#1. Landau–Zener formula - Wikipedia
The Landau–Zener formula is an analytic solution to the equations of motion governing the transition dynamics of a two-state quantum system, ...
#2. Landau–Zener formula and non-secular transitions - arXiv
In this paper, we discuss the connection between Landau–Zener transitions and master equa- tions with non-secular terms. Landau–Zener formula [1] ...
#3. 6.5: Landau–Zener Transition Probability - Chemistry LibreTexts
The Landau–Zener expression gives the transition probabilities as a result of propagating through the crossing between diabatic surfaces at ...
#4. Landau-Zener Effect (Physical Review) - Princeton University
Landau -Zener theory.4.5 It has also been esta- blished that nonadiabatic transitions between Ryd- berg states in a rapidly rising electric field can.
#5. Transition times in the Landau-Zener model
The Landau-Zener LZ model 1,2 has long ago become a standard notion in quantum physics. It provides the prob- ability of transition between two quantum states ...
Landau -Zener Transition. David Chen ... We want to solve the Landau-Zener problem [1], which consists in solving the ... Under the unitary transformation.
#7. Nonadiabatic Landau–Zener–Stückelberg–Majorana ...
Nonadiabatic Landau–Zener–Stückelberg–Majorana transitions, dynamics, and interference. Author links open overlay panel. Oleh V. Ivakhnenko a ...
#8. The Landau–Zener formula made simple - IOPscience
The emergence of the delta function is crucial in obtaining the transition from the initial probability amplitude unity to the final value given ...
#9. Transition Probabilities at Crossing in the Landau-Zener ...
Landau -Zener formula for transition probability at t → is expressed in terms of the probabilities at the crossing. Key Words : Nonadiabatic transition, ...
#10. Observation of coherent oscillation in single-passage ... - Nature
Landau -Zener transition (LZT) has broad applications in atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics, condensed matter physics, chemical physics ...
#11. Coherently manipulating quantum states using Landau- ...
Coherently manipulating quantum states using Landau-Zener transition. Yang Yu, Nanjing University. Mini-workshop on Quantum Information Science and Related.
#12. Transition times in the Landau-Zener model - ResearchGate
PDF | This paper presents analytic formulas for various transition times in the Landau-Zener model. Considerable differences are found between the.
#13. Theory of nonadiabatic transition for general two‐state curve ...
New accurate and compact formulas are established for general two‐state curve crossing problems in the Landau–Zener case, in which the two diabatic ...
#14. Multistate Landau-Zener Theory - Google Sites
where A and B are Hermitian NxN matrices with constant elements. The goal is to find transition probabilities among states when time is changing from minus to ...
#15. Landau-Zener transitions through small electronic eigenvalue ...
Hagedorn, George A., and Joye, Alain. "Landau-Zener transitions through small electronic eigenvalue gaps in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
#16. L16.4 Landau-Zener transitions | Quantum Physics III
Time Dependent Perturbation Theory and Adiabatic Approximation. L16.4 Landau-Zener transitions. Viewing videos requires an internet connection ...
#17. Landau-Zener transitions for Majorana fermions - NASA/ADS
When two or more pairs of MBSs are present in the intermediate state, there is a possibility of a Landau-Zener transition wherein even a slow variation of ...
#18. Landau-Zener formulae from adiabatic transition histories
Landau -Zener formulae from adiabatic transition histories. Volker Betz1 and Stefan Teufel2. 1 Institute for Biomathematics and Biometry, ...
#19. Landau-Zener Formulae from Adiabatic Transition Histories
We use recent results on precise coupling terms in the optimal superadiabatic basis in order to determine exponentially small transition probabilities in ...
... the influence of off-diagonal harmonic noise on transitions in a Landau–Zener model. We demonstrate that the harmonic noise can change the transition ...
E. Landau-Zener transitions in a constant transverse field ... The Landau-Zener formula [1, 2] for transition probabilities at avoided crossing of two.
