#絕望中的希望 《免於恐懼的自由》祈禱會
呂秉權 兄弟分享--- #沸點即場筆錄
片段 ▶️ https://www.facebook.com/109180535767655/posts/2493494547336230?s=548400948&v=e&sfns=mo
第二,在民意而言,北京已經評估過香港狀況,就算最多反對聲音、最壞程度,北京原先的評估,反對者就是佔中的規模;而佔中的規模,特區政府和警方已綽綽有餘,足以瓦解這行動於無形。兼且,這幾年來,香港的警隊, 已經不再是同樣的警隊了!香港的警隊已經進化了很多。
第三,除了因為林鄭信心爆棚外,還有中央的因素在內。如果我們只看表面的話,會以為(修例)只是林鄭個人決定。其實,逃犯條例的修訂,中央跟香港談了很多年了,他們問香港要人,要了很多年了!今次在這修訂逃犯條例的大背景下,中央政府希望「法律武器化」香港;簡單來說,就是用任何香港的程序和法律去實行國家安全,這至高無上的保障。中央想通過這條移交逃犯條例,其實是一條「萬能Key」,文匯大公的權威解讀,國內中港智囊研究多年中港移交條例,除了一般所說:大陸犯罪的人匿藏在香港、除了香港人在國內犯罪回到香港外...... 更重要的計劃,就是威脅「國家安全」的罪犯。
以往很多人被「砌生豬肉」(誣告),用藏毒罪、用偷竊罪、用間諜罪...... 被指控,是很恐怖的情況!我們中國大陸所行的體制,是人民民主專政,簡單來說就是「專政」兩個字!
國家主席劉少奇,用憲法的名義叫大家不可以這樣去迫死人, 到最後......他們將一個被鬥到遍體鱗傷,急需醫院治療的一個國家主席,丟在河南的一個密室,失救至死。專政還可以令十大元帥賀龍,他患有糖尿病和各種疾病;死的時候被人專政,把高質量的葡萄糖液,打進他的身體,葡萄糖液與糖尿病結合...... 令他的腎臟衰竭、身體衰竭而死。
當一個國家說自己依法治國,但隨時可以行專政的時候,香港的法律開了一扇門,與這種專政的做法接連、以國家安全名義...... 這是多麼恐怖的事呢?而這個程序去修例,就是原來的劇本!
原來的劇本亦包括,中央在年頭的時候,審視全國的形勢,去防止各種的失控,各種不穩定因素,各種的風險。國家開了全國最高省部級的領導幹部大會,有習近平在中央黨校開講,很出名的什麼灰犀牛、黑天鵝、六個穩定,就是從這會議中出來的。當時中共領導人,是很害怕一件事: 所謂的中國「逢九必亂」,逢年份有9,他們就容易有大亂,中共見證着:
近年,中央領隊領導人對香港的研判,他們認為香港局勢是非常的大好!為什麼這樣說呢?因為全面管治權已逐步落實,立法會受到建制的加持,由於這些社運、甚至旺角騷亂的人,相繼被重判;各種不同政見的人被DQ,整個社會的公民意識越來越低;北京與林鄭政府是極有信心的,這條例,不可能不通過!習近平早年說怎樣處理群眾運動時,清楚地說到:他剛剛上台,要扭轉胡、溫時代的那種妥協作風。習近平說:不可以:小鬧小解決、大鬧大解決、不鬧不解決!他不能讓這情況持續下去!習近平任內對港的多番措施,沒有一件證明他是妥協的;除了梁振英的不連任,而當時,是因為他在建制及商界中拿不到票 。有數票的人說,取得601票已是十分困難了,不是群眾的力量造成。而今次面對6月9日103萬人大遊行,大家可以看到,林鄭與北京政府當時的不妥協,遊行完後,無論人數有多少,依然故我,條例繼續。
當我們常常會問:天主你在哪裏?天主,為什麼香港可以被人摧殘至此?不知怎樣來了一個逆轉 !當我們很多時質疑青年是「廢青」,在612星期三,出現了一個大家都不想看見、但卻成了一個逆轉的場面!一班青年人,他們有些是寫了遺書的,決定自己去擋子彈的情況下,他們去衝擊立法會、衝擊警方防線!當然從法律來說,他們的做法是犯法的;但是從一個公義的角度,他們認為這事情不應該這樣繼續下去,所以,他們做了抗爭。而這種抗爭,竟令到已經升級變形的香港警隊,殺紅了眼,連內部評估,也認為當警方被衝擊後,出去對群眾的清場用槍、去射頭部、用各種武器去攻擊一些無辜的人;警隊的一些內部評估,也認為是過火了。是這情況令到整件事逆轉!整個國際的壓力,令到北京政府難以承受。
希望上主繼續眷顧我們,賜我們平安;希望傷者能得平安...... 主佑香港!
▶️ 祈禱會直播 https://www.facebook.com/1764198537146061/posts/2394608974105011?s=548400948&sfns=mo
▶️再談逃犯條例修定研討會 https://www.facebook.com/hkjpcom/videos/2180158835373248?s=667412853
“Hope in despair”
sharing of Mr Lui Ping Kuen at the “freedom from fear” prayer meeting
Bishop, father, brothers and sisters:
I am so grateful to share with you all here and I am grateful that we are all safe. I think of a sister who sneaked in Hong Kong to attend church services, “Religious Individual Visit”. She was surprised that there was street caroling in Hong Kong because one will be arrested if one does this in the Mainland. It is so wonderful that we can pray and sing hymns on the street!
