🔔 單字筆記最快九月中就會開放販售,請留言的學員隨時留意置頂貼文哦!
📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 台灣 🇹🇼
📰 Taiwan to Ease Limits on American Pork and Beef, Smoothing Path for Trade Talks
U.S. officials have long regarded the restrictions as the main barrier to closer trade links with Taiwan
📌 這篇文章是關於台灣重要且富爭議的決定,它跟減輕 (ease) 進口美國豬肉和牛肉 (American pork and beef) 的限制 (limit/restriction) 有關,但它也牽涉到更重要的議題:貿易談判 (trade talks) 以及貿易聯繫 (trade link)。smooth the path (鋪路),在文章中有轉化修辭的作用,在新聞寫作很常見。
HONG KONG—Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen said she would ease restrictions on imports of U.S. beef and pork, clearing the biggest obstacle to free-trade talks with Washington.
At a televised news briefing Friday, Ms. Tsai said she had instructed her government to ease regulations to allow imports of American pork containing trace amounts of an animal-feed additive used by some U.S. farms, as well as U.S. beef products from cattle age 30 months and older.
📌 文章第一段復述標題和副標題的主要内容。值得注意的是,副標題的barrier在這裡換成了obstacle,這也是常見的修辭方法。文章第二段提供更多的細節,trace amount 就是微量,animal-feed additive 是動物飼料添加劑。
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a tweet on Friday the U.S. welcomes Taiwan’s decision to lift restrictions on imports of American pork and beef. “This move opens the door for even deeper economic and trade cooperation,” he said.
U.S. officials have long regarded these restrictions as the main barrier to closer trade links with Taiwan, which had resisted calls to ease such curbs citing concerns over food safety and opposition from the island’s own pig-farming industry. Ms. Tsai said her decision would be implemented in a way that addresses both issues.
📌 這兩段是關於美國政府的回應。第一段引述國務卿 (Secretary of State) 的推特 (tweet)。台灣的決定 (decision) 為更深入的經濟和貿易合作 (deeper economic and trade cooperation) 打開大門 (open the door)。第二段解釋對豬肉和牛肉的限制跟貿易聯繫之關係。curb是restriction的同義詞。address issues (處理問題) ,是新聞寫作常見用語。
The announcement came about two weeks after Ms. Tsai said she wanted to start talks on a free-trade agreement with the U.S., a key unofficial ally and a major trading partner for the island democracy. Her pursuit of closer trade links is part of an effort to strengthen ties with Washington and resist coercion from China, Taiwan’s largest trading partner and whose ruling Communist Party claims the island as its territory.
Taiwanese officials “believe that opening up further to U.S. pork and beef imports at the present time is a decision in line with overall national interests and strategic-development goals for the future,” Ms. Tsai said.
“This is also a decision that can promote Taiwan-U.S. relations.”
📌 這三段提供這次決定的背景,從希望開展自由貿易協議 (free-trade agreement) 的談判到加強 (strengthen) 與華盛頓 (Washington,引申到美國政府) 的聯繫以抗衡中國的強迫 (coercion)。當中提到整體國家利益 (overall national interests) 和策略發展目的 (strategic-development goals)。
Ms. Tsai said the timing of her decision was driven by a desire to secure Taiwan’s economic future by playing an influential role in the restructuring of global supply chains caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
📌 這段補充說,決定的時機 (timing) 是源於穩固台灣的經濟未來 (secure Taiwan’s economic future),play an influential role (扮演有影響力的角色),restructuring (重組) 和 global supply chain (全球供應鏈) 都是關鍵詞。
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📰 作者
Chun Han Wong
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🎁 領獎期限: 09/06 20:00
「in the future 同義」的推薦目錄:
- 關於in the future 同義 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於in the future 同義 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最讚貼文
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- 關於in the future 同義 在 In the future 同義在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的評價
