"Captain Hindsight"「事後孔明大隊長」
上年3月爆發第一波疫情嘅時候,英國醫院嚴重缺乏呼吸機,當時政府希望本地生產業幫手緊急製造應付,而Dyson就係其中一間企業願意免費設計同生產。今日BBC唔知點樣揾到Dyson老細同首相Boris Johnson當時嘅私人訊息,要求有關嘅員工可以括免稅項,引發咗令肥波响下議首相院答問環節被盤到發皮氣嘅政治小風波。
"Every day, there are new allegations about this Conservative Government: dodgy personal protective equipment deals; tax breaks for their mates; and the Health Secretary owning shares in a company delivering NHS services. Sleaze, sleaze, sleaze, and it is all on his watch. With this scandal now firmly centred on him, how on earth does he expect people to believe that he is the person to clean this mess up?"
"I will tell the right hon. and learned Gentleman why this Government are doing the right thing at the right time. The difference between us and the Labour party is, I am afraid, staringly obvious. We get on with taking the tough decisions to protect the people of this country and to take our country forward, uniting and levelling up. We take the tough decisions to procure tens of thousands of ventilators in record time, which, apparently, he now opposes. We put forward tougher sentences for rapists and violent criminals, which he then opposes on a three-line Whip. We take tough decisions to stick up for the fans of our national game. While captain hindsight snipes continually from the sidelines, this Government get on with delivering on the people’s priorities."
《BBC》Dyson lobbying row: Boris Johnson makes 'no apology' for seeking ventilators