位於香港東部的石澳龍脊,是 2004 年被時代周刊評為亞洲區「最佳市區遠足徑( The best urban hike in Asia )」。
全程 8.5 公里的龍脊,位於港島徑第 8 段,由於山嶺的形狀如巨龍骨脊於平地俯伏,因而得名。龍脊的兩旁景色十分天然,甚少人工修飾,沿路的都是石路和泥路。而走至龍脊下斜的部份,有 2 條分支分別直達至龍脊的初段及土地灣。
(sorce: Tourist Board HK)
Not only does the Dragon's Back score highly for its cool trail name, it was also voted the Best Urban Hiking Trail in Asia by Time (Asia edition) in 2004. Just a short hop from the bustle of Hong Kong East, it provides stunning views of Shek O, Tai Long Wan, Stanley, Tai Tam and the South China Sea.
Trail tip: Much of this trail is open and along a mountain ridge. Be prepared for exposure to sun, wind and rain.