I can claim that it is a miracle that the government retreats on the extradition bill!
For people like us who have studied Chinese Politics for a long time, we found that the Central Government had no plan to retreat in their policy towards Hong Kong from the clues we observed. I told you what the extradition bill was about originally: Beijing and Carrie Lam thought that the bill must be passed smoothly! Why?
First of all, there were definitely enough votes in the Legislative Council to pass the bill, and the business sector also submitted under the control of the Central Government, whether you were willing or not, whether you wanted to withdraw the judicial review application or not, you’d better submit to it.
Secondly, the Central Government has assessed the views of people in Hong Kong and they thought that the worst case scenario would be similar to that of the scale of Umbrella Movement only. They believed that the HKSAR Government and the Police could handle that scale of protest easily. Moreover, Hong Kong Police Force is not the same as the one a few years ago and has improved a lot. We also knew that the People's Liberation Army was well prepared to support. The logistic unit of People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison in Shenzhen has drilled during the previous occupying movement. They prepared to intervene, on a scale of 4 soldiers to remove 1 protester, when necessary. Although it was not carried out eventually, they were prepared. If there is a rally of 10 thousands people, 4 soldiers removing 1 protester, that means there are 40 thousands soldiers preparing to support. We can see significant signs that People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison has done a lot when we are not aware of it. Do you still member, there was extensive damage in urban and rural areas during the strike of severe typhoon Mangkhut? A few hundred soldiers from the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison wearing their uniform, bypassing the Garrison Law and without informing the HKSAR Government, were mobilised in the name of clearing the rural areas. Ignoring the Garrison Law and proper procedure, they sent a few hundred soldiers. I think this is a very dangerous sign.
Thirdly, besides the overconfidence of Carrie Lam, the Central Government is also a key factor. On the surface, we would think this (amendment of the bill) is solely Carrie Lam’s own decision. In fact, the amendment of extradition bill has been discussed between the Central Government and the HKSAR Government for many years. They have been asking Hong Kong for people they wanted for many years! The Central Government wants to make law their weapon in Hong Kong, to put it simply, the Central Government wants to exercise national security by using any procedures and laws in Hong Kong, this is the ultimate protection. The Central Government wants to pass this extradition bill, which works for nearly anything. From the authoritative interpretation by the Wen Wei Po and Ta Kung Pao, the think tank in Mainland which has been studying extradition law between Mainland and Hong Kong for many years, that it is because, besides the situations that the criminals from the Mainland hide in Hong Kong or Hong Kong people committed offences in the Mainland and hide in Hong Kong, more importantly the criminals that threaten “national security”.
On 23 May, Wen Wei Po and Ta Kung Pao quoted interpretation from authority that it is normally handled by Hong Kong according to Hong Kong legal procedures when there are criminals that threaten national security. In other words, there are abnormal situations? Will it bypass the Hong Kong legal procedures to handle the case when abnormal situation occurs? Member of think tank in the Mainland who studies this issue told us clearly that, there is no “political offenders” under Chinese law. No matter the “counter-revolutionary” offenders in the past or the current “inciting subversion of state power” offenders, they are not “political offenders” but criminal offenders! Are we not to extradite a criminal offender? Are we not to extradite offenders threatening national security by using “political offender” as a protection shield? Member of think tank in the Mainland said, the logic in Mainland is the opposite! As these people cause damage to national security, Hong Kong should not be the loophole of national security and more justified to extradite (offenders). This is the most dangerous part.
Why do we think that this is dangerous? It is because it is very easy for one to be defined as threatening national security. In the Mainland, if you do anything that the Communist Party doesn’t want you to do and upset the Communist Party, such as criticising the Central Government, supporting the religions in Mainland, reporting some news they don’t like. You are easy to be prosecuted.
In the past, there were a lot of people being prosecuted with false accusations including possession of drugs, theft, espionage. It is very horrible! The system in Mainland China is called “People’s democratic dictatorship”, to put it simply, dictatorship! What is dictatorship? It means that the Government do not need to follow the law and can bypass the law when dealing with their “enemies”. There were many incidents occurred under dictatorship in the Mainland if you still remember. Why were Liu Xia put under house arrest, deprived of personal freedom, for such a long time without following any legal procedures? Why were the people related to Causeway Bay Books kidnapped in places like Hong Kong and Thailand, then voluntarily deprived all legal rights, not to meet their families, and pleaded guilty on television? Why? It is because the Chinese Government is practising dictatorship at that time.
President Liu Shaoqi asked people not to persecute and caused the death of others in the name of constitution, at the end… They left a president who was seriously hurt by the crowd and was required to be sent to hospital for treatment urgently, in a room in Henan secretly and died as he was not saved in time. Dictatorship also made one of the then 10 Marshals of the Communist Party, He Lung, who suffered from diabetes and other illnesses, dead after an injection of a large dose of glucose. The glucose and diabetes caused his death by kidney failure and multiple organ failure.
