「Think about」と「Think of」の違いと使い分け
「〇〇について考える」と英語で表現する場合は、“think about”と“think of”が使われますが、どうやって使い分ければいいか分からない人も多いのではないでしょうか?これらの表現は、国や地域によって少しだけ解釈の仕方が異なる場合があるので、今回は細かいニュアンスの違いについて掘り下げてみました。
1) Think about
“Think about”は少し漠然とした状況で何かを考えたり、あれこれ思いを巡らせるときに使われます。例えば、「幸せについて考えてください。あなたにとって幸せとは何ですか?」は、“Let’s think about happiness. What is happiness to you?”のように表現します。この場合は、「幸せについて考える=幸福の漠然とした定義について考える」ことを意味するため、“think about”が適切です。
What are you thinking about?
A: I am thinking about going to Japan.
B: Why so suddenly?
A: My friend is living in Japan now and asked me if I wanted to visit.
B: Nice!
2) Think of
特定の人や物事について考えたりする場合は、“think of”が使われます。例えば、「幸せだった時のことを思い出してください。なぜ幸せに感じましたか?」は、“Think of a time when you were happy. Why did you feel happy? ”のように表現します。この場合は、「幸せだったこと=特定の出来事」を思い返しているため、“think of”が適切です。“think of”は、自分の経験や知識の中から何かを思い返す時に使う表現になります。
What did you think of his presentation?
A: This ramen is so good.
B: It makes me think of the time when we went to Japan.
A: Yeah, that ramen place in Tokyo was spectacular.
B: I wish we can go again!
ブログ記事URL: https://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=25322
同時也有22部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅tizzybacvideo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Tizzy Bac 20週年演唱會「鐵之貝克 XX」 2019/12/14 at 天母體育館 特別感謝 Guitar:林維軒(杉特) Keyboard / Synthesizer:蘇玠亘(蛋) 嘉賓:方Q(宇宙人)、Twiggy(旺福)、弘禮(落日飛車) 𝕋𝕚𝕫𝕫𝕪 𝔹𝕒𝕔 𝟚𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕞 ...
me time 定義 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
All Failures & Lacks Are The Best Things to Happen to Us
3 months ago, when I received this email from my Taiwan client, there was this feeling of bittersweetness.
I was happy because this was the client I did a Zoom consultation last June. He sent me this email on the one-year anniversary date of our Zoom call, to express his gratitude. How sweet!
On the other hand, I could relate to the emotional turmoil he felt at that point in his life.
His experience was my past. It also took me a very long time to walk out from my gloominess.
Once, I analysed the Bazi of a very young lady. She was meticulously jotting down notes as I spoke.
Her detailed note-taking skills easily took the top place among my clients.
Halfway through, I noticed her right hand was trembling slightly. I thought it was due to the cold draft from the air conditioning, so I asked if she needed a shawl.
She replied that it was her anxiety disorder acting up.
“I was not fierce or strict with you. What caused your sudden anxiety?”
“I…ever since the pandemic disrupted my plans, I have been in this state of anxiety. I kept feeling useless. All my classmates are progressing expect me. I have nothing to show for and my life is in a mess. I am very anxious. What if I continue to be like this? What am I going to do?”
As she spoke, her eyes turned red and tears started rolling down like a broken strand of pearl necklace scattering onto the ground.
Oh dear! I am beginning to wonder if I have a tear-jerker face or a heart-tormenting voice. Why do my clients, regardless of gender and age, North South or East West, seem to cry easily when they see me?
I grabbed a piece of tissue and handed it to her.
“Ain’t I here already? You came to me for a roadmap and you are very lucky to see me so soon. Look at how precise and neat your notes are! Many of my clients aren’t even on par with you. My job today is to give you answers. If I didn’t have the confidence, I would not have taken up your request. Now that I did, that means there is still hope. If you follow my instructions, you will see things looking up very soon.”
On another occasion, a mother in her forties came to me for her son’s Bazi consultation.
