2015 夏天之前到了倫敦參加Jimmy Choo Illicit香水發表會。會上,不僅與當紅偶像 Sky Ferreira 近距離碰面(在這之前其實還不認識她),還與 Jimmy Choo創意總監Sandra Choi大玩自拍。
坦白說,當初對於Jimmy Choo找來Sky Ferreira的想法有點訝異,不過在試了香水與看了他們所拍攝的形象短片之後,才發現每個創意背後都有恰如其分的見解與想法撐持著。
Jimmy Choo Illicit 香水去年九月在英國、十月在美國都已經頹初上市;終於在德國地區二月分會推出販售,只在Müller以及Douglas有賣。如果你也喜歡這種柔嫩芬芳、卻又帶有個性的味品,可以在二月起到Müller以及Douglas試聞。
當初參加發表會的文章,歡迎點閱 http://goo.gl/e76PZu。文章裡有這部形象短片,浪漫唯美的風格與Sky Ferreira平時的形象頗為不同,值得欣賞。
Last year, before Summer, I was invited to London to join a perfume launch event of Jimmy Choo, Illicit. Jimmy Choo invited well-known rock singer Sky Ferreira to be the face for ILIICIT. This new fragrance embodies the audacious and daring side of Jimmy Choo women. Sky Ferreira’s Californian qualities, rock spirit, and fearless characteristics strongly interpret the essence of ILLICIT, expressing that any confident woman should dare to live out her own life.
The fragrance and campaign featuring Sky was launched already in the UK in September and in the US in October 2015; Now – finally premiere in Germany from February 2016. It is a great design and flavor as a Valentine's Day gift for your love or yourself. Go to one of the stores and try it.