When a country claims that it exercises rule by law, but it can also exercise dictatorship at anytime, if the Hong Kong legal system will be connected to this dictatorship, in the name of national security… how horrible is this? And this is the original script, which the law would be amended according to this procedure! The original script also included that, the Central Government has assessed the situation of the whole country to prevent any out-of-control situation, to prevent any uncertainties and risks in the beginning of this year. A countrywide meeting for officials of provincial level was held and Xi Jinping gave a speech at the Central Party School. Those famous saying included “grey rhinocero”, “black swan”, “six certainties” are originated from this meeting. The leaders of Communist Party were scared of one thing: the so-called “chaos in the years ending in 9” as the Communist Party witnessed chaos happened in those years ending in 9: 1949 - the Kuomintang was replaced by the Communist; 1959 - the Great Famine; 1969 - Sino-Russian Zhenbao dao War and President Liu Shaoqi was dead; 1979 - Sino-Vietnamese War; 1989 - Tiananmen Square Protests; 1999 - Falun Gong practitioners surrounded the Zhongnanhai (Central Government compound in Beijing); 2009 - 5th July Incident in Xinjiang.
In the beginning of 2019, countrywide meeting was held by the Communist Party to prevent any chaotic situation. They have done a lot and shared experience on handling problems. On the script of the Central Government at that time, the situation in Hong Kong was extremely stable. This was impossible for Hong Kong to become one of the chaos in the “chaos in the years ending in 9”. This was impossible. They were worried about the economics and the possible unemployment problem, US-China Trade War, definitely not Hong Kong issue.
The leaders of Central Government assessed that the circumstance in Hong Kong was very favourable in recent years. Why did they think so? It is because overall jurisdiction is gradually exercising in Hong Kong, the Legislative Council is supported by the pro-establishment camp; the social activists or even people involved in MongKok Riot were serving severe sentences; people of different political views were disqualified, civil awareness of the community became lower and lower; Beijing and Carrie Lam’s team were very confident in passing the bill. Talking about how to handle social movement, Xi Jinping stated that he would change the compromising style of Hu(Jintao)-Wen(Jiabao) Era when he came to power. Xi Jinping said no to “small conflict solves on a small scale, large conflict solves on a large scale, no conflict then nothing will be solved”! He could not allow this situation to continue. None of the policies towards Hong Kong showed any compromise during Xi Jinping’s rule, except no second term of office for CY Leung. It was because he could not get enough votes from the pro-establishment camp and the business sector at that time. One who counted the number of votes (before the election to estimate the number) said that it was difficult enough to get 601 votes. It was not a result of the power of the people. There were 1 million and 30 thousands people joining the demonstration on 9th June, we could see that Carrie Lam and Beijing Government did not compromise. No matter how many people joined the demonstration, they continued the procedures to pass the bill after the demonstration.
When we keep asking: “Where are you God?” “God, why are Hong Kong people tortured like this?” Here comes a reverse! When we question the youngsters as “useless”, on Wednesday 12th June, a situation that we all didn’t want to see occurred, but it made a reverse! A group of youngsters, some of them have written their testaments and decided to block the bullets, charged against Legislative Council and the Police cordon lines! Of course, their acts were illegal from the legal point of view; however, from the point of justice, they didn’t think that this issue should continue in this way. Therefore, they protested. This kind of protest unexpectedly triggered the uncontrolled attack by the upgraded and distorted Hong Kong Police. Even the internal assessment of the Police Force considered that the Police who used guns, shot in the head and used different weapons to attack innocent people, to clear the scene after being clashed, went too far. This is what made the issue reversed! The international pressure made it unbearable for Beijing Government.
Then what was their original plan? On the Mainland television, shots of peaceful assembly were all deleted and would be described as the protesters crashing the Police and attacking like mob. They wanted to claim that Hong Kong mob attacked the Government to gain moral high ground. However, excessive use of force by the Police reversed the whole situation. The original plan of Xi Jinping was called "Fengqiao Experience” which solves the social events on site and not to escalate it; attacks the surface but not to affect the core part. Unfortunately, the HKSAR Government could not solve the problem on site and escalated to the Central Government, and even reached an international level. It created a very big pressure for the Communist Party and made a reverse.
I think this is mercy from God, a miracle from God!
Lastly, I would like to conclude my sharing by the expression shown in one’s eyes. I remember I went to a church with friends after the 12th June incident and saw a pair of policeman at the entrance of the church, looking aggressive and wanted to catch the youngsters in the church. I saw a youngster in church, wearing a black vest, looked terrified in his eyes. I asked him whether I should help him to get clothes so that he could leave. He answered no. He found protection and home in the church, found his real father and mother. When I left the church, from the look of the policemen, it seemed to me that they wanted to catch a child…
May God continues to bless us with peace and may the wounded be given peace. God bless Hong Kong!
Evening of the 19th of June
「mr policeman」的推薦目錄:
- 關於mr policeman 在 麻利 malisheep Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於mr policeman 在 Charlie Goh (吴清樑) Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於mr policeman 在 eva simons - mr. policeman // slowed + reverb - YouTube 的評價
- 關於mr policeman 在 Eva Simons, Konshens - Policeman (Lyrics) - YouTube 的評價
- 關於mr policeman 在 Mr. Policeman - YouTube 的評價
- 關於mr policeman 在 Eva Simons feat. Konshens - Policeman (Official Video HD) 的評價
- 關於mr policeman 在 YES MR POLICEMAN | By Always Alive Recordings | Facebook 的評價
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mr policeman 在 Charlie Goh (吴清樑) Facebook 的精選貼文
If he is a criminal then why havent you arrested him yet, mr policeman? 👮♂️
All 8 eps out on toggle, link in bio!
