#社會案件 #硬啦 #硬漢兄弟
1. 開放性水域以及偏郊積水攤
2. 任何無救生員之游泳池
3. 有高壓、危險氣體,或密閉式未經抽氣處理之地下室、蓄水池、水桶等
4. 無安全護欄之任何高處
5. 任何施工地點(拆政府除外),包括製作消波塊之工地
6. 任何以上未提及但為一般人正常不會前往之地點
1. 開車或騎摩托車之前會檢查煞車部件、油門線等,並會在加油前關閉車輛電源與行動電話。
2. 絕不擅搶黃燈、闖紅燈。
3. 乘坐任何軌道類交通工具,本人一定退到警戒線後一步以上,直到車輛停妥。
4. 騎乘機車必戴安全帽;乘車必繫安全帶。
5. 絕不接近任何會放射對人體有立即危害的輻射之場所(如核電廠)或設備。
6. 颱風天不登山、不觀浪。
。I, declares to whom may concern:
。I am optimistic with healthy fitness,
。without any illness or disease confuse me,
。so I will NOT do any thing connected to suicide by any means.
。I do NOT have medical issues with sleeping,
。so I do NOT need to take any medicals about it.
。I am NOT an alcoholic nor having drug addiction,
。neither visit the following places alone and / or with relatives or friends:
1. Open water area
2. Pool without watcher
3. Closed place like not ventilated tank, pool, cellar with hazardous gas
(i.e. high pressure gas, explosive gas, toxic gas, etc.)
4. Any place without safe barriers from falling
5. Any building site (well, except the deconstruction place for governmental buildings),
。including spots to making concretes.
6. Any place does not mentioned above, where no common people might visit.
。I strictly follow the under rules:
1. I check my brakes and parts before driving,
and turn off my mobile and the power of my vehicle.
2. I do not rush in traffic lights.
3. I keep the distance for more than one step from the security line
while taking any vehicle or transportation if they have, until they are
fully parked and ready to aboard.
4. I wear helmet with scooters or motorbike properly.
I wield safety belt while driving or being a passenger.
5. I will NOT close any harmful radiative place (like nuclear plant) or equipments.
6. I will NOT go hiking, wave seeing, or visit any dangerous places.
。I try my best to watch over the usage of appliance, gasoline and fire.
。My place uses legally certificated safe electricity equipments,
。thus the possibility of having accidents in fire IS insignificant.
。In addition to this, I never have illegal amount of flammable gas or liquid.
。I do not have any appliance despite of necessary lighting,
。and turn off all switches despite of lights, refrigerators or fans.
。I do not having conflicts with strangers,
。and put my personal security as highest priority.
。Hereby I authorize any of you who viewed this statement to have rights to announcing charges
or calling police, once this account does not login for days (legal definition of missing a long time)
硬漢兄弟 instagram ➡️ http://t.cn/EZXWwX8
硬漢妹妹 instagram ➡️http://bit.ly/2TaM4Gr
硬漢兄弟 facebook粉專 ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/K122427/
下是演員的instagram連結 ⬇️
導演-阿伯怪 ➡️ https://goo.gl/EamhcU
黃包包-➡️ http://t.cn/EtXBcY3
虎牙陳伊➡️ http://t.cn/EPEts5a
魷魚➡️ http://bit.ly/2LJlUa8
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅阿伯怪,也在其Youtube影片中提到,硬漢兄弟表示:我們被恐嚇了!『請幫幫我們』 #社會案件 #硬啦 #硬漢兄弟 -----//不自殺聲明//----- 本人在此特地聲明,謹此宣告,絕不自殺,絕不發生意外。 本人樂觀開朗,身體健康,近期至未來五十年之人生規劃都已妥當,交友廣闊,身無隱疾,且家中尚有老父老母需奉養,...
legal addiction 在 阿伯怪 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#社會案件 #硬啦 #硬漢兄弟
1. 開放性水域以及偏郊積水攤
2. 任何無救生員之游泳池
3. 有高壓、危險氣體,或密閉式未經抽氣處理之地下室、蓄水池、水桶等
4. 無安全護欄之任何高處
5. 任何施工地點(拆政府除外),包括製作消波塊之工地
6. 任何以上未提及但為一般人正常不會前往之地點
1. 開車或騎摩托車之前會檢查煞車部件、油門線等,並會在加油前關閉車輛電源與行動電話。
2. 絕不擅搶黃燈、闖紅燈。
3. 乘坐任何軌道類交通工具,本人一定退到警戒線後一步以上,直到車輛停妥。
4. 騎乘機車必戴安全帽;乘車必繫安全帶。
5. 絕不接近任何會放射對人體有立即危害的輻射之場所(如核電廠)或設備。
6. 颱風天不登山、不觀浪。
。I, declares to whom may concern:
。I am optimistic with healthy fitness,
。without any illness or disease confuse me,
。so I will NOT do any thing connected to suicide by any means.
