不是啦~ 小編說的不是 #復仇者聯盟4 🦸♂️🦸♀️
是更神猛的 #中華足協盃U20 五人制國際邀請賽‼
為了備戰今年亞足聯錦標賽, 中華民國足球協會CTFA特別邀請足林霸主 #伊朗、東亞王者 #日本 和赤道軍團 #印尼 代表隊來臺較勁,明天起一連三天,就在 #桃園市立體育場 開踢 ⚽🏃♀🏃♂💨
上網把票買起來💪 https://reurl.cc/aX7lG
#健兒們需要你的加油吶喊 📣📣📣
#沒有劇透保證精彩 🤩
Have you bought your tickets yet? No, we're not talking about 'Avengers: Endgame' (no spoilers please!). We're talking about the friendly #FiveASide matches Taiwan has lined up ahead of the 2019 AFC U-20 #Futsal Championship set to kick off in June! Taiwan has invited 2018 champions Iran 🇮🇷, Japan 🇯🇵 and Indonesia 🇮🇩, to #Taiwan 🇹🇼 for the warm-up matches at the #Taoyuan Dome from April 26-28. You can buy tickets here: https://ctfa.kktix.cc/events/3bf41478
#TaiwanEvents #Footie #Football
04月26日 (五)
15:00 印尼 vs 日本
19:00 中華 vs 伊朗
04月27日 (六)
15:00 日本 vs 伊朗
19:00 中華 vs 印尼
04月28日 (日)
15:00 伊朗 vs 印尼
19:00 中華 vs 日本
Moe Sports YouTube https://reurl.cc/R2z4z
🎟️KKtix https://ctfa.kktix.cc/events/3bf41478
預售單日半票 NT$150 *
預售客場票 NT$200
現場主客場票 NT$300
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過44萬的網紅親親2o音樂LîvË【日系音樂】,也在其Youtube影片中提到,♡感謝你留下喜歡和訂閱♡ 打開鈴鐺接收最新消息→ 🔔 訂閱頻道:https://goo.gl/sb9mH6 ♪ 親親2o音樂LîvË【日系音樂】♪ ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiZLTDFNOGtM3s76kbudaOQ ►https://www.face...
「japan futsal」的推薦目錄:
japan futsal 在 屎波裝備多 Facebook 的最佳貼文
小編剛剛去完日本福岡休假,一翻到香港 ,立即同大家介紹日本嘅足球產品文化。小編本身諗住會睇兩場J league,分別係福岡黃鋒對名古屋鯨魚,以及鳥栖砂岩對神户勝利船。不過不幸嘅是熊本地震,所有九州主場嘅賽事均取消咗。點都好啦,安全最重要,天佑熊本。(圖1,2)
小編第一樣要介紹當然係福岡kamo啦,地點係晌天神站嘅parco商場7樓,裡面有齊全嘅J league波衫,九州隊伍嘅球衣就有北九州向日癸同鳥栖砂岩,出名嘅隊就有大阪飛腳同櫻花,橫濱水手,浦和紅鑽等,球迷版波衫若10000円至13000円不等,小編就見到練習波衫會平啲到,價錢為7000円到,啫係約港紙$500到。(圖3,4)
除咗J league波衫外,當然少不了一大蘿嘅波boot啦,牌子就有晒Nike, Adidas, Mizuno ,Asics, Umbro, Diadora 同New Balance,且大部份都係貴版波boot,釘底則主要為日本常見嘅HG釘,識合日本嘅偏硬草地。(圖5)
小編就深深俾黑色個對Nike Tiempo Premier吸引住,價錢為8千幾円,啫係港紙6百幾蚊,6百幾有袋鼠皮嘅質素,唔係唔買嘛!仲聽聞喱對係上年出嘅復古款,巴西球王羅馬利奧舊時著個喱款添呀,不過佢著嘅係有鞋舌嘅款式喇。不過可惜嘅係,好嘢係搶手嘅,對鞋無我size, 嗚嗚……(圖6)
小編另外要同各位朋友介紹另外一片樂土。話語福岡有個大outlet,叫Marinoa City Outlet, 晌博多站搭303巴士或者姪濱站坐巴士約40分鐘車程就會到。入到去outlet,當然有大小型牌子嘅特價品,不過唔可以錯過嘅就係喱間叫做SPORTS DEPO嘅運動倉,小編入咗去成兩個鐘都唔厭!(圖7)
