#在F.D.A投票前幾個小時,CDC發布了一項研究,顯示輝瑞疫苗的保護作用減弱。美國疾病控制與預防中心週五發布的數據表明,輝瑞-BioNTech 疫苗在完全接種後的四個月內對新冠肺炎住院治療的保護水平顯著下降。研究發現,從接受者接種第二劑疫苗兩週到四個月後,輝瑞疫苗在預防住院方面的有效率為 91%。然而超過120天,其有效性下降到 77%。Moderna 疫苗在同一時間段內沒有顯示出類似的保護性下降:在接受者接種疫苗四個月後,它對住院的有效率為 92%,與之前的 93% 的有效性幾乎相同。
#拜登政府正在談判購買另外 5 億劑輝瑞藥物以捐贈海外。這將使計劃捐贈的總數達到11.5 億劑,約佔世界需求的十分之一,但目前尚不清楚捐贈將在多久之後進行。
#一項新的研究表明,在封鎖期間,兒童的視力可能會惡化。該研究由中國中山大學公共衛生學院根據 2018 年至 2020 年對廣州十多所小學的 2,000 多名學生進行的年度眼科檢查的數據進行。根據這項研究,在 2018 年接受過眼科檢查的二年級學生中,約有 13% 到 2019 年發展為近視。相比之下,2019 年接受眼科檢查的人中有超過 20% 的人到 2020 年出現近視,這一差異具有統計學意義。兩組的初步測試表明,大約 7% 的學生有近視。研究人員說,對 9 歲及以上學生視力的影響似乎可以忽略不計。研究結果表明,年幼的孩子更容易受到環境影響的影響。菲律賓兒科眼科和斜視學會會長 Carlos Emmanoel Chua 博士表示,香港、新加坡和中國的研究也得出結論,大流行由於各種原因對兒童的視力產生了負面影響。
#美國一些州的病毒激增似乎正在下降,但死亡人數仍在增加。根據《紐約時報》的數據庫,隨著 Delta 變種在未接種疫苗的社區中肆虐,據報導,每天新增死亡人數平均超過 1,900 人,過去兩週增加了近 30% 。大約五分之一的美國人死亡者死於這種疾病。聯邦數據顯示,疫苗接種的步伐仍然相對緩慢,美國64% 的符合條件的人已完全接種疫苗。(聯邦政府沒有授權給 12 歲以下的兒童注射。)
本周,有數千名海地人聽說了一條進入美國的捷徑,於是,他們在穿越格蘭德河淺水區,攜帶著床墊、水果、尿布和毯子,以及在等待輪到他們請求進入美國時用來度過難關的食品。14000名多名的移民聚集在邊境社區Del Rio,這一激增讓當地官員和當局不知所措,而今年的過境人數達到驚人的高峰。
*【聯合國就當前氣候協議發出警告,稱世界“正走在災難的道路上” 】
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Shiney,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/metro-last-light-redux Metro Last Light Redux พากย์ไทย Metro: Last Light takes place in 2034, o...
