帶媽媽來位於督靈Torino、創始於1757年、在義大利精緻飲食文化上具有代表性及歷史性意義、同時也是我曾經用血與淚實習的餐廳:"Del Cambio."被前同事們用高規格及親切的服務對待,無庸置疑是頓相當難忘的用餐經驗,請期待我的分享吧!
Taking my mom to one of the most significant and historical restaurants in Piemonte region also of course,Italy. This is also the place where I have worked with blood and tears. Michelin one star, established in 1757, the on and only, Del Cambio, stay tuned for my share and thoughts on this beautiful restaurant, an emotional and unforgettable luncheon experience.