Penubuhan Kaukus Reformasi Ekonomi, Sosial dan Kebajikan.
Arahan yang dikeluarkan semalam oleh Pimpinan Pembangkang bagi meluluskan peringkat dasar Belanjawan 2021 amat mengecewakan banyak pihak. Kami sudahpun bersedia untuk menolak Belanjawan tersebut sehinggalah arahan di minit akhir yang mengikat ahli parlimen Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KEADILAN) mengikut kepatuhan disiplin parti.
Pun demikian, para penyokong kami dengan jelas menyuarakan keperluan membulat tekad dan Istiqamah dalam mempertahan kebajikan, kepentingan rakyat dan negara. Jelas bahawa selaku wakil rakyat pembangkang yang bertanggungjawab, kepercayaan rakyat bukan sahaja harus dihormati tetapi dilunaskan menerusi tindakan sewajarnya.
Ahli Parlimen telah dipilih oleh Rakyat untuk mewakili kepentingan mereka; dan sepanjang menggalas tanggungjawab, jelas bahawa kami tidak sempurna; tetapi perlu terus berusaha memenuhi harapan ramai. Oleh itu, izinkan kami berusaha memperbaiki prestasi menerusi pembentukan kaukus ini.
Setelah semalaman merenung peristiwa Belanjawan, kami telah memutuskan untuk bersama-sama memperjuangkan dan menekuni perincian dasar alternatif yang bertumpu kepada peranan kami selaku wakil-wakil rakyat dari pihak pembangkang.
Belanjawan 2021 gagal menyediakan jaring keselamatan sosial yang mencukupi untuk warga pekerja di Malaysia.
Dengan hanya bertumpu kepada langkah populis gesaan ramai ahli politik berkisar pengeluaran awal KWSP, kerajaan hanya memudahkan laluan penabung menggunakan dana simpanan masa depan, bukannya melakukan sedaya upaya untuk membantu rakyat menabung.
43% daripada senarai pencarum di bawah umur 55 tahun, mempunyai simpanan kurang daripada RM 10 ribu melalui Akaun 1. Dengan simpanan yang tidak bertambah, pihak Kerajaan lebih rela membiarkan rakyat menikmati kehidupan persaraan dengan pendapatan yang tidak lebih daripada RM 41 sebulan selama dua puluh tahun yang mendatang. Sebaiknya kerajaan dahulukan dana, selamatkan simpanan rakyat.
Terdapat juga kekurangan fokus kepada penjanaan peluang pekerjaan yang kalis masa depan, termasuk kalis pandemik COVID-19 dan krisis ekonomi berikutnya. Keadaan ekonomi dijangka bertambah buruk menjelang 2021.
Belanjawan yang hanya menabur janji- janji melalui hasil pendapatan dan memotong sebegitu banyak kemudahan penting yang pastinya tidak memenuhi keperluan Rakyat. Ini menjurus ke arah permasalahan yang lebih besar apabila terus dimainkan seperti kesan terhadap perang pemerdagangan global dan komitmen dalam menangani cabaran perubahan iklim.
Kaukus ini percaya bahawa Kerajaan pada masa ini mesti memberi tumpuan kepada kesiap-siagaan dasar yang konkrit dan terperinci mengenai isu-isu utama semasa:
- Peluang Pekerjaan yang Menepati Keperluan Masa Depan
- Perjanjian Baharu yang Hijau
- Perluasan Jaringan Keselamatan Sosial
Sebagai Ahli Parlimen, semestinya mewakili komponen koalisi di dalam Dewan Rakyat. Bahkan, sebagai anggota Pembangkang dalam demokrasi berparlimen, Ahli Parlimen bertanggungjawab dalam menyediakan asas sistem semak dan imbang yang secukupnya dalam mengekang keboborokan pihak kerajaan.
Kita juga tidak boleh mengkesampingkan isu keadilan sosial dan anti rasuah yang dijuarai oleh KEADILAN, yakni selama ini banyak diangkat oleh para penyokong kita. Inilah prinsip-prinsip yang akan terus diperjuangkan sebagai pembuat dasar pembangkang yang teguh, untuk menjulang bakti dan kesetiaan kepada Raja dan negara.
Akmal Nasir, Ahli Parlimen Johor Bahru (KEADILAN)
Hassan Karim, Ahli Parlimen Pasir Gudang (KEADILAN)
Nurul Izzah Anwar, Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh (KEADILAN)
The Setting Up of the Economic, Social and Welfare Caucus
Yesterday’s directive by leaders of the Opposition to pass the Budget came as a disappointment to many.
We ourselves were ready to vote down the budget until the last-minute instructions to stand down, which we adhered to as per the conventions of party discipline.