「nuclear strike」的推薦目錄:
nuclear strike 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳解答
*【美眾議院民主黨的徵稅的計畫 對富豪們無所影響】
眾議院民主黨人提出了一項計畫,通過增加超過2兆美元的稅收來支付其擴張性社會政策和氣候變化一攬子計畫的費用,主要是針對富人和盈利企業。但這項提案雖然涉及面很廣,但遠遠沒有改變貝佐斯Jeff Bezos和馬斯克等大亨的巨額財富,也沒有徹底填補金融領袖所利用的最嚴重漏洞。面對一分為二的國會微妙政治,資深眾議院民主黨人選擇更加關注黨內溫和化的關切,而非其進步野心。他們專注於傳統的增加税收的方式:提高收入稅率,而不是以富豪為目標。
聯邦選舉委員會(Federal Election Commission)的新裁決保護了大型社交媒體公司控制其平臺上共用政治內容的靈活性。
*【中國近一個月來最大疫情爆發 福建升級防疫措施】
時報專欄作者Ross Douthat寫道:只有中國能夠以深刻的方式威脅到美國的利益,美國應該制定政策來否定北京的地區霸權,並阻止任何軍事冒險主義尤其從捍衛臺灣開始。
研究人員此前發現,以色列NSO集團的間諜軟體“飛馬”能夠在無需點擊的情況下感染蘋果設備。蘋果公司表示,計畫在今年晚些時候推出的下一次iOS 15軟體更新中引入新的安全防禦措施。
伊朗在大約一個月內就擁有足夠的材料來為單個核武器提供燃料,跨越新核武製造門檻,這將給美國及其盟國施加壓力,以恢復 2015 年的核協議。
nuclear strike 在 唐家婕 - Jane Tang Facebook 的最佳貼文
Just in:
眾議院議長佩洛西與美軍最高將領、參謀總長Mark Miley 談話。
‘’to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.‘’
nuclear strike 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳解答
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/metro-last-light-redux
Metro Last Light Redux พากย์ไทย
Metro: Last Light takes place in 2034, one year after the events of Metro 2033, following the ending of the original novel in which Artyom's missile strike against the Dark Ones — mysterious beings that seemingly threatened the survivors of a nuclear war living in the Moscow Metro — occurred. The Rangers, a neutral peacekeeping force that operates throughout the system, have since occupied the D6 military facility Artyom visited during the first game. This is a huge, and not fully explored pre-war bunker, and Artyom, now a Ranger himself, remains unsure whether killing the Dark Ones was the correct decision. Rumors of D6's discovery and its great riches have spread around the Metro; rival factions, such as the Soviet Red Line and Nazi Fourth Reich, hope to seize the bunker and its contents.
Metro Redux is a post-apocalyptic first-person shooter, and a two-part remake of Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light for next-generation consoles. It was developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Sliver. The enhanced versions of both games can be bought together as a bundle or separately.
Metro Redux features remakes of both games in an improved 4A Engine. While Metro Last Light Redux includes general improvements, Metro 2033 Redux has been completely remade in the Last Light engine and updated to include the same features as Metro Last Light. Metro Redux has been released for the next-generation consoles, the Xbox One and PS4, as well as PC.
This game is based on Dmitry Glukhovsky's book Metro 2033.
In 2013, nuclear war had devastated the Earth, wiping out billions of lives. Among the affected nations is Russia, including the now-desolate wasteland of Moscow. A handful of survivors manage to hide in the Metro system, salvaging spare parts and growing mushrooms for food. Animals such as rats, bears, and others are mutated into horrific monsters, while the air in many areas that humans breathe becomes heavily irradiated and impossible to survive in without a gas mask. While there is a constant state of war between the Communists and the Nazis both trying to promote their radical ideologies, bandits are stealing, killing and looting in the metro tunnels, even keeping hostages to gain bullets, which are used as currency.
Twenty years later, in 2033, the northern station of VDNKh, now called Exhibition, falls under attack by a group of mysterious creatures referred to as the Dark Ones. Artyom (Russian: Артём), a 24-year-old male survivor born before the bombs fell and the adopted son of the station commander, is persuaded to leave his home there and seek help from the rest of the Metro by Hunter, an elite soldier of the Spartan Order. Hunter gives Artyom his dog tags and tells him to present them to his superiors in Polis, the "capital" of the Metro, before disappearing while tracking the Dark Ones.
nuclear strike 在 Shiney Youtube 的最讚貼文
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/metro-exodus
Metro Last Light Redux พากย์ไทย
Metro: Last Light takes place in 2034, one year after the events of Metro 2033, following the ending of the original novel in which Artyom's missile strike against the Dark Ones — mysterious beings that seemingly threatened the survivors of a nuclear war living in the Moscow Metro — occurred. The Rangers, a neutral peacekeeping force that operates throughout the system, have since occupied the D6 military facility Artyom visited during the first game. This is a huge, and not fully explored pre-war bunker, and Artyom, now a Ranger himself, remains unsure whether killing the Dark Ones was the correct decision. Rumors of D6's discovery and its great riches have spread around the Metro; rival factions, such as the Soviet Red Line and Nazi Fourth Reich, hope to seize the bunker and its contents.