#22. [PDF] Landau-Zener transition between two levels coupled to ...
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Landau-Zener transition between two levels coupled to continuum" by R. Malla et al.
#23. Landau-Zener Transitions in an Adiabatic Quantum Computer
Johansson, et al. We report an experimental measurement of Landau-Zener transitions on an individual flux qubit within a multi-qubit superconducting chip ...
#24. Landau-Zener transition between two ... - Papers With Code
For a Landau-Zener transition in a two-level system, the probability for a particle, initially in the first level, {\em i}, to survive the ...
#25. Dynamics of dissipative Landau-Zener transitions
Its final transition probability was calculated by Landau and Zener in 1932 [1,2]. As one of the most fundamental phenomena in quantum dynamics, ...
#26. Landau-Zener effect - Applications of Quantum Mechanics
The Landau and Zener effect describes how a two-level system evolves under a time-dependent Hamiltonian. Consider a system described as The solution of this ...
#27. The adiabatic theorem and the Landau-Zener model
That is, the spin expectation value closely follows the precession of the field. III. THE LANDAU-ZENER MODEL. Another case in which the transition probabilities ...
#28. Landau-Zener transition between two levels coupled to ...
For a Landau-Zener transition in a two-level system, the probability for a particle, initially in the first level, i, to survive the ...
#29. Landau–Zener Tunneling: Calculation of Non-Adiabatic ...
Quantum Phase Transitions in Transverse Field Spin Models - January 2015.
#30. Exact solutions to Landau-Zener problems by evolution operato..
Based on these calculations, transitions between two levels driven by various ... our results reduce to the original Landau-Zener transition (LZT).
#31. (PDF) Characterization of Landau-Zener transitions in systems ...
Characterization of Landau−Zener Transitions in Systems with Complex Spectra M. J. Sáncheza,b , E. Verginic and D.A. Wisniackib . a Division de Physique ...
#32. Introduction to Landau Zener Transitions - Academic Accelerator
Using carrier-envelope phase-controlled few-cycle laser pulses, we have demonstrated such repeated Landau-Zener transitions to be driven fully coherently ...
#33. Observation of Landau-Zener dynamics in classical optical ...
The experimental results are in good agreement with theory for both the transition probability and the detailed time evolution of the wave function. PACS number ...
#34. The dissipative Landau-Zener problem
The dissipative Landau-Zener problem. Sigmund Kohler ... Landau, Zener, Stückelberg (1932) ... Landau-Zener transition probability no-go theorem.
#35. landau-zener formula: Topics by
A transition between energy levels at an avoided crossing is known as a Landau-Zener transition. When a two-level system (TLS) is subject to periodic ...
#36. Landau-Zener processes in out-of-equilibrium quantum physics
A non-adiabatic process is a transition between quantum states governed by a time-dependent. Hamiltonian. Its prototypical example is called Landau-Zener ...
#37. Multiple-time-scale Landau-Zener transitions in many-body ...
Motivated by recent cold-atom experiments in optical lattices, we consider a lattice version of the Landau-Zener problem. Every single site is described by a ...
#38. Spin-Transistor Action via Tunable Landau-Zener Transitions
The device is turned “off” by introducing diabatic Landau-Zener transitions that lead to a backscattering of spins, which are controlled by ...
#39. The Landau-Zener transition and the surface hopping method ...
In Section 3, we derive the Landau-Zener transition probability for the graphene Dirac equation. The surface hopping algorithm is given in Section 4.
#40. Landau-Zener transitions mediated by an environment
typically referred to as the “Landau-Zener” (LZ) formula, has been applied to describe transition probabilities in the.
#41. Dissipative Landau-Zener Tunneling at Marginal Coupling
We consider the marginal spectral function, when the dissipation effects are important for arbitrarily slow motion. Landau–Zener transition rate demonstrates a ...
#42. Integral definition of transition time in the Landau-Zener model ...
