【酪梨壽司中英文童書團 重點新書搶先看】
💝抽獎活動:在團購貼文下按讚,並留言分享「你曾經從酪梨壽司英文童書團中挖到的寶、最推薦團友入手的好書」或「本團最心動的是哪幾本書 & 原因」,就有機會得到 「Elephant & Piggie 大象與小豬玩偶」一對(共4名)。得獎名單將於收團後公布於臉書社團「酪梨壽司的福利社」。
📍小兔子系列作者Jörg Mühle 最新力作 Two For Me, One For You (兩個給我,一個給你):https://reurl.cc/LV6VL
📍Marta Altés英文繪本新書 Five More Minutes:https://reurl.cc/NOkGQ
✅iRead愛閱讀系列中英文故事繪本 壽司精選書單:https://pse.is/HF3VQ
✅Usborne English Readers英美雙發音分級讀本:https://pse.is/HZ5U8
✅Usborne Listen & Learn Storybook 自然發音有聲故事書:http://yt1.piee.pw/G5LHV
✅Meekoo and the Big Red Potty與Happy Birthday to You 硬頁音效書:http://yt1.piee.pw/HX2ET
✅精選拼圖遊戲書大集合+ 神奇手電筒晚安故事書:https://pse.is/GWW2Z
✅Big Steps幼兒成長硬頁操作書:https://pse.is/GM3FZ
✅A Book About親子互動硬頁遊戲書:http://yt1.piee.pw/HGTXQ
✅Maisy場景遊戲書與硬頁單字書 新書開箱:http://yt1.piee.pw/HA67P
📍I Thought I Saw A....硬頁推拉書:https://reurl.cc/rkpjy
✅Elephant and Piggie: The Complete Collection 25本精裝超值套書:http://yt1.piee.pw/HUHVH
✅Peppa Pig 有聲平裝套書(13平裝+2CD):http://yt1.piee.pw/HUFNH
✅Richard Scarry 10本經典繪本套書:https://pse.is/HQ7NX
📖以上為重點新書推薦,前幾團的暢銷英文童書,大部分都有設定團購折扣。書單以外的 Imagine That /Usborne / Nosy Crow UK / Disney Read Along / Chronicle-Twirl / JY Books / Barefoot/ Bizzy Bear/ Maisy / 英版Peppa Pig/ Julia Donaldson / Hello Genius /三民iRead繪本 /廖彩杏老師有聲書單,皆享全書系團購優惠。
「jy learn to read」的推薦目錄:
jy learn to read 在 AiClay Facebook 的精選貼文
I'm going to go out on a limb here and confess. I don't find miniature food sculpting fun.
You read that correctly.
As the 19 Hwa Chong students who probably made their first ever miniature food yesterday have experienced, I'm guessing fun might not be the first word that comes to mind if you ask them how the workshop was yesterday.
From 9am to 3pm, it was hard work, focus-driven hours that was fully dedicated into shaping the breads, painting the baked shades and drizzling on the tiniest scale.
Some journeys are not fun, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy them.
Just like a lot of things in life, you work hard and you get paid in your results.
They came to learn to make miniature bread, and they left with little baskets of breads, never mind if they hadn't handled or even seen polymer clay in their lives prior to yesterday. That, I was jolly pleased with, and hopefully they can be proud of that too.
Kudos to you all. 👏🏻
And thank you Xinman and JY for helping to lug our heavy luggage of supplies and oven up and down 4 stories. Thanks Betsy for coordinating with HCI. And thank you @fitnessfirstsg for training my arms. 💪🏻