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同時也有582部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅Tasty Japan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,冷凍パイシートを使って、片手で食べられるミニパイができちゃいます♪ 甘酸っぱいミックスベリーパイから、シナモンがきいたアップルパイまで、いろんな味が楽しめます! 焼き上がったらクリームで楽しくデコレーション♪ぜひ作ってみてくださいね! ミニパイ5種 8人分 材料: 薄力粉(打ち粉用) 30g 冷...
「in week 1 or on week 1」的推薦目錄:
in week 1 or on week 1 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【LifeinTaiwan is looking for an intern】
Hello everyone,
I love being a Youtuber. I love the freedom it gives me and appreciate the connection it gives me to my ever-so-supportive audience. I began the channel 4 years ago and never imagined it would be more than a small hobby or side project that I would do in my spare time in order to allow my son in South Africa, William, to watch his Daddy sharing his Life in Taiwan with him and anyone else who wants to watch.
I have been so blessed that although the channel and myself have had some ups and downs over the years, the channel has grown to a size where I feel that I am now able to offer somebody the opportunity to join me and share the journey I am taking through the Youtube world. For 4 years, over countless hours I have created 300 videos and grown to the channel to a quarter of a million subscribers all by myself. Video conception, writing, planning, producing, filming, editing, subtitling and re-editing have all been done by myself with the occasional welcome assistance from friends who have stepped in when I have required help. Thank you to everyone who has helped me get to this point.
However, it has recently become apparent that I need help. The constant strive for ideas and pressure to create interesting, watchable videos has pushed me to the limit of what one person can do in order to provide the best content for the viewers here in Taiwan and around the world. This is in addition to the fact that as a foreigner in Taiwan, I often find myself needing the help of a Taiwanese person to prevent making some basic mistakes that would otherwise go unnoticed.
Therefore, in order to show you a higher level of content and better quality videos, I have decided to invite an intern to join me! 💪
What kind of person am I looking for?
- Those who are interested in marketing, film creativity, script writing and filming. Students studying in these fields are also welcome.
- Those who usually watch youtube videos and understand the Youtube space
- Those who have lived or studied overseas or have cross-cultural experience are preferred
- Those able to communicate fluently in English
- Those who want to know more about the YouTube space and accumulate experience in the social media field
- Somebody who wants to learn more about the video creation process and develop their skills in video production
- Somebody in Taichung City
What do I need help with?
- Assistance in planning videos for Youtube
- Advice and opinions on video topics
- Help with writing video scripts
- Assist in filming and production.
What am I offering?
- Salary: Part time salary is negotiable
- Bonus: Video view targets will earn bonus pay
- Working time: 10-15 hours per week
- Flexible schedule if I find the perfect person
Please send a CV and a motivation letter to the address below.
Subject Line: Lifeintaiwan Intern
Applications without CV & Motivation Letter cannot be processed.
[email protected]
in week 1 or on week 1 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文
1) Make out
Make out は「見える」や「聞こえる」、「読める」など何かを認識したり、理解することを意味します。例えば、友達に「あの標識なんて書いてあるか見える?」と聞く場合は「Can you make out that sign?」、その質問に対して「遠すぎて見えないよ」と返事をする場合は「It’s too far. I can’t make it out.」と言います。この表現は一般的に、「〜が見えない」や「〜が判読できない」のように、否定形で使われます。
その他、make out は「イチャイチャする」を意味するスラングとしても使われます。この表現にはディープキスをする意味合いもあり、特にパーティーでカップルがイチャついているのを見たときに、「Omg. Tom and Lisa are making out!(うわ!トムとリサがイチャイチャしている)」のように使われます。なお、キス以上の行為はmake outには含まれません。
What does that sign say? Can you make it out?
I couldn’t make out what he said. Did you catch it?
I heard Peter and Megan were making out at the party last night.
2) Make it quick
Make it quickは直訳すると「早く作ってね」になりますが、日常会話では急いでいるときに相手に対して「早く済ませてね」や「急いでね」の意味で使われる話し言葉です。使い方はhurry upと似ており、例えば電車が出発する間際に友達が「I have go to the bathroom.(トイレに行かないと)」と言ったときに、「Make it quick. The train is leaving in 5 minutes.(急いでね。電車は5分で出発するから)」という具合に命令形で使われることが多いです。「すぐに済ませるから」は「I’ll make it quick.」と言います。
A: Do I have time to get changed?