However, our supporters have made it emphatically clear that it is crucial to be dictated by our conscience in matters of national importance. We want to honour that trust placed in us and act accordingly.
Members of Parliament were voted in by the Rakyat to represent their interests. Along the way we fell short of fulfilling expectations. It is therefore incumbent upon us to rectify matters and acknowledge our shortfalls, which we intend to do through the creation of this Caucus.
Having spent the night reflecting on the Budget vote, we have decided to come together to champion clear-cut policy alternatives by diligently performing our role as opposition lawmakers.
Budget 2021 failed to provide sufficient social safety nets for the underprivileged in Malaysia. With interventions such as early EPF withdrawal, the government is forcing people to borrow from their future instead of providing the necessary support today.
43% of EPF contributors under the age of 55 have less than RM10,000 in their Account 1. Especially during a time when savings have not increased, the Government is more than willing to let people borrow from their future of RM41/ month for the next 20 years. The government should prioritise providing relief funds instead in order to protect our savings and future-proof our retirement.
There is also a lack of focus on job creation especially at a time when many Malaysians have been forced out of work as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis. This situation is only going to worsen in 2021.
A Budget that overpromises on revenue and undercuts vital services is not one that serves the needs of the Rakyat. It also does not address the bigger issues at play such as taking advantage of the global trade war and addressing the challenges of climate change.
This Caucus believes that the Government of the day must focus on providing concrete and definitive policies on these current key issues:
- Future Centred and Future Proof Job Creation
- A Green New deal
- No one Left Behind, Broadening of Social Safety Nets
As Members of Parliament, we must, first and foremost, represent our constituents in the Dewan Rakyat. As members of the Opposition in a parliamentary democracy, we also have the responsibility of providing sufficient checks and balances against the excesses of the government.
We must also not forget the issues of social justice and anti-corruption that KEADILAN stands for, and for which our many supporters have dedicated themselves to. These are the principles that we will continue to champion as proud opposition members, to manifest service and loyal to King and country.
Akmal Nasir, Ahli Parlimen Johor Bahru (KEADILAN)
Hassan Karim, Ahli Parlimen Pasir Gudang (KEADILAN)
Nurul Izzah Anwar, Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh (KEADILAN)
incumbent upon 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最讚貼文
【After Winning Majority in LegCo: Beijing's Crackdown May Trigger International Intervention】
***感謝Hong Kong Columns - Translated,將我早前撰寫『議會過半想像:以「#國際攬炒」反制「臨立會2.0」』長文(翻譯成英文,鼓勵國際社會關注立會選舉一旦過半的沙盤推演,在最惡劣形勢下的制衡策略。***
Hongkongers have experienced our revolution for over half a year. They no longer take a consequentialist view to the effectiveness of their movement as they did years ago, or waste time second-guessing the intentions and background of fellow activists. Following the defensive battles at CUHK and PolyU, November’s District Council election saw a great victory of unity. More marvellous is the union between peaceful and “valiant” protesters.
In the process of resisting tyranny, the people have realised that one cannot prioritize one strategy over another. This is also how the common goal of “35+” came into being—the hope that we will win over half of the seats in the Legislative Council (LegCo) this September, such that the political spectrum that represents the majority of Hongkongers is able to gain control of legislative decisions. The political clout of Hongkongers will increase if 35 or more seats are successfully secured on our side. It is certainly one vital step to achieve the five demands within the system.
The possibility of realizing legislative majority
Technically it is not unrealistic to win a majority even under the current undemocratic system. Back in the 2016 LegCo election, we already won 30 seats. In addition to the District Council (First) functional constituency seat that is already in the pocket of the pan-democrats, as long as the candidates in Kowloon East and New Territories West do not start infighting again, we could safely secure 33 seats based on the number of pan-dem votes in 2016.
The other 3 seats required to achieve a majority depend on democrats’ breakthrough among the functional constituencies by dispersing the resources of the Liaison Office. They also count on whether the turnout this September could exceed 71.2% — that of last year’s District Council elections. Some of the factors that could affect the turnout include: will the epidemic persist into the summer? Will there be potential violent repression of protests in the 2 weeks preceding the election? Will Hong Kong-US relations be affected by the downturn of the global economy?
Therefore, the ambition of “35+” is to be prioritised by the resistance as both a means and an end. I have already expressed my support for an intra-party primary at the coordination meeting. In the meantime, it is pleasing to see the ongoing debates reaching a consensus of maximising the seats among geographical constituencies in the upcoming election.