As I was analysing, the mother nodded her head in agreement. The next thing I know, she started weeping loudly.
I turned to look at her husband, who had been silent all along. Did I say something wrong? And hello, your wife was crying. Why weren’t you gentleman enough to give her a tissue paper?
“I am a useless mother. I am incompetent. I do not know how to teach my son well. I love my son very much. But many times, I do not know what to do and thus I flare up at him and speak harshly. I always regret afterwards. I tried enduring but it still ends badly!”
I did not interrupt her and waited for her cries to soften, before speaking gently, “I’m here! I’m already sitting in front of you. You are looking at me now and that means help is here. You know that you are incompetent, so you went looking for solutions. That means you are willing to learn how to be a better mother!”
I handed a piece of tissue and said, “Don’t cry anymore, otherwise, other patrons will think that it’s because I refuse to lend you money.”
Since young, we have been using external possessions to define whether our lives are worth liking.
The family we are born into, our looks, health, body shape, intellect, talents, and then we move on to compare our academics, friendships, career, wealth, marriage and children.
If we are lacking in the area we covet most, we grade our lives as a failure.
I think this is the biggest problem in societal education. Our parents and teachers categorized us that way. Whether we as children are worthy of their love and bragging, depends on the few points above too.
Thus over time, we can only use the term “success” to determine whether we are of value, for some people, whether they should live on to take their next breath.
I very much prefer the definition in Buddhism. We are all Buddhas. Each and every sentient being in the six realms has a Buddha nature in them. But they got lost momentarily and fell into the endless wheel of reincarnation.
Yet, because of our Buddha nature, we have an unlimited source of potential. Every one of us has a very powerful strength inside us. It is just waiting for us to meet an accomplished teacher, so that we have the tools to explore and understand it:
And this strength that we are born with is the capital for us to transform and establish our own destiny.
If life is smooth-sailing, we would never want to leave and would mistake this mortal realm for Pureland. Thus, we all need sufferings, to realise that we should break out of this hell of a place. There has to be a better world somewhere. So how we get there?
We should, in fact, be grateful for all the setbacks and failures we have. Because it is from these sufferings, our wisdom arise:
No single Bazi is perfect. Every failure and lack we experience is the best arrangement for us, so that the heart of renunciation will arise in us and we will return to where we came from.
me time 定義 在 彭紹宇 Peng ShaoYu Facebook 的最佳貼文
#MuseumProject #FINALE
這個月與Art Fund合作的博物館企劃來到了最後一集,位於倫敦南部的杜爾維治美術館 (Dulwich Picture Gallery)是英格蘭第一間開放給大眾的藝廊,館藏以十八世紀前的歐洲古典繪畫為主,一進入大廳就能感受到以深紅與靛藍色調勾勒出的氣派感,館內不大,但以一間連接一間展廳的形式形塑寬敞感,抬頭也能看見天窗,讓午後自然光溫暖灑進。
這次也參觀正展出的特展,名為Unearthed: Photography's Roots(發掘:攝影的根源),展現不同時代下人們如何用攝影捕捉花朵與大自然。從19世紀上半葉攝影技術出現, 20世紀彩色相片逐漸普及,一路到21世紀科技和網路世代的革新,攝影不斷被重塑與定義,或透過不同媒材表達出全新的創作樣貌。從過去走到現今,和館內一牆之隔的歐洲古典畫廊有著很有趣的對照。
As the first public art gallery in England, Dulwich Picture Gallery has presented its collections of art for more than 200 years. It’s a beautiful place where you can walk into the stunning history of European paintings by masters like Rembrandt, Gainsborough and Canaletto. From the portraits in paintings, we imagine the emotions the painter wanted to show us and the stories behind those faces.
Not only European art here but there are also opportunities to discover the beauty reflected through the progress of photography. The exhibition Unearthed: Photography's Roots shows us how plants and botany can be reimagined through photography from the 1840s to nowadays. It’s also inspiring to see the desire to capture the wonders of nature for many years still influences us from generation to generation.
