Jangan pandang ringan benda ni ya. Badan kita nak pakai lama. Berpantanglah sebaiknya. Ada sebab kenapa mak-mak kita melarang buat kerja berat-berat.. rehatlah secukupnya waktu berpantang ni.
Ramai ibu yang fobia bila kena bentan ni. Sampai serik tak bersalin lagi. Azabnya Tuhan je yang tahu. Sakitnya tak dapat digambarkan. Hanya yang pernah melalui akan memahami keadaan ini.
Kenapa boleh bentan?
Kita yang baru bersalin ni dah banyak keluarkan darah & sedang keluarkan banyak lagi darah kotor.. sometimes ada yang memancut mancut darah tu...
Tenaga dah banyak habis... tapi still kena bagi tenaga (susu ibu) untuk anak... Dalam tengah lemah, buat pula kerja kerja rumah, siap masak & kemas kemas rumah, ditambah pulak terlanggar benda keras.
Sebab tu orang tua tua pesan, jangan jalan banyak. Diorng takut kita terlanggar benda keras. Ibu jari tu! jaga elok elok. kalau langgar objek keras, boleh turun darah & pitam.
Akibat dia, badan akan terasa sejuk macam nak pitam.
Pesan orang tua tu ada sebab. Dia berpesan sebab badan kita tak sembuh sepenuhnya lagi. Ingat, kalau sekali bentan, kita susah nak sembuh cepat, ada yang ambik masa untuk sembuh sampai berbulan.
Yang paling kesian suami.... dahlah 46 hari 'berpantang' sebab wife tak suci... ni kena tambah 'pantang' lagi sebab wife bentan.
📌Ada banyak jenis bentan.
1. Bentan urat pinggang - Usually terjadi kepada mereka yang bersalin ikut tingkap (caesar). Bagi wanita yang bersalin cara ni kena sangat carefull, pantang dengan elok. Maknanya, masa nak bangun, duduk semua kena slow slow. Jangan gelojoh.
2.Bentan urat peranakan(urat rahim) - Sebab nilah orang tua tua kata jangan buat keja berat & angkat berat masa pantang. Dok diam diam. Kalau tiba tiba masa buat kerja terjatuh macam mana? Ia bukan saja membuatkan anda terpaksa pantang lama... tapi suami pun kena 'pantang' juga.....
3. Bentan urat - bentan ni femes. Ada wanita yang terselamat daripada terkena bentan ni walaupun buat kerja rumah a-z. Tapi kena ingat, sekali kena bentan ni, nak bangun pun susah. Badan akan jadi sangat lemah, bisa bisa urat & sendi badan. Kadang menggigil kesejukan walaupun cuaca panas.
Pesan pada suami.. bantu kita dalam banyak perkara. ☺️☺️
Copyrights 9bulan10hari silakan SHARE ❤️❤️
When you're in confinement, if you're not careful, you can be paralyzed.
Don't look light on this. Our body wants to wear it for a long time. To better. There's a reason why our mothers don't want to do heavy work.. Take care enough during this confinement time.
There are many mothers who are phobia when they get bentan. Until I'm tired of not giving birth yet. The punishment only God knows. The pain can't be described. Only those who have been through will understand this situation.
Why is it possible to bentan?
Those of us who have just given birth, have released a lot of blood and are taking out more dirty blood.. Sometimes there are people who are squirts the blood...
The energy has gone out... but still have to give energy (Mother's milk) for the child... in the middle of the weak, doing homework, done cooking & cleaning the house, plus the hard things.
That's why old people order, don't walk too much. We are afraid that we will be hit by hard things. The Thumb! Take good care of it. If you hit a hard object, you can lose blood & swoon.
Due to him, the body will feel cold as it is going to swoon.
The old man's message has a reason. He said because our body is not fully healed yet. Remember, if we are together, we are hard to heal quickly, some take time to heal for months.
The most pity of the husband.... Stop 46 days of ' confinement ' because the wife is not holy... this has to add ' abstinence ' because the wife is bentan.
📌 there are many types of bentan.
1. Bentan waist - it happened to those who gave birth according to the window (Caesar). For Women who are giving birth this way must be very careful, confinement well. It means, time to wake up, sit down all must slow slow. Don't be gelojoh.
2. Bentan Peranakan veins (uterus veins) - this is why old people say don't do heavy work & lift weight during abstinence. Sit quietly. When it comes to work, how does it fall? It doesn't only make you have to be in a long time... but the husband also has to be ' abstinence ' too.....
3. Bentan of veins - this bentan is famous. There's a woman who survived this bentan even though she did a a-z homework. But you have to remember, once you get bentan, it's hard to wake up. The body will be very weak, can be able to veins & body joints. Sometimes the cold is shivering even though the weather is hot.