B: Yeah, but make it quick. The show is starting in 20 minutes.
A: Do you have a minute? I know you’re busy. I’ll make it quick.
B: Yeah, what’s up?
3) Make sense
Make sense は物事を理解したときに使われ、分からなかったことが明らかになったり、何かに納得したことを表します。I understand と意味は似ていますが、make sense は話にしっかり筋が通っていて理解できるニュアンスがあり、「分かりましたか?」は「Does it make sense?」、「ええ、理解できました」は「Yeah, that makes sense.」と言います。逆に、話が矛盾していたり、筋が通っていなかったり、理屈がおかしい時は、「It doesn’t make sense.」と言います。
That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.
That makes sense. No wonder he was so upset.
What she’s saying doesn’t make sense. She’s contradicting herself.
4) Make up
この表現は、喧嘩をした相手と仲直りすることや、もめ事を丸く収めることを表し、喧嘩をした友達同士やカップルが仲直りする状況で使われます。例えば、「私はジョンと仲直りした」は「I made up with John.」、「マイクとマヤは仲直りした」は「Mike and Maya made up.」という具合に使われます。ちなみに、make up は「埋め合わせをする」を意味し、例えば、彼女の誕生日をうっかり忘れてしまい「ごめん。埋め合わせするから」と言いたい時は「I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.」と表現します。
その他、make upは歌や詩、ストーリーなどを自作する意味としても使われます。例えば、「歌を作りました」は「I made up a song.」、「詩を作りました」は「I made up a poem.」のように表します。
They’re on good terms now. They made up with each other.
I got into an argument with Matt but we made up.
I’m sorry about last night. I’ll make it up to you.
Wow, did you make up that song on the spot?
5) Make a difference
Make a differenceを直訳すると「違いを作る」ですが、この表現は、ある行動によってポジティブな変化や結果が生まれることを意味します。例えば、「留学経験が英会話力に大きな影響を与えた」と表現する場合は「Studying abroad really made a difference」と言うことができます。逆に、効果やインパクトがない場合は、「It makes no difference.」または「It doesn’t make any difference.」と表現します。
その他、It makes no differenceは「どっちいでもいい」を意味し、特に、選択肢が2つある状況でどちらを選択しても気にしないといったニュアンスが含まれます。
Writing down your goals really makes a difference. You should try it.
A lot of people don’t vote because they think it makes no difference.
I can do Korean food or Japanese food. It doesn’t make a difference to me.
6) What do you make of
What do you make of ____ は相手の意見や考えを尋ねるときに使われ、 What do you think of ____ の言い換え表現として使われます。例えば、「これどう思う?」は「What do you make of this?」、「あの映画についてどう思う?」は「What do you make of that movie?」という具合に使われます。その他、相手がある物事をどのように解釈するのかを尋ねるときにも使われ、例えば、不可解なメッセージが届いたときに「What do you make of this message?(このメッセージをあなたはどう解釈しますか?)」と表現します。
What do you make of the idea she proposed?
Tony sent me a weird email. Take a look at it. What do you make of it?
I don’t know what to make of him. But there’s something about him that seems shady.
7) Make a wish
Make a wish は「願い事をする」を意味します。例えば、誕生日パーティーの主役に「ろうそくを吹き消して願い事を言って」と言いたい場合は「Blow out the candles and make a wish.」と言います。その他、「欲しいものリストを作る」は「Make a wish list.」と言います。
Happy birthday! Did you make a wish?
It’s 11:11. Make a wish guys!
I made my Amazon wish list and emailed it to you.
8) Make fun of
Make fun ofは人をからかったり、馬鹿にしたりすることを表します。相手をからかって本当に困らせる時と友達同士が冗談でからかい合う時、両方の状況で使えます。「彼は彼女をからかった」と言いたい場合は「He made fun of her.」と言い、made fun of の後にからかう対象が入ります。
I've known him since I was a kid. We make fun of each other all the time.
