. We would like to thank all those who have devoted their time and expertise to producing this first version. My special thanks go to Mr. Thierry Heins, who supported this project with great knowledge on spirits and particularly on human resources. He knows his people very well, and always have good contacts. Those fellow judges who contributed to the Guidelines, provided insights and advices, are listed in the Acknowledgements. I believe, in the next edition, this list will definitely grow longer because of your participation.
Thanks for your attention and support. Enjoy your tasting. Let’s get prepared for work!
importance of language to culture 在 バイリンガール英会話 | Bilingirl Chika Youtube 的精選貼文
I've been researching a lot about effective ways of learning a language. I found one research that explained the importance of listening and hearing the language in order for the brain to map it to certain emotions. This research was based on babies learning how to speak, but thought some of it could apply to adult learners as well.
★ これまでの動画一覧 /Playlist of all my videos
毎週火曜日22時からツイッターでリアルタイム英会話クイズ(通称ツイズ)をやっています☆ 参加するには、ツイズ専用アカウント(@bilingirl_twiz)をフォローしてください♪
■ お仕事のお問い合わせはこちら
importance of language to culture 在 The power of language: How words shape people, culture 的相關結果
Speaking, writing and reading are integral to everyday life, where language is the primary tool for expression and communication. ... <看更多>
importance of language to culture 在 Language and culture - Encyclopedia Britannica 的相關結果
Languages and variations within languages play both a unifying and a diversifying role in human society as a whole. Language is a part of culture, but culture ... ... <看更多>
importance of language to culture 在 Language: The Essence of Culture | Greenheart International 的相關結果
Language is one of the most important parts of any culture. It is the way by which people communicate with one another, build relationships, and create a sense ... ... <看更多>