。I do NOT have medical issues with sleeping,
。so I do NOT need to take any medicals about it.
。I am NOT an alcoholic nor having drug addiction,
。neither visit the following places alone and / or with relatives or friends:
1. Open water area
2. Pool without watcher
3. Closed place like not ventilated tank, pool, cellar with hazardous gas
(i.e. high pressure gas, explosive gas, toxic gas, etc.)
4. Any place without safe barriers from falling
5. Any building site (well, except the deconstruction place for governmental buildings),
。including spots to making concretes.
6. Any place does not mentioned above, where no common people might visit.
。I strictly follow the under rules:
1. I check my brakes and parts before driving,
and turn off my mobile and the power of my vehicle.
2. I do not rush in traffic lights.
3. I keep the distance for more than one step from the security line
while taking any vehicle or transportation if they have, until they are
fully parked and ready to aboard.
4. I wear helmet with scooters or motorbike properly.
I wield safety belt while driving or being a passenger.
5. I will NOT close any harmful radiative place (like nuclear plant) or equipments.
6. I will NOT go hiking, wave seeing, or visit any dangerous places.
。I try my best to watch over the usage of appliance, gasoline and fire.
。My place uses legally certificated safe electricity equipments,
。thus the possibility of having accidents in fire IS insignificant.
。In addition to this, I never have illegal amount of flammable gas or liquid.
。I do not have any appliance despite of necessary lighting,
。and turn off all switches despite of lights, refrigerators or fans.
。I do not having conflicts with strangers,
。and put my personal security as highest priority.
。Hereby I authorize any of you who viewed this statement to have rights to announcing charges
or calling police, once this account does not login for days (legal definition of missing a long time)
硬漢兄弟 instagram ➡️ http://t.cn/EZXWwX8
硬漢妹妹 instagram ➡️http://bit.ly/2TaM4Gr
硬漢兄弟 facebook粉專 ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/K122427/
下是演員的instagram連結 ⬇️
導演-阿伯怪 ➡️ https://goo.gl/EamhcU
黃包包-➡️ http://t.cn/EtXBcY3
虎牙陳伊➡️ http://t.cn/EPEts5a
魷魚➡️ http://bit.ly/2LJlUa8
legal addiction 在 綠黨 Facebook 的精選貼文
【綠色新經濟 台灣不缺席】
日前有民眾在公共政策網路參與平台「提點子」發起「開放醫療用大麻」連署,一共超過 5,000 人附議。衛福部原預計 4 月 8 日前正式回應,經過討論後,為求正式回應之周延,決定依法延後到 5 月 8 日前回應。
在 420 全球大麻日這一天,綠黨與民間團體「綠色浪潮」在立法院群賢樓外召開記者會,呼籲衛福部重視病患的醫療需求,在正式回應前能夠充分廣納各方意見,也藉此訴求經濟部發展台灣的綠色經濟。
【Taiwan should legalize medical cannabis and launch the hemp industry chain】
Green Party Taiwan and Green Sensation (N.P.O.) held a press conference outside of Legislative Yuan on April 20, 2020 – the day internationally known as the “Weed Day.” Prior to the official response to a petition to legalize medical marijuana, the two groups reminded the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) to value and listen to patients’ medical needs as well as opinions from all stakeholders. An appeal to developing Taiwan’s cannabis (hemp_ industry was also made towards the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).
Research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) has proven that cannabidiol (CBD) does not adversely affect health nor cause addiction, indicating a low possibility of abuse. CBD is now commonly used in foreign countries for antipsychotic, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasm, and other medical purposes. Other than products designed for adults, children, and pets can use these products as well.
“CBD is a chemical compound from the cannabis. Related products are legally circulated in more than 45 countries such as the United States, Japan, and Germany,” said Chung Hsien Liu, the Green Party co-chairperson. “In 2017, the MOHW announced that CBD had been listed as a drug; however, no laws and regulations, such as the method of acquisition, were followed by the announcement. The lack of law left the patients and law enforcement personnel no rules to follow, causing many controversies. To date, only ten patients have successfully imported the medication through self-use exemption. With almost no legal channels available, many patients have no option but to take the risk with products sold at the black market.”
Dr. Yenho Lai, a long-time advocate on the application of medical marijuana, said that “cannabis has been stigmatized and misunderstood from the war on drugs for nearly 50 years. It was originally listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia (U.S.P.) in the early twentieth century, and only within the last decade that the world surged to re-emphasize its medical value. Paradoxically, what we want to reverse and challenge is that even before my generation is born, the legal restrictions and resulted negative social atmosphere have been in place.
