📖 俐媽英文教室—EEC小說The Invisible Man
Chapter 1️⃣3️⃣ The House in Great Portland Street (p65~70):
🩸 rent (v.) 租
🩸 lodging house (n.) 出租公寓
🩸 equipment (n.) 裝備
🩸 funeral (n.) 喪禮
🩸 wool (n.) 羊毛
🩸 fabric (n.) 布料
🩸 fade (v.) 消退
🩸 chloroform (n.) 氯仿
🩸 mist (n.) 迷霧
🩸 tendon (n.) 肌腱
🩸 vivisect (v.) (活體)解剖
🩸 locker (n.) 寄物櫃
🩸 vein (n.) 靜脈
🩸 artery (n.) 動脈
🩸 track (n.) 行跡
🩸 punishment (n.) 處罰
🩸 gutter (n.) 排水溝
🩸 rough (a.) 粗糙的
🩸 pavement (n.) 人行道
🩸 mud (n.) 泥濘
🩸 footprint (n.) 腳印👣
🩸 bare feet (n.) 赤足
🩸 bleed (v.) 流血
🩸 splash (v.) 噴濺
Chapter 1️⃣4️⃣ The House in Drury Lane (p71~76):
🧀 assistant (n.) 助理
🧀 shelter (n.) 庇護所
🧀 advantage (n.) 優勢
🧀 digest (v.) 消化
🧀 dust (n.) 灰塵
🧀 costume (n.) 道具服
🧀 hunched (a.) 駝背的
🧀 bandy (a.) 向外彎曲的
🧀 slip (v.) 迅速溜進⋯
🧀 gag (v.) 塞住⋯人的口
🧀 tie (v.) 綁
🧀 wig (n.) 假髮
🧀 glance (v.)(n.) 瞥
🧀 reveal (v.) 透露
🧀 undo (v.) 解除
#willingenglish #威俐英文 #eec #eecreadingmaterial #theinvisibleman
lodging house 在 QiuQiu Facebook 的精選貼文
Highly reccomended + no agent mark up ☎️: Kukup contact whatsapp: +60 19-771 3238 💯 Mr Wu. We paid for everything but the service and experience we had at Mr Wu's one and only resort is priceless. Everything is taken care of by himself and his old-age dad on walker, they oversee everything with the help of a cook and helper. Food is of quality and taste 🤤 Miss the homemade hei piah soooo much!!!
His rental resort has KTV, billard pool, table tennis, darts machine, mahjong tables and you can set fireworks and sky lanterns off right at the space outside the house. Suggest you bring your own water guns and bubbles if you have kids! 😍 They had so much fun they told me they wanna stay 20 more days here.
Everyday we have breakfast, lunch, mid-day snack, dinner (first night was steamboat, second night BBQ seafood!) and supper all provided and included in the one price where transport, food, lodging are ALL included!! Basically one price all in. We chose a 3D2N all inclusive at about $175 per pax but i booked through an agency webpage so i think it's cheaper if you just contact Mr Wh directly. You can also do a 2D1N!!! Like Sat go in, Sunday go back!
They picked us up from our place, and then bring us all the way in to Kukup. Now as i type this, we're on the way back to our house ☺️ Super convenient.
And Kukup is as beautiful and relaxed as ever. More clean than the last time i was there, more yummy food and snacks also 😍
Located in Malaysia, it's a short drive away from Singapore. But the lifestsyle is super chill. All we did was eat sleep shop play repeat 😍 Thank you Kukup, and thank you Mr Wu for taking so much pride in taking care of your guests! We really appreciate it!!! That's the plus point of running just ONE resort house i think. You can really focus on this one and make it great #angfamilytrip2019 We had so much fun, really ❤️
lodging house 在 一頁華爾滋 Let Me Sing You A Waltz Facebook 的精選貼文
美國的電影產業至今都是世界的主流,甚至可以說電影觸及了美國無論正反的每一種經驗,也觸碰了美國都市鄉間的每一寸土壤,因此《娛樂週刊 Entertainment Weekly》為每一州挑選一個最具代表性的故事,精準捕捉屬於各州的獨特精神,並用一張圖完整囊括 51 部電影,覺得非常有趣,而且李安跟大衛芬奇都上榜了兩部呢。
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