Order to the husband.. help us in many things. ☺️☺️
Copyrights 9 bulan10hari please share ❤️❤️Translated
kotor weather 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最讚貼文
“Sayang, baju kotor semua dalam bakul nie ya?” tanya aku
“Haah, oh dekat atas ada satu baju sayang sangkut belakang pintu” jawab isteri aku
Aku terus menaiki anak anak tangga untuk mengambil baju kotor isteri aku tanpa banyak soal lagi.
...Continue Reading" dear, all the dirty clothes in this basket?" ask me
"Haah, oh there's one shirt love stuck in the back of the door" answer my wife
I keep on my stairs to pick up my wife's dirty clothes with no more questions.
After taking it, I went down and put the clothes in the washing machine with the clothes that haven't been washed yet.
"eh brother, let my baby wash later tomorrow"
" it's okay dear, let me do it. Dear just taking a break." answer me trying to comfort
Done pressing the washing machine "start" the washing machine, I went to the fridge. Then I open look at what dish is left.
"oh a lot is over" Getus my heart
While waiting for the washing machine ready to wash I'm getting ready to go to the supermarket. Not far from home. So hurry up and buy a dish.
" eh where are you going?" ask my wife happiness
" for a while dear, I want to buy a dish. I've done a lot of people watching that " answer me while reaching the car key
"takpelah bro, later love can go buy it yourself"
" it's okay, this is my duty too. It's a pity that you don't have to be tired. Just sit and rest ya " I said that I give advice for my wife to rest. I pity seeing him, woke up early in the morning. Cleaning up the house. Treat me. Entertaining the child. He made it all the way. Sometimes watching him don't have "me time".
" brother okay to harinie? It's a pity to see my brother doing everything I want to do?" it's about my wife that I'm sure to love
"eh brother is okay, let me do all the work dear harinie ya" answer me to calm his heart.
That's why I decided to do all the work, I want to let him rest.
I turned on the car engine and went straight to the supermarket. When driving I was pensive thinking of something.
Actually my situation at that time I don't have enough money, many problems come, business is slow, people ask for debt again, so many things to pay.
I'm tangled.
I don't know why I feel so wrong to let my wife do everything before. I feel so guilty. And that's my responsibility. My duty.
After I decided to help my wife, I keep doing it without a lot of questions. I'm trying to lose my mistakes.
"torn torn" sound horn sounds loud behind my car. Ah it's a green light. I'm high for a while at the signal light.
I entered the gear d and continue the journey to market.
Just arrived at the market, I see in my wallet there is only rm50, I think what dish is enough to buy.
Without Care, my intention is to try to give my wife and children to eat.
I took one chicken, a kilo of wings, a kilo of chicken feet, vegetables, a little raw material, a piece of egg, bread, and a few small items for my child.
" is this enough?" I'm about to think that there's only rm50 in my wallet.
"all of them rm49. 20"
Thank God it's suitable! I smile because the money I have is enough for my family.
Without delay I keep going home. Just until I arrange all the dishes, keep the raw ingredients, and I see the washing machine is done. I immediately put my clothes on.
"Thank God this weather is good" I said while looking at the sky
I managed to take my wife away, apparently she just noticed my move from a while ago
"thank you bang" while give the most charming smile I think
I'm only able to be disputed. Hihi
Since the other day, the next day I suddenly felt something else. My heart feels calm.
When I think of the problems that I face directly I find an unexpected solution.
The person I owe is the one who said pay when it's okay, there are people who are balu, I'm shocked too. What is this dream.
My slow business, suddenly got attention. My car washing center is so focused. Cushion Wash orders also get a celebration. I'm happy in my life.
The day of the coming day then I feel something in my life, it feels easy, my time that I've been feeling like chasing to be a lot of time. I fully spent serving my wife and my children.
Because of this feeling i found a ustaz, it happened that he came to give me a quote. And I'm telling you what's going on.
The Ustaz said, that is the advantage of a husband if he serves his wife. The responsibility and making a living should be.
Not only ringgit is a priority, but in terms of spiritual is also very important.
If the wife's heart is easy, then the husband's business will also be easy.
I don't want to show that I'm a wonderful. Not at all. But this is the experience of a husband who serves the spiritual wife.
We don't know, brother, we're tired of looking for sustenance. They're tired of serving us too. There are those who are looking for sustenance together. After that, treat you, brother. Entertaining the kids again. Enjoying the house again. Tired.
We husbands don't always think that wives need to obey their husbands. But our true responsibility is that we close one eye.
More if talking about polygamy, everyone wants to show off the champion and the other one is still udder. There are people who are kind of hanging out with friends. Remember to remember. Wives and children need our attention.
Don't be like that, husbands.
The task that the wife has done is just because she helps, because of the intention to help us. After all the affairs of the house needs Sunnah. I don't want my husband to follow me.
Remember, the happiness of the husband lies in the heart of a happy wife.
So this is why my life feels orderly when one of them I have served my wife's spiritual. Really woman is the jewelry of the world.
I hope this story can benefit all husbands. So our choice is to live in harmony or a mess.
Love your wife is not only with speech but with deeds.
That's how it is.
- Saiful Bahari -
I love my wifeTranslated