This definition allows us to compute numerically the Landau-Zener transition time at any sweeping rate without ambiguity in both diabatic and adiabatic bases.
#43. Model study of the Landau–Zener approximation
We conclude that the Landau–Zener approximation should be used with caution for quantitative estimates of nonadiabatic transition ...
#44. Tunable Landau-Zener transitions in a spin-orbit
The Landau-Zener (LZ) transition is one of the most fundamental phenomena in quantum dynamics. It describes nonadiabatic transitions between ...
#45. Landau–Zener transitions in a semiconductor quantum dot
We show that the Landau–Zener model works very well when it is viewed in the adiabatic basis, but it is not as robust in the diabatic basis. Keywords: quantum ...
#46. Applications of Neural Networks to Dynamics Simulation of ...
and transition probability). Considerable accuracy is also achieved in 3D data prediction. I. INTRODUCTION. The Landau-Zener (LZ) transition ...
#47. QuTiP example: Landau-Zener transitions
QuTiP example: Landau-Zener transitions. J.R. Johansson and P.D. Nation. For more information about QuTiP see In [1]:. %matplotlib inline.
#48. Bibliographies: 'Transition Landau-Zener' - Grafiati
Relevant books, articles, theses on the topic 'Transition Landau-Zener.' Scholarly sources with full text pdf download.
#49. Quantum State Transfer via Multi-Passage Landau–Zener
In contrast,. Landau–Zener transition (LZT) is a celebrated physical effect. If we sweep an external control parameter. (e.g., the flux bias) ...
#50. Landau-Zener Transition Driven by Slow Noise - Utah's Physics
Landau -Zener Transition. Developments. Multistate (since 1968). Interferometry (since 2005). Noise-driven (since 1985). Slow Noise: Finite Correlation Time.
#51. Photon-assisted Landau-Zener transitions in driven few-level ...
linearly so that an avoided level crossing occurs is known as a Landau-Zener transition (LZT). The system then has a probability of staying in an adiabatic ...
#52. Nuclear Spin mediated Landau-Zener Transitions in Double ...
NUCLEAR SPIN MEDIATED LANDAU-ZENER TRANSITIONS. IN DOUBLE QUANTUM DOTS christian dickel. Master's Thesis in Physics presented to. RWTH Aachen University.
#53. Landau-Zener Transition (0): Exact Solution - 知乎专栏
本文使用Zhihu On VSCode 创作并发布Perturbation Expansion[1][2]原始的Landau-Zener transition [3][4][5][6]由如下Hamiltonian描述: H = vt ...
#54. "Slow noise in Landau-Zener theory" (4 March 2010)
We study the influence of a slow classical noise on Landau-Zener transitions. We demonstrate that the slow colored noise characterized by correlation time ...
#55. Landau-Zener transition in a two-level system ... - X-MOL
We study theoretically the Landau-Zener transition in this model. Analytical solution for the transition probability is possible when the oscillator is ...
#56. Noise-resistant Landau-Zener sweeps from geometric curves
Landau -Zener (LZ) transitions have been studied ex- tensively since the beginning of quantum mechanics. [1–4]. Such transitions occur when a ...
#57. Observation of macroscopic Landau-Zener transitions in ... - EPL
Observation of macroscopic Landau-Zener transitions in a superconducting device. A. Izmalkov 1,2, M. Grajcar 1,3, E. Il'ichev 1, N. Oukhanski 1, Th. Wagner 1, ...
#58. Landau-Zener transition (LZT) - Allie: Related PubMed Info.
No. Year, Title, Co-occurring Abbreviation. 1, 2018, Symmetry-Breaking Assisted Landau-Zener Transitions in Rydberg Atoms. ---.
#59. Bath-independent transition probabilities in the dissipative ...
We study Landau-Zener transitions of a two-level system that is coupled to a quantum heat bath at zero temperature. In particular, we reveal that for a.
#60. Observation of coherent oscillation in ... - HKU Scholars Hub
Landau -Zener transition (LZT) has been explored in a variety of physical systems for coherent population transfer between different quantum ...
