Do you smoke weed?
Here is a common question i get answered by @smurray_32
Exercise performance: It is clear that marijuana will in no way benefit exercise performance with studies showing decreases in reaction time, reduced concentration & hand-eye coordination, reduced exercise capacity & time to exhaustion (Saugy et al 2006).
Appetite: Short-term use of marijuana has shown to increase appetite through the CB1 & CB2 receptors, which, along with mostly being found in the brain, are also found in the stomach thus stimulating feeding behaviour (Sansone et al 2014). This could be beneficial for hard gainers who struggle to consume enough calories per day in order to gain weight.
Sleep: Marijuana has shown to relax the nervous system, helping increase heart rate variability & sleep (Babson et al 2017). In a way this could be beneficial for those who train extremely hard in order to aid recovery.
Hormones: Studies have shown that marijuana can have endocrine-disrupting properties & can reduce certain anabolic/sex hormones such as testosterone, GH, oestrogen & and progesterone along with increasing cortisol (Benowitz et al 1976, Ranganathan et al 2010, Brown & Dobs 2002). All in all, not very conducive to muscle growth and/or fat loss.
Fat loss: As above, short-term use will increase appetite a.k.a. the munchies & thus making it increasingly harder for those in a fat loss phase to adhere to sustaining a calorie deficit.
Gains: Just like exercise performance, it is highly unlikely that marijuana will HELP you make gains as apart from benefiting sleep, the fact that it decreases performance & anabolic hormones will definitely not help. Furthermore, there is also evidence that to suggest that it can disrupt mTOR stimulation (Puighermanal et al 2009) & thus reduce the muscle protein synthetic response to both diet & training (Norton & Wilson 2009).
Practical implications? The above negative effects are only really witnessed when abusing marijuana thus, if only a casual user.
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