mr policeman 在 瞿友寧 Facebook 的最佳解答
花甲繁星 點點笑心
Special Appearance
蔡振南 飾 鄭光輝
Chen-Nan Tsai Guang-Huei Zheng
盧廣仲 飾 鄭花甲/鄭爽
Crowd Lu Hua-Jia Zheng
嚴正嵐 飾 方瑋琪
Vera Yen Wei-Qi Fang
劉冠廷 飾 鄭花明
kuan Ting Liu Hua-Ming Zheng
江宜蓉 飾 李雅婷
Cammy Chiang Ya-Ting Lee
龍劭華 飾 鄭光煌
Shao-Hua Long Guang-Huang Zheng
康 康 飾 鄭光仁
Kang Kang Guang-Ren Zheng
柯叔元 飾 鄭光昇
Shu-Yuan Ko, Guang-Sheng Zheng
海裕芬 飾 鄭光好
Heaven Hai Guang-Hao Zheng
王彩樺 飾 林靜雲
Lotus Wang Jing-Yun Lin
謝盈萱 飾 史黛西
Ying Xuan Hsieh Stacy
范足妹 飾 鄭劉春一
Tzu-Mei Fan Chun-Yi Zheng Liu
阮安妮 飾 阿 春
Nguyen Ngoc Anh A Chun
今子嫣 飾 郭盈秀
Tzu-Yen Chin Ying-Hsiu Guo
阮氏翠恆 飾 阿 水
Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang A Shuei
楊瓊華 飾 蔡明華
Qiong-Hua Yang Ming-Hua Tsai
葉星辰 飾 小 靜
Hsing-Chen Yeh Jing
Guest Appearance
金士傑 飾 方 爸
Shih-Chieh King Fang's Dad
林美秀 飾 方 媽
Mei-hsiu Lin Fang's Mom
陳意涵 飾 林小美
Yi-Han Chen Siao-Mei Lin
何潤東 飾 陳雷公
Peter Ho Lei-Gong Chen
陳文彬 飾 立委候選人
Wen-Pin Chen Candidate for legislator
陳竹昇 飾 林老師
Bamboo Chen Mr .Lin
彭政閔 飾 彭政閔
Chia Chia Peng Chia Chia Peng
Matzka 飾 黑 松
Matzka Hei-Song.
吳念軒 飾 法 德/姑丈
Nien-Hsuan Wu Uncle
謝宇威 飾 虎 爺
Yu-Wei Hsieh Tiger
許光漢 飾 夜市男
Greg Hsu The guest
陳 妤 飾 夜市友
Yuu Chen The guest
顏毓麟 飾 大鳥社長
Yu-Lin Yen Birdy
楊名裕 飾 花明小弟
Mic Yang Ming's subordinate
管翊君 飾 花明小弟
Yi-Chun Kuan Ming's subordinate
朱盛平 飾 海關人員
Sheng-Pin Chu Customs police
徐鈞浩 飾 國道警察
Jake Hsu Policeman
楊傑宇 飾 航 察
Tony Stone Policeman
Special Appearance
林意箴 飾 鄭花慧
Diane Lin Hua-Huei Zheng
曲獻平 飾 鄭花亮
Barry Chu Hua-Liang Zheng
葉辰莛 飾 宋姿萱
Chen Ting Yeh Tzu-Hsuan Sung
江常輝 飾 光 頭/阿 凡
Chang Hui Chiang A Fan
陳彥壯 飾 整形醫生
Yan-Zhuan Chen Plastic Surgeon
金美滿 飾 雅婷媽
Mei-Man Jin Ya-ting's Mom
吳姿吟 飾 小花慧
Emily Wu Hua-Huei
童登煜 飾 小花明
Danny Tung Hua-Ming
曾郁恆 飾 小花甲
Yu-Heng Tseng Hua-Jia
林益成 飾 鄭花詢
Yi-Chen Lin Hua-Xun Zheng
林杰叡 飾 鄭耀洋
Jerry Lin Yao-Yang Zheng
林宥安 飾 小花亮
Rice Lin Hua-Liang
張芷羚 飾 鄭花星
Alice Chang Hua-Xin Zheng
江庠和 飾 鄭耀輝
Hsiang-He Chiang Yao-Huei Zheng
王翊珊 飾 小雅婷
Yi-Shan Wang Ya-Ting
林庭伊 飾 小小靜
Yi-Ting Lin Jing
監 製 瞿友寧
Executive Producer Yu-Ning Chu
製片人 陳信吉
Producer Shin Chi Chen
聯合製片人 吳明憲 郝柏翔
Co-Producer Dennis Wu Alain Hao
陳庠凱 蔡聖湘
Jacky Chen Jade Tsai
Karen Lin
編 劇 楊璧瑩 吳翰杰
Screenplay Being Young Alcatel Wu
詹 傑 楊富閔
Jie Zhan Fu-Min Yang
Yu-Ning Chu
導 演 瞿友寧
Director Yu-Ning Chu
執行導演 李青蓉
Executive Director Gia Lee
攝影指導 張熙明
Director of Photography Hsi-Ming Chang
製 片 張雅婷
Line Producer Yating Chang
美術指導 唐嘉宏
Production Designer Jia-Hong Tang
造型指導 鄧莉棋
Stylist Amanda Deng
特效化妝造型指導 蕭百宸
SFX Makeup Stylist Pai-Chen Hsiao
Hsien-Chia Liu
選角指導 陳靜媚
Casting Director Lucy Chen
燈光師 陳恩傑
Gaffer En-Jie Chen
錄音師 杜均堂 杜則剛
Location Audio Mixer Patrick Tu Tse-Kang Tu
動作導演 楊志龍
Action Director Gino Yang
剪輯師 陳俊宏
Film Editor Chun-Hung Chen
特效指導 李志緯
Visual Effects Supervisor Aben Lee
聲音指導 杜篤之 江連真
Supervising Sound Editors Duu-Chih Tu Lien-Chen Chiang
音樂總監 侯志堅
Music Director Chris Hou
配 樂 侯志堅 盧廣仲
Music Compose byr Chris Hou Crowd Lu
調光師 洪文凱
Digital Colorist Kevin Hong
出品公司 氧氣電影有限公司
Presents Oxygen Film Co., Ltd.