Whilst enthusiastic coordination, we should also assess the post-election landscape and gauge Beijing’s reactions: if we do not reach 35 seats, Hong Kong will be subject to tighter control and more severe repression by China; but if the democratic parties successfully form a majority in LegCo, CCP’s fears of a “constitutional crisis” would become imminent. Hence, the key questions are how the Pan-Democrats should deal with the volatile political situation in Hong Kong and how they are going to meet Beijing’s charge head-on.
Watching out for Beijing’s dismissal of LegCo after reaching majority
To take back control of LegCo such that it faithfully reflects the majority’s principles and needs is the definition of a healthy democracy. Recently, however, DAB’s Tam Yiu-chung has warned that the plan of the Pan-Dems to “usurp power” in the LegCo would only lead to Beijing’s forceful disqualification of certain members or the interpretation of the Basic Law. This proves that winning a majority in LegCo is not only a popular conception but also a realistic challenge that would get on the nerves of Beijing. Could Beijing accept a President James To in LegCo? These unknown variables must be addressed upon achieving a majority.
While there is no telltale sign as to Beijing’s exact strategy, we are already familiar with the way CCP manipulated the Basic Law in the past 4 years. Having experienced three waves of disqualifications in LegCo, twice kicked out of LegCo with my team, and thrice locked up in jail, I have no false hopes of an easy compromise from Beijing: they would not let Pan-Dems control LegCo for half a year and wait (as is the proper procedure) until after having negatived the Budget to dissolve the legislature, and thereby giving them an easy victory in the re-elections. The greater the Pan-Dems threaten Beijing’s rule in Hong Kong, the more likely that it will trigger Beijing’s repression.
Since the disqualification and arrest of lawmakers have already become “normalised”, one can even imagine the police stepping into the LegCo building to force Pan-Dems into voting. Neither is it beyond our imagination to expect the CCP to kick out all 70 lawmakers in a fit of rage and replace them with a provisional LegCo “2.0” [HKCT note: The first was from 25 Jan 1997 to 30 Jun 1998]. To depend on a majority that could lead to a chapter of a “new testament” for One Country, Two Systems is perhaps what many elites long for, but they are overly optimistic:for a ticket to the promised land will not be available at the Chief Executive election campaign a year and a half later.
Admittedly, the Pan-Dems cannot unilaterally initiate “Laam-chaau” [HKCT note: mostly translated into “scorched-earth” mentality or “mutual destruction”; some even translated into “If I burn, you burn with us”]. The most they can do is to force a standstill of the government, and not for long the LegCo will have been eliminated from the equation to make the wheels turn again. It all leaves the plan of “Negativing the motion → Dissolving LegCo → Re-election after re-election → the stepping down of Carrie Lam” merely as overly positive speculation, probably resulting from their overestimate of CCP's capacity for rational calculation. The Pan-Dems must guard their frontlines and recognise what the biggest threat from Hong Kong to China could be. In this case, should LegCo sessions be disrupted or suspended, the Pan-Dems would have to be well prepared to surmount the expected obstacles and prevent the disqualification crisis 4 years ago—a Catch-22 indeed.
Productive tension from global intervention: Using Laam-chaau against the CCP
What aggravates the CCP the most is the potential threat to Hong Kong’s unique status as the one and only “separate customs territory”. Any miscalculation will compromise its role as the Chinese economy’s “white gloves”. Imagine if CCP were to disqualify all 70 elected lawmakers and convene a meeting north of the Shenzhen River to pass a resolution to Hong Kong’s affairs (much like the Provisional Legislative Council “1.0" in 1997), how great will the shock be in a world with an effective Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act? However hard it is to predict the future one thing is certain: With the US presidential election just around the corner, blows to the separation of powers would not be tolerated, and the West would necessarily effect countermeasures against the Hong Kong government.
Beijing has been relying upon Hong Kong to navigate the international community for decades. While clamping down on the political freedom of the cosmopolitan city, Beijing desires to maintain the financial centre’s economic freedom. Hence, we started lobbying for the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act four years ago, and today we are determined to promote “Laam-chaau” on an international scale.
The will of the voters must be reflected in an election. If a “35+” legislature were to be dismissed and replaced, such flagrant violation of democracy would assuredly cause a greater backlash than the infamous extradition bill. Knowing what the reality ahead of us could be, we have to combine our election and international strategies to oppose the placement of a 35+ LegCo with an “Emergency Legislative Council 2.0”, to advance an international “Laam-chaau” to Hong Kong’s status as “separate customs territory”. Only then will we stand a chance to resist the regime and to realise the five demands.
