📢 AMD President and CEO Dr. Lisa Su is Coming! 📢
We are excited to announce that the 2019 COMPUTEX International Press Conference will be held with a Keynote by AMD President and CEO Dr. Lisa Su with the keynote topic “The Next Generation of High-Performance Computing”.
“With our partners, we will tell the story of how leading-edge technologies and an open ecosystem are driving an inflection point in computing and industry innovation and positively impacting several important markets,” said by Dr. Lisa Su.
Under the leadership of Dr. Lisa Su, #AMD continues to grow and excel in the field of high-performance computing, graphics, and visualization technologies. The latest AMD products released include the world’s first 7nm gaming GPU–AMD Radeon™ VII and first 7nm datacenter GPU, AMD Radeon Instinct MI60.
Do not miss the latest and the most important tech news at #COMPUTEX2019!👏
more info: https://reurl.cc/V0rxN
✨AMD 超微總裁暨執行長蘇姿丰磅礡登台!✨
今年 COMPUTEX 的展前國際記者會首度增設 CEO Keynote,邀請到國際領導大廠 AMD 超微的總裁兼執行長蘇姿丰博士來台擔任主講人,以「新世代高效能運算」為題,探討高效能運算技術的發展與產業布局。
隨著聯網裝置數量持續攀升,其背後所產生的數據呈指數級增長,高效能運算能有效協助視覺化分析數據,將數據轉化成企業決策的關鍵。在蘇姿丰博士的領導下,AMD 於高效能運算、顯示與視覺化技術的發展不斷精進茁壯。AMD 最新產品包括全球首款7奈米製程遊戲顯示卡 AMD Radeon™ VII和首款7奈米製程資料中心繪圖卡 AMD Radeon Instinct MI60,都造成了產業界的轟動。
此次蘇姿丰博士將於 CEO Keynote 與其他重要合作夥伴「揭示即將推出的產品細節」,透過展示如何建構出全新高效能運算產業體系,將劃時代的突破技術推向新境界。
最新最重要的產業消息盡在 COMPUTEX 2019,你怎麼能夠錯過!!👏
#AI #IoT #5G #Blockchain #Innovations_Startups #Gaming #XR
inflection ai 在 COMPUTEX TAIPEI Facebook 的最佳貼文
📢 AMD President and CEO Dr. Lisa Su is Coming! 📢
We are excited to announce that the 2019 COMPUTEX International Press Conference will be held with a Keynote by AMD President and CEO Dr. Lisa Su with the keynote topic “The Next Generation of High-Performance Computing”.
“With our partners, we will tell the story of how leading-edge technologies and an open ecosystem are driving an inflection point in computing and industry innovation and positively impacting several important markets,” said by Dr. Lisa Su.
Under the leadership of Dr. Lisa Su, #AMD continues to grow and excel in the field of high-performance computing, graphics, and visualization technologies. The latest AMD products released include the world’s first 7nm gaming GPU–AMD Radeon™ VII and first 7nm datacenter GPU, AMD Radeon Instinct MI60.
Do not miss the latest and the most important tech news at #COMPUTEX2019!👏
more info: https://reurl.cc/V0rxN
✨AMD 超微總裁暨執行長蘇姿丰磅礡登台!✨
今年 COMPUTEX 的展前國際記者會首度增設 CEO Keynote,邀請到國際領導大廠 AMD 超微的總裁兼執行長蘇姿丰博士來台擔任主講人,以「新世代高效能運算」為題,探討高效能運算技術的發展與產業布局。
隨著聯網裝置數量持續攀升,其背後所產生的數據呈指數級增長,高效能運算能有效協助視覺化分析數據,將數據轉化成企業決策的關鍵。在蘇姿丰博士的領導下,AMD 於高效能運算、顯示與視覺化技術的發展不斷精進茁壯。AMD 最新產品包括全球首款7奈米製程遊戲顯示卡 AMD Radeon™ VII和首款7奈米製程資料中心繪圖卡 AMD Radeon Instinct MI60,都造成了產業界的轟動。
此次蘇姿丰博士將於 CEO Keynote 與其他重要合作夥伴「揭示即將推出的產品細節」,透過展示如何建構出全新高效能運算產業體系,將劃時代的突破技術推向新境界。
最新最重要的產業消息盡在 COMPUTEX 2019,你怎麼能夠錯過!!👏
#AI #IoT #5G #Blockchain #Innovations_Startups #Gaming #XR