難得黎到lake district,又係時候由我 #技安琪 同大家 #細說名城。(喂!!!)
雖然呢度個海好靚,但其實話說呢度有著全英國最澎湃的回潮,所以出灘摸蜆都要小心睇浪。話說十幾年前,有班中國非法移民黎到英國,諗住 #同聲同氣,打 #華人的工 。雖然國有國法,家有家規,但中國人不吃你的套(誤),自然不會出足最低工資,也不會給你買保險更不會同你講咩勞工安全,結果一個中國人就用極低價錢請左一班中國人黑工去摸蜆。
咁大家都知道,#有手有腳肯搏肯捱 嘅朋友,一定會 #好鍾意OT ,希望執多啲賺多啲,點知執執下就入黑,又計錯左潮漲時間,於是成班人就被極速回流嘅海水淹沒。當然,沒有人會蠢到站著等死,有人報警救助,但問題係佢地 #英文唔好 ,於是警察聽到嘅只係「sinking water」,咁請問可以點救你呢?
1. 唔好打黑工,會死的。
2. 唔好旨意靠華人同聲同氣,會死的。
3. 所謂 #唔識英文都生存到 係 #倖存者謬誤 ,因為唔識英文而生存唔到嘅人係上唔到Facebook,在緊急時刻唔識英文,都係會死的。
lake district wiki 在 Mat Travel Facebook 的精選貼文
Alhamdulillah, like finally berjaya juga sampai ke tasik yang ku idam-idamkan sebelum ni, which is Tuliyan Lake, Kashmir 🇮🇳
Based on Wiki, Tulian Lake is a lake and tourist destination at Pahalgam in Anantnag District of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India. It lies at an altitude of 3,684 metres above sea level, 16 kilometres southwest from Pahalgam.
Nak ke Tuliyan Lake ni ambil masa lebih kurang 6-7 jam one way (we are kind of newbie juga la dalam hiking ni, kalau pro boleh sampai dalam masa 4-5 jam je kot). Half of the track nak sampai ke sini boleh tahan curam dia dah ala ala nak cecah 90 degree gitew hahahhaa (kitorang tak expect this much challenging 😂) but half more track dia landai and masa tu lah kitorang memang teruja betul dengan keindahan bumi kashmir pada musim panas ni. In fact, summer season in kashmir pretty much way better than the other season (from my personal opinion).Take note ye track to Tuliyan lake ni dibuka hanya pada musim panas sahaja.
Enjoy the view!
Kredit: Adila Rahized
#MatTravel #Kashmir #India