When arriving in a new place, what I do first is visit the local museums. It’s a place where you can understand their stories and what they care for. Throughout this month, it’s a great time visiting #BarbicanCentre, #GardenMuseum, and #DulwichPictureGallery with #StudentArtPass , and there’re still more worth-visiting museums in London waiting for you to discover.
Thanks for #MuseumTripping with me this summer! Let me know how you feel, and see you in museums!
Ralph #WeAreArtful
me time 定義 在 tizzybacvideo Youtube 的最佳貼文
Tizzy Bac 20週年演唱會「鐵之貝克 XX」
2019/12/14 at 天母體育館
Keyboard / Synthesizer:蘇玠亘(蛋)
𝕋𝕚𝕫𝕫𝕪 𝔹𝕒𝕔 𝟚𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕞 ℂ𝕒𝕞 精選【安東尼 / Tissue Time / 我不想一個人睡】
〈安東尼〉創作的靈感就是Red hot chili pappers主唱安東尼;〈Tissue Time〉是很早期我們還在唸大學、在熱音社練團室就寫好的作品,沒有放在第一張反而放在第二張,只是想用鋼琴寫寫看龐克歌曲會是怎樣;〈我不想一個人睡〉印象中是先完成了編曲,聽起來好像很性感,所以嘗試寫點成人取向的歌詞,MV倒是很好玩( https://youtu.be/UgppI7wDSZo ),我們還做了一個泰文歌詞版但是用google 翻譯的,完全是因為覺得畫面很泰、我造型也很泰,覺得很酷這樣。
#TB20 #鐵之貝克XX #DrumCam
「鐵之貝克 XX」演唱會藍光BD
▸ 相信音樂購物網:https://reurl.cc/Ezkq4n
▸ 博客來:https://reurl.cc/MdrYOX
▸ 五大唱片:https://reurl.cc/Y6LM04
▸ 佳佳唱片:https://reurl.cc/4mEkWV
再來 我從來不曾放棄忍受
再說 怎麼說都沒有用
這個世界有的時候總是美好幻象太多 殘酷現實太難接受
hit me just prove it how you dare
hit me just show me how you care
hit me 看看你成了什麼模樣 掉進自己的陷阱了啊
我不想生活太過明明白白 那麼聰明 究竟是要給誰交代
這樣是對 那樣是錯 又如何 反正從來不曾認識真正的我
hit me do you think I really care
hit me I only want to hold myself
hit me 沈默固執 任性遊走 不讓任何人定義我
但唉 回頭看這過往 不能說這人生得足夠堅強
都沒有留下任何遺憾 只是快樂悲傷 最後我會遺忘
沒有例外 只剩這路是我確實經過
伴隨說過的謊不停後退 帶走了最在乎的夢 錯過的該怎麼解脫
我又如何能夠再次安慰 所有靈魂超載的負累 只能一再相信
【Tissue Time】
翻來覆去 難以成眠 自找麻煩
But I don's wanna take all this responsibility
Can't you just be stronger for all your needs
cause you're like a baby sitting on the ground
and crying for someone to come to ease your bleed
so meet my army here and I'll carry you to whatever
where that you've never been
好難吶 戒不斷這貪戀
緩慢地 你手中裊裊的煙
好羨慕 我也想燒灼在你指間
淡淡的哀愁在撫慰 這痛卻更美
我不想一個人睡 我不要一個人睡
溫柔的預感在作祟 感性在蔓延
我不想一個人睡 我要大人的滋味
擁抱吧 親吻吧 末日前 佔有吧
真叫人無法自拔 在你懷裡融化
淡淡的哀愁在撫慰 這痛不很美?