She's upset because Jack made fun of her pronunciation.
My friends always make fun of me because I can't eat hot food.
9) Make up one’s mind
Make up one’s mind は「決める」や「決心する」を意味し、decideのより口語的な言い方です。どうしていいか分からない時や、優柔不断でなかなか決断できない状況でよく使われ、優柔不断な友達に対して「決めて!はっきりして!」と言う場合は「Make up your mind!」、そして「どうしていいか分からないよ。迷う!」と返事する場合は「I can’t make up my mind!」と言います。
Did you make up your mind or are you still thinking about it?
I don’t know what to do. I can’t make up my mind.
I made up my mind. I’m going to quit my job and start my own business.
10) Make one’s day
誰かのおかげで幸せな気分になったり、相手の一言で励まされたとき英語では「You made my day.」という表現を使うことがよくあります。直訳すると「あなたのおかげで良い一日になったよ」になり、相手に感謝の気持ちを伝えるときに使われ、「Thanks. You made my day!」のようにセットで使われます。その他、試験に合格したり、面接に受かったりなど、良い報告を受けたり嬉しい出来事があったときは「That made my day!」と言います。ちなみに、dayだけではなく「That made my week」、「That made my month.」、「That made my year」と言うこともできます。
Thanks for the gifts. You made my day.
Thank you for the call. You really made my day.
I just found out I got into the MBA program. I'm so excited! That made my year!
in week 1 or on week 1 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳解答
薄力粉(打ち粉用) 30g
冷凍パイシート 2枚
卵 1個
水 大さじ1
クリームチーズ(常温) 55g
砂糖 大さじ1
バニラエクストラクト 小さじ1
いちご(みじん切り) 4個
ラズベリー 40g
ブルーベリー 35g
砂糖 大さじ1
レモン汁 大さじ1/2
レモンの皮 小さじ1/2
チョコレートスプレッド 75g
バナナ(スライス) 1本
青りんご(スライス) 1/2個
ブラウンシュガー 大さじ1
シナモン 小さじ1/8
粉砂糖(ふるっておく) 120g
牛乳 大さじ1
バニラエクストラクト 小さじ1/4
1. 作業台の上に軽く薄力粉をまぶし、冷凍パイシートを23x30cmの長方形になるまで綿棒で伸ばす。パイシート1枚を3回折り畳み、折り線で8つの長方形を作る。クッキングシートを敷いた天板に載せる。
2. いちごクリームパイのフィリングを作る。小さめのボウルにクリームチーズ、砂糖、バニラエクストラクトを入れて混ぜる。
3. ミックスベリーパイのフィリングを作る。小さめのボウルにラズベリーを入れてフォークでつぶす。ブルーベリー、レモン汁、砂糖、レモンの皮を加えてよく混ぜる。
4. (3)をパイシートの長方形2つの真ん中に載せる。
5. 3つ目と4つ目の長方形にチョコレートスプレッドを塗り、バナナのスライスを載せる。
6. 5つ目と6つ目の長方形に(2)を塗り、いちごを載せる。
7. 7つ目と8つ目の長方形にはりんごのスライスを並べ、シナモンとブラウンシュガーを振りかける。
8. オーブンを200˚Cに予熱しておく。
9. パイに塗る卵液を作る。小さめのボウルに卵と水を混ぜ合わせる。刷毛でパイ生地の折線に沿って塗る。もう2枚目のパイシートを上から被せ、折線に沿ってフィリングの周りの生地を押す。
10. ピザカッター、または包丁で折線に沿って切る。縁にフォークを押し付けて真ん中に穴を3-4ヶ所開ける。表面に卵液を塗る。
11. オーブンで25分焼く。焼き色がついたら取り出し、5分冷ます。
12. トッピング用のクリームを作る。ボウルに粉砂糖、牛乳、バニラエクストラクトを入れ、滑らかになるまで混ぜる。
13. クリームを絞り袋に入れる。パイの表面をクリームでデコレーションしたら、完成!
