如果你想帶著智慧型手機進入新疆,可能要三思而後行了!如果你是跨越中國邊界進到新疆的外國旅客,你會被要求安裝一個惡意程式,這個惡意程式會下載你的手機簡訊、日曆條目、通話紀錄,並且掃描手機裡超過70,000筆的檔案。國際隱私權監督計畫負責人Edin Omanovic 表示:「這個例子再度顯示,新疆的監控制度是世界上最為不法、普遍和嚴厲的制度之一」。點此瞭解更多新疆正面臨的困境:https://www.vice.com/…/at-chinese-border-tourists-forced-to… #Xinjiang #ReligiousFreedom #Malaware
Think again before bringing your smart phone with you when you enter Xinjiang! If you are a foreign tourist crossing Chinese borders into Xinjiang, you will be required to install a malware that downloads your text messages, calendar entries, and phone logs and scans your device for over 70,000 different files…"This is yet another example of why the surveillance regime in Xinjiang is one of the most unlawful, pervasive, and draconian in the world," Edin Omanovic, Privacy International state surveillance program lead, said. Learn more about what is going on in Xinjiang in this article: https://www.vice.com/…/at-chinese-border-tourists-forced-to…