我不想一個人睡 我不要一個人睡
溫柔的預感在作祟 感性在蔓延
我不想一個人睡 我要大人的滋味

me time 定義 在 lilKrake小章章 Youtube 的精選貼文
lilKrake小章章 & Toxik - Can't Define | 無法定義 Track. 02
(CC English w/ Translation / 中英雙向翻譯字幕)
《4loating Dream》 Stream/Download (數位線上聽) :
I can't define, what is wrong and is right?
Feel like the devil always gets me every single time.
Follow EVERYTHING ON @lilkrake / @toxicityishigh / @banana_kingdom105
Banana Kingdom is an independent studio of lilKrake, a zero-cost music producer from Taiwan, completed the first official Mixtape - "4loating Dream" with his team partner Toxik.
All the songs are recorded and mixed independently by lilKrake, with the help of several domestic and foreign Beat Makers, and the mixtape cover drawn by a friend, successfully completed this almost zero budget project.
In "4loating Dream", these nine songs use melodic rap and Emo style to express the emotions and thoughts of the two artists' experiences and mental illnesses. Starting from "Fading Out", nine songs will take you into a gloomy world.
Banana Kingdom 香蕉王國 為 lilKrake小章章 的個人獨立工作室,來自台灣的零花費音樂全製作主理人,與團隊夥伴 Toxik 共同完成了首張正式的 Mixtape - "4loating Dream",所有歌曲的錄音混音皆由 lilKrake小章章 獨立完成,加上幾位國內外 Beat Makers 的協助及朋友所繪製的封面,用貼近零成本的方式製作完成。
"4loating Dream" 中的9首歌曲以旋律饒舌及Emo的方式,饒唱出了兩人一生中因各種經歷、及精神上相關疾病所產生的各種情緒及想法。以 "Fading Out" 為此系列的開端,九首歌將帶你進入一整個陰鬱氛圍的世界。
詞 & 曲 | Lyrics & Composed by lilKrake小章章 & Toxik
錄音 | Recorded by lilKrake小章章
混音 | Mixed by lilKrake小章章 @lilkrake
母帶 | Mastered by lilKrake小章章
圖文設計 | Art Design by lilKrake小章章
封面繪製 | Cover Painted by Ilya Galayda @the_magnetic_cat
編曲 | Beat produced by Txxzy @tommyjane_
.Asia Taiwan.
#CantDefine #Toxik #lilKrake小章章
Instagram: @lilkrake
Instagram: @toxicityishigh
Instagram: @banana_kingdom105
Youtube: lilKrake小章章
Youtube: Toxik
Facebook: LilKrake小章章 @LILkrakeNW

me time 定義 在 韋禮安 WeiBird Youtube 的最佳解答
🎧 Podcast 數位平台點播 : https://weibird.fanlink.to/BirdBirdTalkS01
🔔 訂閱韋禮安官方頻道 : https://pse.is/WeiBird_Sub
Singer Songwriter WeiBird chats with his friends and nonfriends.
♪ Podcast ♪ 韋禮安跟你鳥鳥天 Season 01 EP46 孫盛希|WHERE is SHI NOW?原來我是在享受一個人的浪漫
在第三十屆金曲獎,以《希遊記》抱回最佳國語專輯獎的孫盛希,帶著充沛的能量,迎接第五張創作專輯《出沒地帶 Where is SHI?》;希希說,這是一張「享受孤獨」的專輯,她邀請米奇林、剃刀蔣聯手製作;以及Sunkis、呂士軒、HUSH共同featuring,期許讓大家看到、聽到不同面向,屬於孫盛希的R&B。
而今年正巧三十歲的她分享,隨著年齡增長,越來越需要更多的Me Time淨化自己。
──♫─ 更多韋禮安 ─────────────────────────
韋禮安 WeiBird FB|https://www.facebook.com/Weibird.official
韋禮安 WeiBird IG |https://www.instagram.com/weibirdmusic/
韋禮安 WeiBird WeiBo 微博|https://www.weibo.com/weibird
#韋禮安 #韋禮安跟你鳥鳥天 #BIRDBIRDTALK