Sheet Pan Stuffed Pastry Pockets
Servings: 8
¼ cup all-purpose flour (30 g), for dusting
2 sheets puff pastry, thawed if frozen
1 egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon water or milk
1 cup powdered sugar (120 g), sifted
1 tablespoon milk
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ cup cream cheese (55 g), softened
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 strawberries, stemmed and diced
⅓ cup raspberry (40 g)
⅓ cup blueberry (35 g)
1 tablespoon sugar
½ tablespoon lemon juice
½ teaspoon lemon zest
¼ cup chocolate hazelnut spread (75 g)
1 banana, sliced
½ green apple, sliced
1 tablespoon brown sugar
⅛ teaspoon cinnamon
1. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the puff pastry sheets to 9x12-inch (23x30-cm) rectangles. Set one pastry sheet aside and fold the other in half lengthwise, then in half crosswise twice, to form creases for 8 pockets. Unfold the pastry sheet on the prepared baking sheet.
2. Make the Strawberries ‘n’ Cream filling: In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla, and mix until smooth.
3. Make the Very Berry filling: In a small bowl, mash the raspberries, then add the blueberries, sugar, lemon juice, and lemon zest. Mix with a fork.
4. Spoon the berry mixture over the center of 2 of the 8 rectangles.
5. Use a spatula to spread the chocolate hazelnut spread over the center of 2 more rectangles, then top with the banana slices.
6. Use a spatula to spread the cream cheese mixture in the center of 2 more rectangles, then top with the strawberries.
7. Place apples slices in the center of the remaining 2 rectangles, then sprinkle with the brown sugar and cinnamon.
8. Preheat the oven to 400˚F (200˚C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
9. Brush the egg wash over the pastry around the edges and between each filling, then top with the remaining puff pastry sheet. Use your fingers to press the pastry down around each filling. Once tightly pressed, use a pizza cutter or knife to cut out each pocket.
10. Seal the outside edges with a fork. Poke the top of each pocket with a fork 3-4 times to ventilate. Brush the tops with egg wash.
11. Bake for 25 minutes, or until golden brown.
12. Make the glaze: In a medium bowl, combine the powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla. Stir until smooth and thick.
13. Remove the pockets from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Decorate with the glaze, then serve immediately, or wrap in wax paper and freeze for up to a week. Reheat in the toaster oven.
14. Enjoy!
Licensed via Audio Network

in week 1 or on week 1 在 Lukas Engström Youtube 的精選貼文
Please visit https://jbw.tw/Lukas or click the link in the comments to get 10% off everything in the store!
#JBW #JustBeWell #JBW.TW/Lukas
Do you want to see MORE videos like this one?
Please consider joining my YouTube channel to get access to exclusive perks and also support me as all my income will go directly back into the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJQ4cxWeJk2eM4vVRRC9cbg/join
Don't forget to also check out the Lukas in Taiwan podcast:
Apple Podcasts:
Please note that my Patreon now is inactive, but that you are welcome to support me there as well if my YouTube membership is not enough: https://www.patreon.com/LukasEngstrom
Please also follow me on:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LukasTaiwan
Instagram: www.instagram.com/LukasEngstrom
If you want to send my something that might be shown in a future video, please send it to:
ATT: Lukas
RM. 2, 6F., NO.201, FUHE RD.,
Business inquiries:
創作者經紀人/Contact person: - Maggie
Line ID: @redi
Email: contact@lukasengstrom.com
The following is the gear I’m using when making my videos. I’m part of Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means that I will get a small commission if you purchase anything via my links. Any commission I’ll be getting will go straight back into buying new gear for my future videos, so any kind of support is highly appreciated!
