👉 Is SELF-LOVE a Feeling? 🤔🤔
LOVE is NOT a FEELING and loving yourself isn’t a feeling either. Love is a decision. It’s a VERB . It can be a NOUN, that is to say, that it is a state of being, but it can ONLY be ACHIEVED after something is DONE.
SELF-LOVE is a continual COMMITMENT to showing up for yourself every day, even when you feel that you don't deserve it.
Thank you for visiting my profile. Sending you Lots of my love 💚 daily.
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#Love #Life #Lawofattraction #NeuroTranceFormation
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅ezManager,也在其Youtube影片中提到,別人稱讚你的時候,你常常覺得很羞愧嗎?害怕停下來,總覺得不做什麼,就會被大家給遺忘嗎?面對成就,卻總是覺得自己僅是僥倖嗎?國外研究顯示,70%的人曾有冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome)在工作職場上相當普遍,不只是員工,甚至是一級高管、企業家都受此困擾。在一項研究中,冒牌者症候群(Im...
management noun 在 IELTS Thanh Loan Facebook 的最佳貼文
Từ vựng và ý tưởng IELTS Writing theo chủ đề – Money/ Finance/ Business
👉ĐK học thử MIỄN PHÍ: https://bit.ly/3soHuDX
money management (compound noun)
Meaning: The control of one’s spending and earning
Vietnamese: Quản lí tài chính
run into debts (verb phrase)
Meaning: To owe a lot of money to other people
Vietnamese: Nợ nần chồng chất
overspend (verb) ~ squander
Meaning: To spend more than the expected or available amount of money
Vietnamese: Chi tiêu quá mức
expenditure (noun) = spending
Meaning: An amount of money spent
Vietnamese: Khoản chi tiêu
emergency (noun)
Meaning: A serious, unexpected incident that requires immediate attention
Vietnamese: Tình huống cấp bách
human labor (noun phrase)
Meaning: skills and knowledge brought to the production process by human
Vietnamese: sức lao động của con người
qualified (adjective) = experienced
Meaning: having the experience to do a particular job
Vietnamese: có kinh nghiệm
impart something to somebody (verb)
Meaning: to pass information, knowledge, etc. to other people
Vietnamese: truyền đạt cái gì cho ai
curriculum (noun) -> curricula (plural)
Meaning: the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc.
Vietnamses: chương trình học
tertiary education (compound noun)
Meaning: university education
Vietnamses: giáo dục đại học
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management noun 在 PChan English Facebook 的最讚貼文
Final tips for Paper 1 Reading
重㸃重温手抄notes 所有reading skills 及多份我上堂有詳細教授P Chan's mock papers。其中 artificial intelligence, British colonialism, cruise-ship terminal, is music the key to success, extreme weather, Bruce Lee respect for the elderly, Somali hunger, STEM education ,homeless in Japan exercise for life , Hong Kong Diary, Crazy English,over worked and underplayed , Asthma, nuisance calls 已溶入了2012-17各數題型。記住把錯的部份及常錯的题型重新檢視,看看錯在那裏。
Time management
Part A: 40 mins and B2: 50 mins
Part A :45 mins and B1: 45 mins
細閲堂上教過 的多項reading skills:
1) Inferencing/ deduction:
留意key words 位置及positive or negative meaning.(2017 B2 已詳教)
Undermined himself (-)=contradictory.( 2015 part B2). I have been healed(+) = I fully recovered from an obsession.( P Chan's mock).
2) True/False/ Not given
留意Synonyms/ Antonyms/words not given.(P Chan's mock)
3)Summary Cloze
留意各種traps: article, antonyms , parts of speech, words requiring gerund.
4) Questions about comments
留意mark allocation. 抄中key words 便可,不用rephrase.
5) Questions about summarizing one's opinions:
不可直抄。留意轉字眼Skills 及generalization skills.
6) Questions about proofreading
留意instructions. FAC改法
7) MC questions
留意那些是answers of low quality.
Watch out for exceptions(Tips Class)
😎 Matching speech Bubbles
留意pronoun 及synonyms
9) Pronoun reference
留意singular 定plural
Gerund Noun Phrase= singular(2015 B2)
10) Thematic MC Questions ( 2016 Part A)
留意title 及主旨句
務必細閲 7 種 rhetorical devices及11月份教授各項poem reading skills 。 要用20 mins 做P Chan 's mock poem: .When you have a home behind you) (Lesson 3 November) Behind the consumer society) (Lesson 4 November)
Hang in there! 💪
Seize the day, make your life extraordinary! 💪🎓
P Chan
management noun 在 ezManager Youtube 的最佳貼文
別人稱讚你的時候,你常常覺得很羞愧嗎?害怕停下來,總覺得不做什麼,就會被大家給遺忘嗎?面對成就,卻總是覺得自己僅是僥倖嗎?國外研究顯示,70%的人曾有冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome)在工作職場上相當普遍,不只是員工,甚至是一級高管、企業家都受此困擾。在一項研究中,冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome)被認為是全球高階主管最常擔心的事情,60% 的高管表示這個問題對他們的自信與領導能力產生負面影響,甚至有九成的女性主管都受此情結所苦。
★冒牌者症候群測試量表 (EN英文網頁) https://testyourself.psychtests.com/testid/3803
也歡迎您到FB私密社團 分享你的量表分數!
★ 優惠方案:
2.ezManager五種超值方案:現在就幫自己加分,讓你Level Up!
以上詳見 MixerBox報名 bit.ly/3xFWX4M
★ 本集分點章節:
(00:00:45) 感謝康r 家柔 Sandy Felix 參加ezManager超值贊助方案
(00:01:00) 語速問題回答
(00:01:25) 本集開始,你有這幾點冒牌者症候群嗎?
