我兒小江目前兩歲快兩個月,他在五個月大的時候被診斷出有先天性免疫系統的疾病:「嗜中性白血球低下」(Neutropenia)。簡而言之,就是他的血液中缺少一種白血球──「嗜中性白血球」(Neutrophil),而這個白血球占了人體白血球的60%-70%,主要功能是幫助人體對抗細菌的感染(bacterial infection)。目前他的治療方式是打一種生長激素(G-CSF)來刺激他的骨髓去產生這個嗜中性白血球,但是效果有限,且長期用藥的副作用是「增加血癌的罹患率」。在跟醫生討論過後,唯一可以讓他恢復健康的方式就是做「骨髓移植」,但是目前全球配對下並沒有合適的捐贈者。加上他又是混血兒,更增加了配對成功的困難度。
如何登記成為骨髓捐贈者可以參考這個網站:bethematch.org 採樣只需要一點口水就可以。若有配對成功,才會需要進一步抽血等檢驗。
若有意願捐贈臍帶血,在德國則請參考這個機構: www.dkms-nabelschnurblutbank.de 點選 Eltern,然後到 Liste der DKMS Entnahmekliniken,這裡有各邦/城市的服務處。
祝 闔家平安 健康
Betty Lin
p.s 圖為小江定期回醫院抽血驗白血球的情況 。
Dear friends,
I have a favor to ask from all of you!!
My 2-year-old son has been diagnosed that he has Kostmann Syndrome, or severe congenital neutropenia type 1. It is a genetic defect that causes the inability of the bone marrow to produce neutrophils, a type of white blood cells. This makes him more susceptible to infections. Currently he is receiving the standard treatment using G-CSF, although his responsiveness appears to vary.
Currently, we are looking at bone marrow transplant or cord blood transplant as the option to cure the syndrome, and have started working on finding a match.
Here's where it gets tricky- I am from Taiwan, while my husband is German- so that makes my son half-Taiwanese and half-German. As we all know this increases the difficulty of finding a match.
If you yourself come from a mixed family, (especially Asia*Caucasian mixed), or you're about to have a mixed baby, I hope you can consider registering yourself as a donor of bone marrow(if your age is between 18-45), or to consider donate your baby's cord blood to a public cord blood bank at your location.
For registering as a donor, please see this website: bethematch.org
For Cord blood donation, please consult your local hospital, or red cross.
One more donor got registered, we get one more hope, so as the other patients who have been waiting for a match!!
PLEASE SHARE this information to your friends and family, and please register as a donor!
Thank you all and wish you all healthy and happy!
Betty Lin
p.s. the picture is my son when he was in hospital for regular blood count check.
neutropenia g-csf 在 NEJS - the New England Journal of Stupid Facebook 的最讚貼文
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