- 關於in the future 同義 在 In the future 同義在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的評價
- 關於in the future 同義 在 in the future同義詞的評價和優惠,YOUTUBE和商品老實說的推薦 的評價
- 關於in the future 同義 在 「永恆的」同義字Unending / undying / forever... - Facebook ... 的評價
in the future 同義 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 背單詞
市面上好興什麼500必讀單詞,什麼讀了1000個單字就能流利說英文的教材。蕭叔叔得罪講句,英文唔係咁學的,語言唔係咁學的。學字學句,不能in isolation,completely out of context的學。即使背了字義,背了例句,真正要用時,其實未必用得出。要學,就應該在閱讀或對話或看劇遇到新字新句時查字典或問人,要記住該字所出現的context是什麼,例如什麼人對什麼人,在什麼情況下用什麼語氣要表達什麼意思,會怎樣用某個字或某句。把所有有關資料都記下來,這樣才是學字的正確方法。
2. 背字典
把字典倒背如流,自然是個創舉,但對學英文幫助不大,原因如上。Out of context學的字,很大機會會用錯。當然,例句充足,解釋詳盡的好字典,是學語言的最佳學習工具。
3. 背同義詞表
同義詞辭典是很好的學習工具,但千萬別用錯。同義詞辭典,是用來remind you of words that you already know,而不是學新字的工具。有時候蕭叔叔見到坊間不少補習老師愛給學生lists of words that are supposed to be synonymous,要求學生用完一個,下一句就要用另外一個,講求「用字多變」,卻不求甚解,蕭叔叔最怕。就是那些sad等於depressed等於dejected等於heartbroken等於mournful等於bereaved等於despairing等於distressed那些。須知道英文好玩之處在於字詞多變,在不同場合,要表達非常subtle的分別,要用不同的字。例如bereaved是死人時才用的,亂用來取代list內其他的字,會鬧笑話。那不是說同義詞典不好,而是要用得其法,假如你本身已懂某字,卻一時三刻想不起來,這時候同義詞辭典會好有用。但記著,學字,一定要in context地學。
4. 狂做厚厚的grammar練習
好多香港人,尤其是老一輩的,都喜歡厚厚的grammar練習,花好多時間做,做得全對了,就很有成功感。其實學grammar同學字一樣,都要in context地學。篇幅所限,grammar書不能把所有某一個grammar structure的用法和含意都一一細列,要學得文法上非常subtle的地方,還是要靠多聽多分析,遇到問題時再查grammar的reference books如Oxford University Press出版,學者Michael Swan寫的Practical English Usage,這樣多學,再多看多聽,多分析,然後練寫同講,先係學grammar的正確方法。
5. 讀多D英文
上一輩嘅人常說,睇多D英文,每日睇報紙,英文就會寫得好,那是大錯。多聽人唱歌,不等於自己就會唱得好;多看英超,也不等於識得落場踢波。閱讀是一樣。要寫英文寫得好,沒錯,是一定要多讀,那是個necessary condition,但by no means sufficient。想寫得好,還要仔細分析,慢慢嘴嚼,多問自己點解呢段呢句要咁寫,然後盡量在練寫時應用從閱讀學來的東西;就像練打籃球,不要只打開電視看NBA,還要選最喜歡的球員,把他的精華片段錄下來,慢慢重播,甚至慢鏡分析,meticulously study球員的步法、手勢、站位、眼神,再每天落街場嘗試應用新學的招式,這樣球技才會進步。只靠「睇多D NBA」,等同「讀多D英文」,唔會令你進步。
6. 聽多D英文
7. 聽歌學講英文
蕭叔叔也喜歡聽歌,但聽英文歌,contrary to what many believe,對學英文幫助不大。歌詞的詞序、選字好多時候會因應歌曲節奏和押韻的考慮而同平時日常生活所講不同,歌詞練得熟,對日常對話沒有什麼幫助。Where English songs do help是引起對學英文的興趣,還有提高對英文節奏感和發音的領悟。
8. 專心上英文堂
老實說,雖然蕭叔叔也算是個英文老師,但我成日聽同人講,上英文堂,不論是學校的,補習社的,還是出面其他教學機構的,用處不是太大。我最喜歡跟學生講:You are your best language teacher。學外語,還是靠自己勤力練習有效得多。那老師的功用是什麼?我覺得是raise學生的language awareness,令他們留意到外語跟自己母語在文法上,發音上有什麼不同之處,然後學生最後能否acquire外語的那些features,還是靠學生自己平時努力。
9. 大聲讀報紙
假如你本身未學好英文發音節奏,每天找英文報紙大聲朗讀,對咬字發音沒有幫助。It will only reinforce your mistakes and make them harder to eradicate in the future。正確做法,想練好聽講,是找錄音練,你對時事有興趣,最好找同時有文字有聲音的材料,慢慢分析發音,節奏,這樣才會進步。蕭叔叔見過太多學生,在學好基本功之前太用心練,以致hypercorrection問題甚多,要糾正就麻煩。
10. 每天花一小時學英文
想學好英文,you’ve got to immerse yourself completely in the language. 不要只靠每天抽一兩小時出來練,要try and live in English。當然要努力學習,但學習之餘,還要令自己時時刻刻接觸的,都是英文:讀英文報、看英文網、煲英文劇、寫英文日記或essay、多同English speaking的同事朋友吹水、總之live as if you’re an English speaker, and soon you will become one. 加油。
蕭愷一,aka蕭叔叔。夢想做男神、現實是大叔的英文教學狂熱分子,law grad,哲學碩士dropout,語言學愛好者,以speak English like an educated native為教與學的終極目標。(facebook.com/siuhoiyat)
in the future 同義 在 In the future 同義在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的推薦與評價
提供In the future 同義相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多不久的將來英文、In future or in the future 中文、In the near future有關歷史/文化文章或書籍, ... ... <看更多>
in the future 同義 在 「永恆的」同義字Unending / undying / forever... - Facebook ... 的推薦與評價
「永恆的」同義字Unending / undying / forever / permanent Everlasting / perennial / eternal ... 可能是包含下列内容的图片:上面的文字是“Future Tense Parts. ... <看更多>
in the future 同義 在 In the future 同義在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的推薦與評價
提供In the future 同義相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多不久的將來英文、In future or in the future 中文、In the near future有關歷史/文化文章或書籍, ... ... <看更多>