Cannabis can be described as one of the most medically promising plants with high safety and extensive and the curative effect. Many large-scale trials have been conducted in various countries to catch up with the severely lacking research in the past half-century. Right now, COVID-19 has given us a better understanding of diseases without borders. Although we look different, the physiological structure is similar. The medical effect of cannabis on patients can also be said to have no national boundaries.”
On the business opportunities that could be brought by medical marijuana, Zoe Ching Chi Lee, Deputy Secretary-General of the Green Party Taiwan, pointed out that “taking Japan as an example, CBD can be added to health supplements and cosmetics. In the United States, a certain amount of CBD is categorized as food grade. In Taiwan, there are still no related drugs listed, and the launch of new drugs could take several years and thus fail to address the medical urgency of the patients. Therefore, we call on the MOHW regulate CBD products as it does vitamin products. In terms of the economic side of this issue, in addition to planting the hemp, peripheral industries such as pharmaceuticals, lamps, and temperature control equipment are greatly needed. In recent years, more countries have legalized medical cannabis. The international demand for medical cannabis has proliferated, and related industries are booming. Therefore, we call on the MOEA to assist the small and medium-sized business to establish a cannabis supply chain, allowing Taiwan to seize the opportunity in this wave of internationally emerging green industries.”
📰 新聞參考:
新頭殼報導 https://bit.ly/3csg336
聯合報報導 https://bit.ly/3eAddLk
legal addiction 在 阿伯怪 Youtube 的最讚貼文
#社會案件 #硬啦 #硬漢兄弟
1. 開放性水域以及偏郊積水攤
2. 任何無救生員之游泳池
3. 有高壓、危險氣體,或密閉式未經抽氣處理之地下室、蓄水池、水桶等
4. 無安全護欄之任何高處
5. 任何施工地點(拆政府除外),包括製作消波塊之工地
6. 任何以上未提及但為一般人正常不會前往之地點
1. 開車或騎摩托車之前會檢查煞車部件、油門線等,並會在加油前關閉車輛電源與行動電話。
2. 絕不擅搶黃燈、闖紅燈。
3. 乘坐任何軌道類交通工具,本人一定退到警戒線後一步以上,直到車輛停妥。
4. 騎乘機車必戴安全帽;乘車必繫安全帶。
5. 絕不接近任何會放射對人體有立即危害的輻射之場所(如核電廠)或設備。
6. 颱風天不登山、不觀浪。
。I, declares to whom may concern:
。I am optimistic with healthy fitness,
。without any illness or disease confuse me,
。so I will NOT do any thing connected to suicide by any means.
。I do NOT have medical issues with sleeping,
。so I do NOT need to take any medicals about it.
。I am NOT an alcoholic nor having drug addiction,
。neither visit the following places alone and / or with relatives or friends:
1. Open water area
2. Pool without watcher
3. Closed place like not ventilated tank, pool, cellar with hazardous gas
(i.e. high pressure gas, explosive gas, toxic gas, etc.)
4. Any place without safe barriers from falling
5. Any building site (well, except the deconstruction place for governmental buildings),
。including spots to making concretes.
6. Any place does not mentioned above, where no common people might visit.
。I strictly follow the under rules:
1. I check my brakes and parts before driving,
and turn off my mobile and the power of my vehicle.
2. I do not rush in traffic lights.
3. I keep the distance for more than one step from the security line
while taking any vehicle or transportation if they have, until they are
fully parked and ready to aboard.
4. I wear helmet with scooters or motorbike properly.
I wield safety belt while driving or being a passenger.
5. I will NOT close any harmful radiative place (like nuclear plant) or equipments.
6. I will NOT go hiking, wave seeing, or visit any dangerous places.
。I try my best to watch over the usage of appliance, gasoline and fire.
。My place uses legally certificated safe electricity equipments,
。thus the possibility of having accidents in fire IS insignificant.
。In addition to this, I never have illegal amount of flammable gas or liquid.
。I do not have any appliance despite of necessary lighting,
。and turn off all switches despite of lights, refrigerators or fans.
。I do not having conflicts with strangers,
。and put my personal security as highest priority.
。Hereby I authorize any of you who viewed this statement to have rights to announcing charges
or calling police, once this account does not login for days (legal definition of missing a long time)
硬漢兄弟 instagram ➡️ http://t.cn/EZXWwX8
硬漢妹妹 instagram ➡️ http://bit.ly/2TaM4Gr
硬漢兄弟 facebook粉專 ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/K122427/
下是演員的instagram連結 ⬇️
導演-阿伯怪 ➡️ https://goo.gl/EamhcU
黃包包-➡️ http://t.cn/EtXBcY3
虎牙陳伊➡️ http://t.cn/EPEts5a
魷魚➡️ http://bit.ly/2LJlUa8