Keep your furkids safe!
- DOGS on street/outside gate/unattended will be TARGET for ELIMINATION. Regardless vaccinated or licensed.
- DO NOT let your dogs out without leashing them or unattended.
- Authorities are NOT ALLOW to enter your home without your consent. NOT ALLOW to tranquillised dogs inside home compound.
- operation date 22 April to 2 May. Whole day operation.
🚫NO pee poo time, short playtime outside OR all those take for granted attitude/thinking especially thinking that you won’t be that unlucky or deem as GOD FATE when your dog were kill cause of this.
BE RESPONSIBLE OWNER, keep your pet in!
If you CARE, do something about it to keep them safe.
Please VIRAL and remind your friends and family to keep their dogs in all times.
leashing 在 Elke Tan 陳芷敏 Facebook 的最佳貼文
幾經辛苦,阿倫第一次成功借放狗之名,約到女神 Elke 出嚟!但阿倫竟然掛住望住女神,而唔記得用狗帶好好咁綁住自己隻狗... 第一次見面就留下壞印象,真係慘慘豬 😭
After repeated efforts, Ah Lun finally made it to ask Elke de Goddess out for walking their dogs for the very first time! Sadly, Ah Lun forgot to properly control his dog by leashing, thus leaving a bad impression to Elke 😭
#HKPconnecting #毛孩 #狗狗 #向虐畜說不 #狗主責任你要知 #記住帶狗帶啦
leashing 在 Nakatokung Facebook 的最佳貼文
Lizards are red.Golems are blue. Stole my buff and I hate you.
Dear dumb leashing teamate
Sincery all jungler in the entire world