Metro Redux is a post-apocalyptic first-person shooter, and a two-part remake of Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light for next-generation consoles. It was developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Sliver. The enhanced versions of both games can be bought together as a bundle or separately.
Metro Redux features remakes of both games in an improved 4A Engine. While Metro Last Light Redux includes general improvements, Metro 2033 Redux has been completely remade in the Last Light engine and updated to include the same features as Metro Last Light. Metro Redux has been released for the next-generation consoles, the Xbox One and PS4, as well as PC.
This game is based on Dmitry Glukhovsky's book Metro 2033.
In 2013, nuclear war had devastated the Earth, wiping out billions of lives. Among the affected nations is Russia, including the now-desolate wasteland of Moscow. A handful of survivors manage to hide in the Metro system, salvaging spare parts and growing mushrooms for food. Animals such as rats, bears, and others are mutated into horrific monsters, while the air in many areas that humans breathe becomes heavily irradiated and impossible to survive in without a gas mask. While there is a constant state of war between the Communists and the Nazis both trying to promote their radical ideologies, bandits are stealing, killing and looting in the metro tunnels, even keeping hostages to gain bullets, which are used as currency.
Twenty years later, in 2033, the northern station of VDNKh, now called Exhibition, falls under attack by a group of mysterious creatures referred to as the Dark Ones. Artyom (Russian: Артём), a 24-year-old male survivor born before the bombs fell and the adopted son of the station commander, is persuaded to leave his home there and seek help from the rest of the Metro by Hunter, an elite soldier of the Spartan Order. Hunter gives Artyom his dog tags and tells him to present them to his superiors in Polis, the "capital" of the Metro, before disappearing while tracking the Dark Ones.
nuclear strike 在 Shiney Youtube 的精選貼文
Metro Last Light Redux พากย์ไทย
Metro: Last Light takes place in 2034, one year after the events of Metro 2033, following the ending of the original novel in which Artyom's missile strike against the Dark Ones — mysterious beings that seemingly threatened the survivors of a nuclear war living in the Moscow Metro — occurred. The Rangers, a neutral peacekeeping force that operates throughout the system, have since occupied the D6 military facility Artyom visited during the first game. This is a huge, and not fully explored pre-war bunker, and Artyom, now a Ranger himself, remains unsure whether killing the Dark Ones was the correct decision. Rumors of D6's discovery and its great riches have spread around the Metro; rival factions, such as the Soviet Red Line and Nazi Fourth Reich, hope to seize the bunker and its contents.
Metro Redux is a post-apocalyptic first-person shooter, and a two-part remake of Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light for next-generation consoles. It was developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Sliver. The enhanced versions of both games can be bought together as a bundle or separately.
Metro Redux features remakes of both games in an improved 4A Engine. While Metro Last Light Redux includes general improvements, Metro 2033 Redux has been completely remade in the Last Light engine and updated to include the same features as Metro Last Light. Metro Redux has been released for the next-generation consoles, the Xbox One and PS4, as well as PC.
This game is based on Dmitry Glukhovsky's book Metro 2033.
In 2013, nuclear war had devastated the Earth, wiping out billions of lives. Among the affected nations is Russia, including the now-desolate wasteland of Moscow. A handful of survivors manage to hide in the Metro system, salvaging spare parts and growing mushrooms for food. Animals such as rats, bears, and others are mutated into horrific monsters, while the air in many areas that humans breathe becomes heavily irradiated and impossible to survive in without a gas mask. While there is a constant state of war between the Communists and the Nazis both trying to promote their radical ideologies, bandits are stealing, killing and looting in the metro tunnels, even keeping hostages to gain bullets, which are used as currency.
Twenty years later, in 2033, the northern station of VDNKh, now called Exhibition, falls under attack by a group of mysterious creatures referred to as the Dark Ones. Artyom (Russian: Артём), a 24-year-old male survivor born before the bombs fell and the adopted son of the station commander, is persuaded to leave his home there and seek help from the rest of the Metro by Hunter, an elite soldier of the Spartan Order. Hunter gives Artyom his dog tags and tells him to present them to his superiors in Polis, the "capital" of the Metro, before disappearing while tracking the Dark Ones.