(00:02:16) 什麼是冒牌者症候群?Imposter Syndrome
(00:04:23) 讀書會:每個人偶爾都有冒牌者症候群
(00:10:05) 未來延續四大主題
(00:10:57) 一分鐘商業英文: Struggle
#國外商管類 讀書會,Great Managers are made, not born.
★ 本集導讀書籍:《the making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you》(暫譯:優秀管理者的後天養成之路) 亞馬遜去年最佳商業書第一名、華爾街日報暢銷書。原文書 9折購 https://lihi1.cc/dnwIH
作者:Facebook 產品設計副總 Julie Zhuo 的十年管理心法。
★ 本集重點摘錄:
冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome亦稱冒名頂替現象、冒名頂替綜合症、騙子症候群)是心理學家在 1970 年代創造的術語。會影響從運動員和科學家到辦公室工作人員的每個人,患此症狀的人即使有充足外部證據證明他們的能力,仍然深信自己「不配」、甚至覺得自己是個騙子、很怕被拆穿。此症狀在出色的女性當中特別普遍。一直到最近幾年才被正式承認,但還不被列入正式疾病,是疾病的前身,冒名頂替綜合症是一種普遍現象,在大多數人的一生中至少會影響一次。如果嚴重的話,尋求心理諮商會有幫助。
為什麼冒牌者症候群 對管理者的打擊如此之大?
有兩個 原因。
2. 你經常被放到 你以前沒有做過的事情的位置。
根據專家Valerie Young 博士的個人研究,發現了冒牌者情節的幾種典型的“能力類型”
2. 女超人/男超人:經常會強迫自己超負荷的工作
3. 天生的天才
4. Soloist獨奏者
5. 專家
★ 本集補充資料
:: 冒牌者症候群:面對肯定、讚賞與幸福,為什麼總是覺得「我不配」?https://shoppingfun.co/2ry7o (博客來)
:: 為什麼我無法坦率地擁抱成功? — 冒牌者症候群 https://reurl.cc/dG644D
(by Jasmine Lin)
★ 一分鐘商業英文 Struggle (by Zach)
"Struggle" is both used as a noun and as a verb.
當名詞時As a noun, struggle means= a very difficult thing
Making updates to the software was a big struggle for the company. They could only release one update every 3 months, which was not fast enough to keep up with the market.
當動詞時 as a verb, we usually say, “struggled to do something” or “struggled with something”__(had trouble to do something)
The company struggled to provide timely updates to its software. They could only release one update every 3 months, which was not fast enough to keep up with the market.
The new intern struggled with time management. He was late to every meeting last month.
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:: IG:www.instagram.com/ezmanagergo
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:: 上Youtube搜尋「怎麼給星評分」一分鐘教學影片,或點這 https://lihi1.cc/N8vYt (分享給你沒在聽podcast的親友)
:: ezManager五種超值方案2分鐘說明影片 lihi1.com/p6101 :現在就幫自己加分,讓你Level Up! 職涯更勝利
📚 一對一線上諮詢六大主題:
1. 好履歷健檢|2. 團隊管理類
3. 向上管理類|4. 抗壓管理類
5. 溝通技巧類|6. podcast新手入門諮詢
@合作接洽 ezmanagerGo@gmail.com (不分大小寫)
management noun 在 Alors Queenie Youtube 的最讚貼文
Chia sẻ thông tin về du học Pháp bằng tiếng Anh và quá trình tìm việc bằng tiếng Anh tại các nước châu Âu nói chung và Pháp nói riêng.
Trong video lần này chúng mình sẽ có dịp trò chuyện với Nga, hiện đang theo học bậc thạc sĩ về Global Supply Chain Management ở Kedge Business School. Theo học chương trình 100% bằng tiếng Anh, Nga sẽ chia sẻ với chúng mình thật nhiều thông tin bổ ích về quá trình tìm thực tập và công việc chính thức ở các nước châu Âu nói chung và Pháp nói riêng, đồng thời đưa ra thật nhiều lời khuyên cho các bạn muốn theo đuổi con đường du học Pháp bằng tiếng Anh này nhé ;)
Mọi người đừng quên ghé xem channel YouTube của Nga nhé : https://m.youtube.com/c/verynavie
Hi vọng mọi người sẽ thích video lần này, video lần tới mình nên làm về chủ đề gì nhỉ, comment phía dưới cho mình biết với nha :D
Hẹn gặp mọi người trong những video lần sau,
Quỳnh Trang
#alorsqueenie #duhọcpháp #tìmviệctạipháp
0:00 Mở đầu
1:24 Cảm nhận đầu tiên về thị trường lao động ở châu Âu
4:26 Chia sẻ về quá trình tìm việc chính thức ở châu Âu
9:05 Những khó khăn gặp phải trong thời gian tìm việc
10:44 3 lời khuyên cho các bạn muốn tìm việc bằng tiếng Anh ở châu Âu
11:11 Chuẩn bị hồ sơ cá nhân thật cẩn thận và chi tiết
13:21 Luyện tập các câu hỏi phỏng vấn thường gặp
14:46 Ghi lại danh sách những công ty và vị trí có thể ứng tuyển
instagram by Mas Dhimas from the Noun Project
mobile phone by Aquene Ardeen from the Noun Project
Check by IconsGhost from the Noun Project
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400054
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
INSTAGRAM ♥ alorsqueenie
MOBILE APP ♥ https://bisousfrance.glideapp.io/
FACEBOOK ♥ https://www.facebook.com/alorsqueenie/