Ethos Original Co., Ltd.
Lots Home Entertainment Co., Ltd.
SKY FILMS Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Showtime International Ltd.
Ambassador Theatres Company
Shin Kong Cinemas co., Ltd.
出品人 瞿友寧
Producers Yu-Ning Chu
Ginny Wei
Bob Wong
Hung-Chih Liang
Han-Kwang Chu
Willy Liao
Joe Chang
Michael Wu
製作公司 氧氣電影有限公司
Production Oxygen Film Co., Ltd.
Production Management
製 片 張雅婷
Production Manager Ya-Ting Chang
執行製片 呂彥萩
Line Producer Yen-Chiu Lu
現場執行 陳怡樺
Line Producer Agua Chen
生活製片 劉怡君
Craft Service Yi-Chun Liu
生活組助理 王仁佑
Craft Service Assistants Brownie Wang
場景經理 林俞均
Location Manager Yu-Chun LIN
場景助理 陳俊宏
Location Assistants Chun-Huag Chen
製片助理 鄭令婕 許雅涵
Production Assistants Evangeline Zheng Zoey Hsu
製片組實習生 張繻升 黃怡婷
Interns Ru-Sheng Chang Yiting Huang
製片協力 范欣怡 李宗勳
Production Assistants Rice Fan Wei Lee
製片支援 王若璠 孫佳慧
Production Support Jo-Fan Wang Jjia-Huei Sun
周嘉儀 蔡嘉和
Chia-Yi Chou Chia-Han Tsai
顏駿晏 蘇志博 陳椏筠
Yan-Jun Yan Chi-Pok So Ya-Yun Chen
行銷製片 林玉婷
Marketing Manager Yu-Ting Lin
行銷專員 徐若庭 王立凱
Marketing Executive Jo-Ting Hsu Li-Kai Wang
製片會計 鄭瑞清
Production Accountant Ann Cheng
製片會計助理 杜郁薇
Accountant Assistants Flower Tu
Assistant Director
導演 瞿友寧
Director Yu-Ning Chu
執行導演 李青蓉
Executive director Gia Lee
副導演 吳瑀涵
1st Assistant Director Soda Wu
助理導演 黃柔璇 曾鈺鈞
2nd Assistant Director Edgar Huang Yu-Chun Tseng
場記 陳羿伶
Script Supervisor Yi-Ling Chen
導演助理 戴亞薇
Director Assistant Ya-Wei Dai
選角指導 陳靜媚
Casting Director Lucy Chen
演員管理助理 莊寓堯 徐湘羚 黃純暐
Casting Assistant Yao-Yao Chuang Lili Hsu Anna Huang
Camera Department
攝影指導 張熙明
Director of Photography Hsi-Ming Chang
攝影師 陳加融
Additional Camera Alger Chen
攝影大助 曾永達
1st Assistant Camera Yung-Da Tzeng
攝影大助 黃麒霖
2st Assistant Camera Kirin Huang
攝影助理 廖哲偉 廖竺洧
Camera Assistants Je-Wei Liau Zhu-Wei Liao
詹智涵 傅鉦棋
Calvin Chan Cc Fu
檔案管理 陳逸麟
DTI Yi-Lin Yao
攝影器材公司 中影股份有限公司
Camera Equipment Central Motion Picture Corporation(CMPC)
Qtake器材提供 利達亞太創意中心
QTAKE Equipment LAPCC, Leader Asia Pacific Creativity Center
Art Department
美術指導 唐嘉宏
Production Designer Jia-Hong Tang
執行美術 李毓峰 鄭維喬
Art Decorators Yu-Fong Lee Wei-Ciao Cheng
現場美術 蕭名妤
Art Decorators Ming-Yu Hsiao
現場美術助理 林璟吟 劉牧晨
Art Decorators Assistants Sky Lin Mu-Chen Liu
美術助理 謝承頤 房星余
Art Department Assistants Chen-Yi Hsieh Shing-Yu Fang
林晏潔 翁薏婷
Yan-Jie Lin Yi-Ting Wong
謝宜臻 李怡萱 吳振豪
Yi-Chen Hsieh Yi-Syuan Li Che-Hao Wu
道具師 魏明源
Props on Set Kevin Wei
道具助理 李宛欣
Assistants for Art Department Wan-Hsin Li
美術支援助理 陳又維
Art Support Assistants Dar-Wei Chen
平面美術 施瀞婷
Graphic Designer Jing-ting shih
質感團隊 法蘭克質感藝術中心
Scenic Art Frank Scenic Art Studio
質感總監 陳新發
Scenic Art Consultant Frank Chen
質感執行 嚴國良 王馨珮
Head Painter Guo-Liang Yen Xin-Pei Wang
曾曉蘭 陳兆豐
Xiao-Lan Tseng Chao-Feng Chen
置景團隊 阿榮影業股份有限公司
Set Construction Arrow Cinematic Group
工程經理 張簡廉弘