#61. Using Landau-Zener formula in closed system
Usually the Landau-Zener formula supposes quasi-adiabatic approximation, in the sense the formula gives you the probability for the transition ...
#62. Optical spectroscopy of Landau-Zener transitions
in nonadiabatic transitions in collisions of atoms and mole- ... tic transition in the case when the Landau-Zener model is.
#63. Landau–Zener transition in a continuously measured single ...
We have monitored the Landau–Zener dynamics of a single–ion magnet inserted into a spin–transistor geometry. For increasing field–sweep ...
#64. Counterdiabatic Hamiltonians for multistate Landau–Zener ...
We study the Landau–Zener transitions generalized to multistate systems. ... the transition probability between the initial and final ground ...
#65. The Landau-Zener transition and the surface hopping ... - HAL
the Landau-Zener transition probability for the graphene Dirac equation. The surface hopping algorithm is given in section 4.
#66. Landau–Zener transitions for eigenvalue avoided crossings in ...
Landau –Zener transitions for eigenvalue avoided crossings in the adiabatic and Born–Oppenheimer approximations. Article type: Research Article. Authors: Rousse, ...
#67. generalizations of the landau-zener theory in the physics
E. Landau-Zener transitions in a constant transverse field ... The Landau-Zener formula [1, 2] for transition probabilities at avoided crossing of two.
#68. A simple derivation of the Landau–Zener formula
The famous Landau–Zener formula for transition dynamics through an avoided level crossing point of a 2-level quantum mechanical system with a time-dependent ...
#69. Landau–Zener formula - Wikiwand
The Landau–Zener formula is an analytic solution to the equations of motion governing the transition dynamics of a two-state quantum system, ...
#70. LandauZener: Landau-Zener Charge Transfer Rates
... transition state theory with the Landau-Zener treatment for non-adiabatic ... Landau-Zener transition probability for a single surface crossing event, ...
#71. Landau-Zener driven 02-transition in a transmon circuit
The Landau-Zener process in this work was a result of modulating the frequency of a one-tone drive around the 02-transition frequency that ...
#72. Using Repeated Landau-Zener Transitions to Factor Integers ...
As the name “adiabatic quantum computing” suggests, a nonadiabatic process like a Landau-Zener transition is undesirable since it would take the ...
#73. Landau-Zener transition probability - Big Chemical ...
The Landau-Zener transition probability is derived from an approximation to the frill two-state impact-parameter treatment of the collision.
#74. Taylor & Francis - Harnessing the Power of Knowledge
Taylor & Francis publishes knowledge and specialty research spanning humanities, social sciences, science and technology, engineering, medicine and ...
#75. Nonadiabatic Transition: Concepts, Basic Theories and ...
... 134, 135, 171, 189, 309, 311 Landau–Zener model, 20, 31, 32, 91, 169, 212 Landau–Zener theory, 135, 159 Landau–Zener transition probability, 23, 33, 36, ...
#76. Under the Spell of Landau: When Theoretical Physics Was ...
The small values of γ correspond to the fast (anti-adiabatic) regime and to small transition probabilities. The Landau–Zener formula gives values of ...
#77. Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Subject ...
... 18 : 409 helium transitions and , 18 : 434–436 high - Z measurements and ... 20:23 , 26 , 30 derivation of , 20:22 Landau - Zener transition , 19:42 ...
#78. Modern Optics and Photonics: Atoms and Structured Media
LANDAU -ZENER TRANSITION IN NONLINEAR QUANTUM SYSTEMS A. M. ISHKHANYAN Institute for Physical Research of NAS of Armenia, Ashtarak, 0203, Armenia E-mail: ...
landau-zener transition 在 Using Landau-Zener formula in closed system 的推薦與評價
Usually the Landau-Zener formula supposes quasi-adiabatic approximation, in the sense the formula gives you the probability for the transition ... ... <看更多>