裡面究竟有啲咩架呢?佢將所有運動分門別類,佢淨係足球產品就已經有四大行!!先講斷碼區,簡直係細腳福音,只要你對腳係25cm/25.5cm,恭喜你,半價鞋一對接一對,喱對adidas.ace 15.1白黑色只需要8千幾円,佢隔離仲有一炸貴版puma boot,可惜小編對腳又去唔到咁細。(圖8)
再去石地波boot區,有日本版袋鼠皮嘅asics同纖維皮版嘅mizuno, 著上去輕到呢,避震系統都的確唔差。呢度仲有晌日本futsal屆出名嘅巴西牌子Penalty!佢嘅設計非常年青同新穎,材料上貴版更用上麂皮!石地系列點少得室內場嘅大户Joma! 佢嘅鞋晌UEFA Futsal Cup (歐州國家杯五人賽)有唔少球員穿著過。(圖9,10,11,12,13)
之後過去釘boot區,外國牌子即刻出翻嚟。Nike嘅代表就有齊貴版同中價版,但以舊款居多。小編就拎咗對Nike Mercurial Veloce leather上腳,雖然唔係最貴嘅Vapor款,但係佢嘅皮相當軟熟。不過又老實講,本身買Mercurial嘅人應該就係貪佢合成皮輕巧同靈活,將佢換成皮版感覺就好似倒翻轉個理念咁😂。再試埋對tiempo vi第二貴版先,佢叫Tiempo Legacy ii,嫌貴版貴嘅話佢都的確係一個唔錯嘅選擇,佢彩用嘅係高級牛仔皮!(圖14,15)
過去Mizuno釘boot專區,尤如進入咗博物館一樣,舊款嘅Morelia有鞋舌版去到最新出嘅Basara 101同Monarcida應有盡有,有貴版又有平版!小編求期拎對腳塞落對Wave Ignitus 3 SL到,原來佢鞋底咁舒服!就好似跟據住亞洲人腳底而設一樣,踩落去到貼一貼,感覺如腳底嘅倒模。喱對Wave Ignitus 3仲做緊七折,加上隻色可以話最靚個隻,係幾吸引嘅!(圖16,17,18)
再去Puma專區,Well,好多Made in Japan嘅 Puma鞋特價,主要特價嘅款係Paramexico Lite! 售價由11000円到13000円不等,啫係最平個對貴版日本製袋鼠皮波boot只需約八百幾嘅價錢!Paramexico Lite 款色算多,不過小編就麻麻地佢,原因就係佢啲釘係離奇地大粒😂😂。(圖19,20,21)
除咗大牌子外,SPORTS DEPO仲有啲特別牌子嘅鞋,雖然係舊款,但係就接近半價咁濟!小編就遇到喱對日本製嘅袋鼠皮Hummel波boot! 著落去一如Made in Japan過往的好,軟熟嘅袋鼠皮,給予你上盛嘅球感,售價都只不過係六百幾港紙!(圖22,23)
japan futsal 在 Khairy Jamaluddin Facebook 的精選貼文
Tomorrow we will be celebrating our first ever Hari Sukan Negara (national sports day). We are expecting millions of Malaysians to come together and sweat it out across the country in our quest to become a sporting nation. From iconic events with thousands of participants in the cities to community futsal tournaments in the kampungs, the whole country will be burning our collective calories and taking our first step towards becoming healthier and fitter nation.
So why have a national sports day in the first place? The cynics have pointed out that one day a year won’t change anything. We are still rubbish at football. Sporting standards are, at best, inconsistent. Surely, that should be a priority for the sports ministry instead of getting people to work out on one day.
