Today I was running low on pencils so I asked all of my kids to pull out any of my pencils that they had in their desks. I had one student ask me if he could keep his pencils that his mom gave him for school. Of course, I said yes. He then said, “well, I guess I’ll give you a few so my classmates can have them too.” I thought nothing of it and took the pencils that he handed me. When I was sharpening them, I noticed writing on a few of them. I then realized that my student’s mother took the time to write on his pencils. I asked him if he would mind showing me the rest of them. What I read melted my heart:
- You are so talented.
- This will be a great year.
- You are creative.
- You are phenomenal.
- Never give up.
- You can do this.
- You are knowledgeable.
- You are a math whiz.
- You are intelligent.
- Proud of you everyday.
- I love you.
- You have a brilliant mind.
- You are wonderful.
- You are a problem solver.
- Follow your dreams.
- You are perfect.
- I am proud of you.
- You will change the world.
- You are amazing.
- You are the best.
- You are important.
This probably took his mom a few minutes to do yet it lit up his whole day at school. He wasn’t embarrassed that his mom wrote on his pencils. Thanks to his mom, he was reminded of his self worth and wanted to share the same feeling with his classmates. THESE are the things that we should be reminding our kids (both parents AND teachers). Imagine the look on a child’s face when they are reminded that they are important, talented, loved, knowledgeable and so much more. Help them know that someone believes in them and is proud of them in everything they do. Even if you think it is cheesy or you don’t have enough time or that you will have little impact, remember that you may be the only one telling and reminding them these things and EVERY kid needs to know their value. This is why I teach. ❤️
math whiz 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的精選貼文
【不瞎掰流行語 ─「學霸」的英文怎麼說?】
學霸 = star student = academic student
A: I’m not sure which colleges I should apply to.
B: A star student like you can get any college you want.
star student就是「優等生」的意思,用現在的流行語來說就是「學霸」。也可以用academic star「學業優等生」、straight-A student「全科A等生」來稱之。
• honor student「資優生」
• (child) prodigy, whiz (kid)「神童」
• math whiz/prodigy「數學天才」
math whiz 在 Heyoliztic Facebook 的最讚貼文
Haaha!! Teriver 同執毛呀水,好似好吸引 😂
又睇下遲下我同 Teriver 又有咩搞作啦 😎
【#自由約 #FreespaceHappening】音樂 Music - Teriver Cheung
X Jan Curious
10 December (六 Sat) | 4:30pm - 5:00pm | 苗圃公園 Nursery Park
Indie rock x Jazz,不用驚訝!音樂風格、類型之界線越來越模糊,正是音樂帶給我們無限驚喜的原因,例如Pat Metheny與David Bowie八十年代合作《This Is Not America》,令人留下印象。本地樂隊觸執毛的曲風本來就涉獵多種元素,主音Jan Curious便曾經和雞蛋蒸肉餅結他手Soni、電音製作人蔡世豪等crossover。爵士結他手Teriver Cheung也喜歡踩過界,最近才和hip hop音樂人Heyo、香港小交響樂團同台演出。今次二人在「自由約」合作,不如不作任何前設,只抱著好奇心來看看這兩位音樂人會撞出什麼火花?
Indie rock with jazz may sound like an odd couple, but precedent has been set many times throughout rock's history. Such as that time in the 80's when Pat Metheny teamed up with the late David Bowie for the brilliant fusion sounding “This Is Not America”. In keeping with the same spirit, this Freespace Happening we will be pairing Jan Curious of Chochukmo with local jazz guitarist Teriver Cheung for a no holds barred rock-jazz crossover. Make no mistake, these two are no strangers to bending genres; Curious has worked with GDJYB math folk guitarist Soni and electronica whiz Choi Sai Ho in the past, while Cheung has just recently collaborated with rapper Heyo and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. So come on down to West Kowloon and get ready for a one time musical experience that is sure to excite your senses!
Don’t forget to download the latest Freespace Happening official mobile app and listen to great music any time you want on the new Music Player! Details:
【一連兩日 2-day event】自由約 Freespace Happening (10-11.12.2016)
西九文化區苗圃公園 Nursery Park, West Kowloon Cultural District