2019 has been another fully engaging year: We’ve brought the Sanctuary 2.0 World Tour to 29 new cities, and released 6 independent singles with music videos. We’ve put a little more time into spreading love through the Cardinal Shan Foundation “Live Out Love”, and Huashan Social Welfare Foundation “Love the Elderly” charity movements.
Also very proud to have collaborated as JFJ Productions with KAWS and AllRightsReserved to bring in the #KawsHolidayTaipei installation for the first time.
The new #SMUDGEstore with Miracle Coffee In Shanghai has also been warmly received, thanks to all the friends and family who have supported us all these years. SMG: Still Moving Under Gunfire
More to come, I promise, more to come!
When I was a boy, I’ve always tried to picture what 2020 would be like. I’ve seen it in films, science fiction stories, and games. Flying cars, dystopian cities, time traveling, parallel universes, and a world dependent on artificial intelligence? Today, it seems like we are still a little far from getting close. (or are we?)
2020, I wish for less forest fires, less poverty and pollution, for the world to share more love and less hate. I pray for more peace and less greedy intention, for us to hold on to one another more dearly. I pray that those of us who have lost loved ones, would find comfort and strength in shared memories, and strive on.
Also that we have willpower to overcome never ending obstacles in this unpredictable world.
Well, I never thought I’d be actually part of 2020, still doing what I’m doing.
Never more grateful, never more spurred on!
In fact, in the past 12 months, I’ve been doing a little more than usual planning for this upcoming year, so I tell myself,
“Come what come may,
May or may not like it,
But expect to be seeing a whole new
JJ Lin in 2020!”
Happy New Year, world! 2020 here we come!
今年,也很開心 JFJ Productions 首次開發藝術界的合作,年初的時候把巨大Kaws:Holiday 系列 帶到了台北。
上海 #SMUDGEstore SMGLIFE 新家落成了,加入了綠標 Miracle Coffee 的共同經營,受到大家熱烈支持!
很小的時候,我經常想像2020會是什麼樣的世界和光景。那個時候從電影、科幻小說、電玩遊戲的模擬,看到了會飛的車子、敵托邦式的場景、穿越時空、平行世界,還有徹底仰賴人工智慧的生活環境... 今時今日的我們,距離小時候的「幻想」,這麼近;那麼遠。
是荊棘 是豐順
是稱心 是願違
祝大家 新年快樂!2020, 愛你愛你~~~
#farewell2019 #2020 #happynewyear