Canon EOS R (main camera): https://amzn.to/3fCbINR
Canon M50 (B-cam): https://amzn.to/2Tf998r
Insta360 One X 2 (Best 360 camera): https://www.insta360.com/sal/one_x2?insrc=INRAIR0
Insta 360 One R (Best 360/action cam combo): https://www.insta360.com/sal/one_r?insrc=INRAIR0
Canon RF 15-35mm F2.8 L IS USM: https://amzn.to/3o4N8YZ
Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM: https://amzn.to/34RDy1V
Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM: https://amzn.to/2O0a62Y
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM https://amzn.to/2O5DJA0
Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM: https://amzn.to/2X88oR7
Studio equipment:
2x Rode NT2A Microphone set: https://amzn.to/3fBoOuK
Ninja V recorder: https://amzn.to/36azTzR
SanDisk Ultra 3D 1TB SSD: https://amzn.to/36f1pfH
SanDisk Ultra 3D 2TB SSD: https://amzn.to/3fErckb
Drone: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom: https://amzn.to/2Sak4CX
Mavic 2 Fly More Kit: https://amzn.to/2TlpLLT
Gimbal: DJI Ronin-S Handheld 3-Axis: https://amzn.to/2NG4L20
Microphone: RØDE VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/2Tg9mbx
2x SanDisk Extreme Pro Memory Card (128GB): https://amzn.to/2Oi0CQX
Bag: Lowepro ProTactic BP 450 AW II:https://amzn.to/2NDbCsN
Canon EOS M Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2O1jH9I
Canon EF-EOS R Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2NDak0V
JOBY Gorillapod 3K: https://amzn.to/2S3GQfR
ADATA SD600Q SSD (240GB): https://amzn.to/2Wp28Tf
ADATA D8000L LED Power Bank: https://amzn.to/34MrlLY
Transcend ESD240C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/2X5L7xW
Transcend ESD350C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/32LBzeg
Transcend StoreJet 25MC HDD (1TB): https://amzn.to/2KekmUd
Transcend 128GB microSD: https://amzn.to/2tCkOmw
MacBook Pro 16”: https://amzn.to/3fElb77 Asus VP28UQG 28" 4K/UHD monitor: https://amzn.to/2CE5eeI

in week 1 or on week 1 在 Pat Kay Youtube 的最讚貼文
Episode 5 of the series decoding Visual Language with Photography Visual Patterns!
This week, Contrast. It's not just about the relationship between light and dark, it's so much more.
Visual Language & Visual Pattern Series
Ep 1, Frames: https://youtu.be/8ua1A7VI2H0
Ep 2, Negative Space: https://youtu.be/id0WCxwVNWY
Ep 3, Leading Lines: https://youtu.be/uu_5lEja2vA
Ep 4, Color Theory: https://youtu.be/yIOVJXNoDxY
Support me on Patreon or join this channel to get access to exclusive perks:
Let's chat! Join my Discord
Get the music I use
Epidemic Sound (30 days free) - https://geni.us/pk-epidemicsound
Artlist (get 2 months free) - https://geni.us/pk-artlist
Stock video footage (use my code for an extra 2 months free)
🌐 Find me at
Patreon - https://patreon.com/patkay
Website - https://patkay.com
Instagram - https://instagram.com/pat_kay
Instagram (second account) - https://instagram.com/heypatkay
Twitter - https://twitter.com/heypatkay
Discord - https://discord.gg/nrm4ZdhRQQ
Twitch - https://twitch.tv/heypatkay
🛍 Shop
Photography Guide to Japan - https://geni.us/DiscoverJapan
Photography Guide to Tokyo - https://geni.us/TokyoGuide
My entire Adobe Lightroom preset pack - https://geni.us/presets
Prints - https://geni.us/pkprints
📷 Gear
Photo camera - https://geni.us/GJrG7iy
Video camera - https://geni.us/J1KUKOQ
Little camera - https://geni.us/TWPPdPC
Main lens - https://geni.us/ifAt80d
Wide lens - https://geni.us/6Gkq
Mid lens - https://geni.us/0ooL
Portrait lens - https://geni.us/mBf1I
Long lens - https://geni.us/213QPKM
Shotgun mic - https://geni.us/ogbq
Shotgun deadcat - https://geni.us/IGuRsBA
Lav mic - https://geni.us/z3i4Ov9
Drone - https://geni.us/2q5uu
Tripod - https://geni.us/vO4wh
Mini tripod - https://geni.us/k9ym
SD card - https://geni.us/DrVnd6q
Full gear list here - https://geni.us/A6HPT
0:00 Intro
0:40 Contrast explaination
4:10 Examples
9:48 Wrap up