Construction Manager Lieh-Hung Changjan
工程主任 林世昌
Construction Coordinator Shi-Chang Lin
木工 劉溢洲 徐凱鑫
Head Carpenter Yi-Jou Liou Kai-Hsin Hsu
施復評 劉金展
Fu-Ping Shih Chin-Chan Liu
廖泳泓 莊水文
Yung-Hung Liao Shui-Wen Chuang
莊佳叡 王仲慶
Chai-Jui Chuang Chung-Ching Wang
Lighting Department
燈光師 陳恩傑
Gaffer En-Jie Chen
燈光大助 李培源
Assistant Gaffers Pei-Yuan Lee
燈光助理 謝憲欽 邱麒叡
Grips Hsien-Chin Hsieh Chi-Jui Chiu
許原毓 楊朝翔
Yuan-Yu Hus Chao-Hsiang Wang
燈光司機 許均豪 林峻甲
Drivers Chun-Hao Hsu Jun-Jia Lin
電工 彭仁孟
Electricians Ren-Meng Peng
燈光器材公司 中影股份有限公司
Lighting Equipment Central Motion Picture Corporation(CMPC)
Sound Department
錄音師 杜均堂 杜則剛
Location Audio Mixer Patrick Tu Tse-Kang Tu
現場錄音助理 李佳衡 王浩權
Boom Operators Cha-Cha Li Hao-Chuan Wang
支援錄音師 陳煜杰
Audio Mixer Support Yu-Chieh Chen
Grip Department
場務領班 林璁毅
Set Manager Tsung-Yi Lin
場務大助 王信智 陳億昌
Set Assistants Hsin-Chih Wang Yi-Chang Chen
場務助理 崔恩旂 張聖聰 周得全
Set Assistants En-Chi Tsui Sheng-Tsung Cha
Te-Chuan Chou
攝影輔助器材提供 永祥影視有限公司
Grip & Dolly Equipment Yong Hsiang Film & TV Equipment
Makeup and Hair Department
造型指導 鄧莉棋
Costume Designer Amanda Deng
服裝造型 閔薏蘭
Stylist I-Lan Min
服裝執行 林隆龍
Stylist on Set Tony Lin Lung Lung
服裝管理 莊千雅 許書瑋
Wardrobe Zhuang Qian Ya Shu Wei Hsu
服裝助理 謝沛桂
Stylist Assistants Hsieh Pei Kuei
服裝支援 王以琳 趙子詮
Costume Support I-Lin Wang Jimmy Zhao
化妝組長 杜美玲
Make-up Designer Zalina Tu
化妝師 徐淑娟 黃瓊慧 張珉薰
Make-up Artist Shu-Chuan Hsu Chiung-Hui Huang Macy Chang
化妝助理 陳韻如
Make-up Assistant Ruby Chen
髮型組長 洪佳如
Hair Designer Jia-Ru Hung
髮型師 李欣儒 楊宇靖
Hair Stylist Landy Lee Rylan Yang
髮型助理 楊晶卉
Assistant Hairdresser Vronique Yang
梳化助理 王馨瑜
Tattoo Designer Sin-Yu Wang
特化團隊 百嘉堂特效化妝工作室
SFX Makeup PCT Makeup F/X Studio
特效化妝造型指導 蕭百宸 劉顯嘉
SFX Makeup Stylist Pai-Chen Hsiao Hsien-Chia Liu
特效化妝助理 林宜蓁
SFX Makeup Assistants Yi-Chen Lin
Still Photographer
Ronin Photography
劇照師 李彥勳 張瑋中
Still Photographer Ronin Lee Bill Chun
Making Of
花絮統籌 山楂果影像製作有限公司
Behind the scenes HawStudio
Sean Hu
花絮拍攝 林得
Behind the scenes Lin Te
花絮拍攝協力 胡皓翔 張綺芳
Support Sean Hu Chi-Fang Chang
花絮剪接 姜佑農 張綺芳
Editor Yu-Nung Chiang Chi-Fang Chang
行政聯繫 龐亦雯
Production office secretary Yi-Wen Pang
特別感謝 余梓勤 陳語瑄
Special Thanks Tzu-Chin Yu Yu-Syuan Chen
Special Effect
動作指導 動作龍團隊
Stunt Supervisor Action Dragon
動作導演 楊志龍
Action Director Gino Yang
動作副導演 凃力榮
Deputy action director Li-Rong Tu
動作協調 陳杰睿
Action Coordinator Jerrie Chen
動作替身 萬明岳
Substitute Ming-Yueh Wan
特技人員 凃力榮 李至元 田嘉豪
Stunt Li-Rong Tu Zhi-Yuan Li Jia-Hao Tian
萬明岳 吳學明 呂玟成
Ming-Yueh Wan Hsueh-Ming Wu Wen-Cheng Lu
特技助理 曾瀅緁
assistant Manager Ying-Jie Tseng
特技司機 陳明川 吳大任
Car stunt Ming-Chuan Chen
Dai-Ren Wu
特技鋼絲團隊 陳昌灶 林國寶 陳昌隆
Wire Group Chang-Zao Chen Guo-Bao Lin Chang-Long Chen
盧廣仲騎車替身 李孝偵
Lu's Stunt Hsiao-Chen Lee
表演訓練老師 蔡旻霓
Performance Instructor Mimi Tsai
劇組隨行司機 吳俊陞 彭耀棋
Accompanying Driver Sean Wu Yao Qi Peng