Adjusting our mindset: Overcoming the “constitutional crisis” to reach a resolution
Upon the realization of the “35+” LegCo, it is expected that the CCP will launch a devastating counterattack. The Pan-Dems should not expect LegCo to run normally; neither can the lawmakers realise their governing blueprints they have for Hong Kong. Rather, candidates will be able to compete against one another with visions of a liberated Hong Kong through popular vote. Bringing this point up has nothing to do with undermining the common goal of reaching a majority in LegCo, but rather channels the battle of LegCo to positive use upon the rule of law’s death and a “constitutional crisis” ahead. Knowing that Hongkongers have nothing to fall back on, all Pan-Dems should not miss the only way to the realization of “35+”.
Thus, be they partisans, nonpartisans, incumbent politicians, amateur politicians, or the civil society as a whole – if we stay in the political discourse of 2016 and continue to perpetuate old stereotypes, that is to deal with the divisions on the pan-democratic camp by favouring the most “local” faction; to consider only resource allocation and self-aggrandizement as the purpose of a LegCo campaign; to ignore how potential lawmakers are fitted to what specific roles; to turn a blind eye to the journey of resistance since last summer (extending indefinitely into the future)—They would lead as astray and cost us lose a precious opportunity for change by winning a 35+ majority.
The extent to which the pan-democrats can stay united in light of the political atmosphere since last summer is another problem that our side must to address. Before the watershed moment of 12th June 2019, many democratic delegates were trapped in the mentality of needing to “preserve people’s livelihood”, “be content of what we have accomplished”, and other strategies that favours stability. As the government refuses to heed to the five demands, whether the democrats, especially those in the functional constituencies, have the political will to go all-in is the real difficult question that confronts us in the upcoming LegCo election.
All in all, if “35+” cannot be realised, it is unsurprising to see LegCo being more heavily suppressed in the next 4 years; even if "35+" is achieved, it is questionable whether the pan-democrats are able to weather multiple attacks, verbal or physical, from the regime (judging from its power in the last four years) and utilise the international Laam-chaau strategy against the displacement of LegCo. Adhering to the motto of “we fight on, each in his own way”, I can only hope that Hongkongers in elections, street confrontations and international front can reconcile with each other, so that we may collectively compel the government to yield to our demands in the next six months. It is only by reaching a resolution before a real constitutional crisis that we can combat the institutional violence of the regime and not be devoured by it.
incumbent upon 在 潮媽與溱溱 ๑OㅂO๑ Facebook 的精選貼文
ho lun ho siu ar diu lei lo mei 😂🤣😂🤣
黑警教架 : 驚就唔好坐飛機啦!
Dear Sirs
email will cc to 民航處處長及各大媒體
We note from the various media outlets today that Mr. Liu Chung-yin (“Mr. Liu”), a pilot working with Cathay Pacific, has been charged with rioting and was released on bail with an exemption that he may leave Hong Kong for work (the “Exemption”).
Despite the Exemption, as a frequent flyer on Cathay Pacific’s flights, I would like to raise serious concern on Mr. Liu’s suitability to perform his flying duties and would thus urge Cathay Pacific to suspend him from performing flying duties with immediate effect until and unless Mr. Liu is proven not guilty of the charge and that he is mentally sound to do so, on the following grounds:-
· As a suspected criminal facing a maximum sentence of a 10-year imprisonment, it is highly likely that Mr. Liu may be mentally unstable at this juncture to perform his flying duties as a pilot who flies commercial aircrafts carrying tens or even hundreds of passengers. His possible mental instability will pose big threats to the safety of the passengers on Mr. Liu’s aircrafts. If Mr. Liu is to continue his flying duties, it is against Cathay Pacific’s mission that puts passengers’ safety as its top priority and would definitely destroy passengers’ confidence in the safety of Cathay Pacific’s flights. It will further undermine Cathay Pacific’s reputation for safety.
· Having a co-pilot on an aircraft would not be an acceptable and effective solution because in any unfortunate situation which involves the safety of hundreds of passengers, Mr. Liu’s mental state may prevent him from identifying any problem with the aircraft in a timely manner and taking swift and appropriate action.
In light of the above, kindly let me know if Cathay Pacific will take any action in response to Mr. Liu’s charge and most importantly, whether Mr. Liu will continue to perform his flying duties. As a frequent flyer on Cathay Pacific’s flights, I do believe it is incumbent upon Cathay Pacific to ensure that our journeys on Cathay Pacific’s flights will be taken care of by capable pilots who are both physically and mentally fit.
I understand that lots of other frequent flyers share the same concern as I do and therefore, I would be grateful if Cathay Pacific can take appropriate actions as soon as practicable.
email will cc to 民航處處長及各大媒體
Yours faithfully,
Mr Tong…/worldwide-of…/hong-kong.html Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 國泰航空有限公司