Sure we are concerned about high performance sports. That remains a priority for my ministry and all stakeholders involved in sports. But sports is not just about elite athletes who we want to see on international podiums. An equally crucial component of our national sports policy is sports for all – for the ordinary person. And this is where creating a sporting nation comes in.
Malaysians’ rate of participation in sports and physical activities barely makes it past 40%. In sporting nations like Australia, Japan and the UK, it is more than 60%. When our rate of participation is low, sports does not become part of our culture and lifestyle. I have always said that Malaysians love our sports. We are a nation of great sports fans, sport critics, but we are nowhere near to being a sporting nation.
This hampers our performance at the highest levels. When there is no sporting culture, the talent base shrinks. It becomes difficult to find the next Chong Weis, Nicols, Pandelelas and Azizuls because not enough kids are playing sports. When there is no sporting culture, parents discourage their children from developing their interest and talent. Getting more Malaysians active creates a virtuous cycle that can lift sports at the grassroots level and fill the talent pipeline with more budding stars of the future.
Sports is not just about finding the next world champion. It is also about making Malaysia healthier. We top the charts regionally in many non-communicable diseases like obesity, diabetes and heart disease. If we don’t do anything about this today, we will pay for it in the future not just through deteriorating health but also billions of Ringgit in increased public health expenditure to treat diseases that could largely have been avoided by living a healthier life.
When we become healthier we become more productive and happy. Many of us know the feeling of wanting to seize the day after a workout releases positive endorphins and gets our hearts beating faster.
Imagine everyone around us with the same positive buzz and energy.
Also at a time when we seem to be disagreeing about so much, sports is the one thing (apart from food, ironically!) that can bring us together. When we cheer our sports stars, we are Malaysia. When we run in a marathon side by side, we are Malaysians. Sports straddles all divides and brings us together as a nation and as a people.
The national sports day celebrates all of this. It may just be one day, but it is a symbolic date where we remind ourselves of the power of sports. To inspire, to heal, and to unite.
Of course, many of you will be thinking “what about the haze?” Although we want the inaugural national sports day to be a success, the health of Malaysians is far more important. A guideline has been issued to all organisers on the haze for events to be canceled if the API reading in the area goes past 150. Areas with lower readings can proceed as planned.
Discounting the recent unfortunate weather, we have been building up the momentum towards national sports day over the last year. Through our FitMalaysia campaign, we have seen hundreds and thousands of Malaysians, many of whom seldom exercise, come out across the country to try and live healthier lives through fitness and sports. Sports enthusiasts, couch potatoes, senior citizens, kids, the differently-abled community get moving side by side while responding to our call to arms for them to become better versions of themselves.
Friends have been challenging each other through exercise videos over the last two weeks to get in shape for national sports day. Members of Parliament took part in a step challenge to see who could log in the highest average daily steps with the winner getting a grant to organise activities in their constituency on national sports day. Sports stores have joined the bandwagon with special sales across the country. People were getting free LRT tickets by performing simple exercises at selected stations. Sporting fever has truly reached every corner of society. Even inmates have asked the Prisons Department if they can organise a sports tournament on national sports day.
There will be 16,000 events and activities held across the country tomorrow. You can either join these structured events or just get together with family and friends for a game of badminton or a slow jog around the neighbourhood. It does not matter where you are or if you can make it to any official activities. What’s more important is that you sweat it out tomorrow, wherever you are.
So what are you waiting for? Get your game on and join me and millions of other Malaysians tomorrow in our first step towards becoming a sporting nation.
Visit www.harisukannegara.my for more information on National Sports Day.
japan futsal 在 親親2o音樂LîvË【日系音樂】 Youtube 的最佳解答
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japan futsal 在 Bob Yp Youtube 的最佳解答
Hari ni test yamaha sukan saya sebelum nak rebore block, saya test 2 cdi, 1 jepun satu malaysia, lepas tu pergi ke Piratees Apparels nak settlekan hal jersi futsal sempena liga bob yp 1.1.2017 nanti.
japan futsal 在 TRICkSTAR5 Youtube 的最讚貼文
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