洪朝清 吳逸群 蔡武助
Chao Ching Hung Yi Chun Wu Wu Chu Tsai
跟拍車 黃世典
Camera Car Shih-Tien Huang
車輛租賃 永祥影視器材/永笙汽車租賃有限公司
Car Rental Yong Hsiang Film & TV Equipment
Post Production
後期製片 宋姿萱
Post-Production Producer Sherry Sung
剪輯師 陳俊宏
Film Editor Chun-Hung Chen
共同剪接 陳建志
Co-Editor Ken-Ji Chen
後期影視製作公司 中影股份有限公司 影視製片廠
Digital Intermediate Facilities Provided by CMPC Central Motion Picture Corporation(CMPC)
後期總監 林坤煌
Post Production Supervisor Kun-Huang Lin
製作統籌 李志緯
Post Production Producer Aben Lee
後期執行製片 陳力筠
Post Line Producers Ivy Chen
後期行政業務 戴慶榕
Post Coordinators James Tai
製作指導 李志緯
Digital Intermediate Supervisor Aben Lee
後期檔案管理 陳怡儒
Post DIT Karen Chen
剪輯助理 許哲綸 杜怡門
Editing Assistants Zhe-Lun Hsu Yi-Men Tu
數位剪輯 許哲綸 杜怡門
Digital on-line Editors Zhe-Lun Hsu Yi-Men Tu
數位調光師 洪文凱
Digital Colorist Kevin Hong
預告調光師 邱程勇
Trailer Digital Colorist CY Chiu
數位調光助理 邱程勇 郭娟寧
Digital Colorist Assistant CY Chiu Juan-Ning Kuo
字幕製作 許哲綸 杜怡門
Subtitlings Zhe-Lun Hsu Yi-Men Tu
DCP母源製作 許哲綸 杜怡門
Digital Cinema Package DeLiverables Zhe-Lun Hsu Yi-Men Tu
DCP數位拷貝製作 陳怡儒
Digital Cinema Package & Duplicate Karen Chen
英文字幕 蘇瑞琴
English Subtitle Translator Jui-chin Su
字幕聽打&校正 宋姿萱 李永丞
Subtitles Production Sherry Sung Anthony Lee
監 製 王重治
Supervisor Shigeharu Tomotoshi
特效總監 張朝銘 陳勃佑
Adam Chang Yoyo Chen
特效製作人 林怡秀
Visual Effects Production Manager Rebecca Lin
現場特效指導 陳勃佑
VFX On Site Supervisor Yoyo Chen
2D特效人員 陳冠佑 舒國豪 陳勃佑
CG Artist Gary Chen Zaki Shu Yoyo Chen
何 澐 吳承羲 黃浩銘
Jack Ho Turtle Wu Maxwell Huang
林宛柔 陳沛予 夏楚涵
Candy Lin Yu Chen Summer Hsia
梁瑞翔 紀巧如 林玉涵
Fernando Linag Ruby Ji Myau Lin
Chen-Ying Wang
Main Title Design and Animation
動態設計製作 吳冠緯
Motion Graphics Designer Vincent Wu
杜比混音錄音室 聲色盒子有限公司
Dolby Mixing Studio 3H Sound Studio Ltd.
混 音 杜篤之 江連真
Re-recording mixers Duu-Chih Tu Lien-Chen Chiang
聲音指導 杜篤之 江連真
Supervising Sound Editors Duu-Chih Tu Lien-Chen Chiang
聲音後期聯繫 杜亦晴 詹佳穎
Sound Studio Coordinators Yi-Ching Du Chia-Ying Chan
Foley音效 詹佳穎 謝青㚬
Foley Artists Chia-Ying Chan Ching-Chun Hsieh
張芬瑄 劉逸筠
Fiona Chang I-Yun Liu
Foley錄音 杜亦晴 杜則剛
Foley Recordist Yi-Ching Du Tse-Kang Tu
劉小蝶 宋佾庭
Kelsey Liu Yi-Ting Sung
ADR錄音 杜亦晴
ADR Recordist Yi-Ching Du
聲音剪接 杜亦晴 杜則剛
Sound Editors Yi-Ching Du Tse-Kang Tu
劉小蝶 宋佾庭
Kelsey Liu Yi-Ting Sung
詹佳穎 謝青㚬
Chia-Ying Chan Ching-Chun Hsieh
張芬瑄 劉逸筠
Fiona Chang I-Yun Liu
音樂總監 侯志堅
Music Director Chris Hou
配 樂 侯志堅 盧廣仲
Music composed by Chris Hou Crowd Lu
製 作 天空之城音樂製作公司
Produced by SkyCastle Music
配樂編輯 高敏倫
Assistant Editor eMMa Kao
配樂行政 邱婧玶
Music Executive Bella Chiu
主奏吉他 蔡巽洋
Acoustic Guitar Hsun-Yang Tsai
吉他特別演出 董運昌 許綺娟
Acoustic Guitar/Special Guest Yun-Chang Dong Chi-Chusn Hsu
小提琴 侯丞睿
Violin Ray Hou
弦樂編寫/指揮 高敏倫
Strings Arranged and Conducted by eMMa Kao
弦樂 曜爆甘音樂工作室
String Just Busy Music Studio
大提琴獨奏 劉涵 (隱分子樂團)
Solo Cello Hang Liu
第一小提琴 蔡曜宇 朱奕寧 陳泱瑾
1st Violin Shuon Tsai Yi-Ning Ju Nick Chen
第二小提琴 盧思蒨 曲靜家
2nd Violin Szu-Chien Lu Ching-Chia Chu
中提琴 甘威鵬 牟啟東
Viola Weapon Gan Wayne Mau
大提琴 劉涵 (隱分子樂團)
Cello Hang Liu
弦樂錄音 林尚伯
String Recording Shang-Po Lin @ JL Studio
混 音 天空之城音樂製作有限公司
Mixing SkyCastle Music
錄音室 天空之城音樂製作有限公司
Recording Studio SkyCastle Music
Good Sound Studio
製 作 添翼創越工作室
Produced by Team Ear Music
主題曲 幾分之幾
Theme Song You complete me
詞/曲/編曲/演唱 盧廣仲
Written / Composed / Arrange/Artistr Crowd Lu
插曲 明仔載(正式版)
OST Hope one day(Full version)
詞/曲/編曲/演唱 盧廣仲
Written / Composed / Arranger/Artist Crowd Lu
插曲 你是我的水
OST You are my 70%
詞/曲/演唱 盧廣仲
Written / Composed /Artist Crowd Lu
編曲 盧廣仲 張瀚中 周谷淳
Arranger Crowd Lu
插曲 魚仔
詞/曲/編曲/演唱 盧廣仲
Written / Composed / Arranger/Artist Crowd Lu
插曲OST 盧廣仲編曲作曲
懸疑 素蘭嬌檳榔攤
快魚仔演奏版 回來就好
花甲 思念(古典吉他版)
阿公的摩托車 魚仔(慢)
明仔載演奏版 煩躁
吉他演奏-女神之歌 再見勾勾
吉他演奏 - 緊張 Rough 大人中演奏版
nice to meet you 演奏版
Publicity & Distribution
台灣電影發行 威視股份有限公司
Theatrical Distribution-Taiwan Vie Vision Pictures Co., Ltd.
董事長 鄒秀芳
Chairman Fiona Chow
資深顧問 陳文彬
Simon Tan Senior Advisor
總經理 何志煒
General Manager Raymond Ho
財務長 杜文蘅
Chief Finance Officer Maggie Tu
行銷經理 何林洋
Marketing Manager Lasely Ho
業務經理 高劍宜
Sales Manager Julie Kao
行銷副理 李純怡 徐榕澤
Asst. Marketing Manager Debbie Lee RJ Hsu
公關副理 林怡臻
Asst. PR Manager Emma Lin
公關專員 薛慶琪
PR Specialist Maggie Shueh
公關助理 袁曼琳
PR Assistant Lynn Yuan
行銷助理 黃新凱
Marketing Assistant Kevin Huang
業務專員 陳美如 鄭木榮
Sales Specialist Ruby Chen Ken Chen
Marketing Team
Result Entertainment
行銷總監 蔡妃喬
Marketing Director Joe Tsai
行銷統籌 張庭瑄 吳婉甄
Marketing Supervisor Vivi Chang Chichi Wu
行銷企劃 陳欣瑜 柯 珂
Marketing Coordinator Pipi Chen Coco Ko
宋韋廷 周品懸
Didi Sung Dada Chou
Oxygen Film Co., Ltd.
行銷統籌 陳信吉
Marketing Supervisor Shin-Chi Chen
行銷協力 陳怡樺 鄭令婕 宋姿萱
Marketing Coordinator Agua Chen
Evangeline Zheng
Sherry Sung
宣傳助理 李永丞 劉芷瑄
Anthony Lee SraBalaw Liu
郭芷延 何俞萱
Vivienne Kuo Yu-Hsuan Ho
標準字設計 均禾設計
Film Title Design JIUNHO Design
主視覺/人物海報設計 陳正源
Poster Design Stone Chen
國際版海報設計 方序中 吳建龍
International Poster Design Joe Fang FK WU
海報攝影師 李彥勳
Poster Photographer Ronin Lee
剪接師 林雍益
Editor Ian Lin
網路預告剪接師 吳姿瑩
Editor Tzu-Ying Wu
保險 富邦人壽保險股份有限公司
Insurance by Fubon Life Insurance
Special Thanks
賴家祖厝 賴欽標 賴立宏 賴永堃
mr policeman 在 Mr. Policeman - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Provided to YouTube by Arista Nashville Mr. Policeman · Brad Paisley 5th Gear ℗ 2007 Sony Music Entertainment Released on: 2007-06-19 ... ... <看更多>
mr policeman 在 Eva Simons & Konshens - Policeman (Lyrics) - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Lyrics : "Policeman" Hey, mister policeman I don't want no trouble I just wanna drop my jiggelin' down to the floor Hey, mister policeman ... ... <看更多>
mr policeman 在 Eva Simons - Policeman feat. Konshens ( prod. by Sidney ... 的推薦與評價