这个奖是属于辅助类型,寓意一个人对社会大众所作出的贡献等等。姐姐在这十几年来一直不断地回复粉丝并协助解决他们的问题,领导他们向往正道和勇往直前,且救助那些有了轻生念头并对生活感到绝望的人。这渐渐已经成为了姐姐生活里的一份责任,成为了粉丝们的精神支柱,并在他们需要人陪伴和聆听时,姐姐会陪在他们左右,尝试了解他们的问题,以让他们在最糟糕的情况也存有一丝阳光,因为姐姐是粉丝们的依靠,一位值得信赖和依靠的人❤️ 而在今天,我国政府部门终于认可辅助类别在社会上的重要性。
Social Media Influencer Of The Year 🏆
𝙀𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙏𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙢 , 𝘼𝙧𝙩𝙨 & 𝘾𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙖
This award falls under the Ancillary Category, meaning a person whose work provides necessary support to the primary activities of an organization, system, etc. Jie had been reply all my fans, guiding them, supporting them, and helping them in moving on with their life, getting them out from problemsa and hardships in life, and saving lives from committing suicides and depression. It had became a responsibility i took up, to be that person my fans need, accompanying them, be there for them, understand them, listen to them, lend a shoulder, and let them know that they r not alone in the worst, and that there is someone that they can rely on, they can trust and someone who believe in what they do ❤️ And finally the government and sectors realised the importance of ancillary
Thank you so much for recognising my work. Big congrats to all winners of the year 😎
90 Recipients of MFMPA, Malaysia Fashion, Modeling and Pageant Awards 2020 from 6 Categories of Awards receiving on the 7th Jan 2021 at Grand Ion Delemen Hotel, Genting Highland from Miss Malaysia Kebaya.
They are the Industry Contributors to the Nation especially in Fashion , Modeling and Pageant related Industry.
This Event supported and Witnessed by Malaysia Tourism, Art and Culture and encourage Private Sectors work hand in hand with MOTAC...
pageant meaning 在 邱怡澍Joyce914 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Miss International <榮耀與遺憾篇honor and regret>
(English below)
首先感謝大家喜歡這套國服 給予我很多正面的鼓勵
而這套三太子國服 是我最引以為傲的創作
在國際小姐的競賽當中 能人輩出
論台步 論美貌 論化妝 論時尚 沒有人是絕對的勝利
親手設計這套國服 是我真的唯一真心佩服自己而且覺得自己真的好棒的時刻
有更多的佳麗是 從來沒看過自己的國服
就是拿著national director送過來的衣服上飛機
開箱國服! 試穿一下
我看過他們的國服 細緻的不可思議
除了有超強設計加持 還有超猛的刺繡團隊 一針一線 一套衣服幾十個人在佳麗出國前臨行密密縫
不管是誰設計的 成品華麗好看就是贏家
就結果而言或許我的國服 並沒辦法比他們都華麗精緻
但就過程而言 我很開心以一個完全不懂設計不懂服裝而能夠設計出並不遜色的國服
跟大家分享 這是我的設計 背後的故事是甚麼
這是一套有著"不服輸的精神" 一套有血有肉的衣服
親自穿著自己設計的衣服 走上國際舞台
因為這是我心目中 最深最濃的台灣味
感謝自己的倔強 成就這一切
(想知道可怕的設計過程 請看之前那篇國服介紹)
因為在決賽的當天 我忘了開旗桿上的LED燈QQ
我奔波那麼久 就是為了加上LED燈
LED燈是電音三太子很重要的元素 其中也隱含了台灣以科技立足世界的意涵
所以我要很遺憾地說 比完賽我不是開心的
不是因為沒有翻轉歷史 拿下Top15
而是因為自己沒有展現出最棒的自己 所以感覺到自責
我賽前說過 不求最佳成績 但求不留遺憾完美呈現
---About Honor
I am really proud to say that I design my own national costume.
Although it can't compare to other top design of other countries from their professional designers.
But as an ordinary student who know nothing about design and costume, I am happy that my national costume is still comparable.
I can share with people my design, the meaning of it and the story behind.
This is a costume with the spirit of "Never Give Up"
Wearing the costume design by yourself and show it on the international stage is a dream for a lot of people.
Thanks to my stubborn I had my dream come true.
---About regret
During the final gala I forgot to turn on the LED light which is one of the most important design of my national costume.
I blamed myself a lot and even couldn't focus on my evening gown.
My only hope to this competition is to show the best of myself and this fault become the deepest regret of my Miss International journey.
Miss International Beauty Pageant
台灣小姐 Miss Taiwan
Joyce Yi Shu Chiu
IG: just_be_joyce
pageant meaning 在 Lara梁心頤 Facebook 的最佳貼文
最近拍了很多搞笑的網路影片,一邊愉悅大家,一邊愉悅自己。人的心真的是很奇妙,需要做一些輕鬆的事情才能呼吸,做一些有意義的事情才能開始療癒。而能自由的愛你想愛的人對我來說是很有意義的事情。不管你的想法是什麼,希望你能用自己的方式來支持這個活動,支持 Mr Gay Taiwan 台灣同志先生選拔。
Even though your recent impression of me might be more in the vein of dubsmash videos, over the last few months, I have thought more seriously than ever about what matters to me. Laughter, freedom, and doing the things that fill you with joy and meaning. One of these things was Meimeiwawa Multimedia 妹妹娃娃多媒體's decision to host and sponsor 2015's Mr. Gay Taiwan pageant. I hope that you can support us in the eternal and universal quest of making our world a safe, just and loving one, even if it is through a beauty pageant. ;)
pageant meaning 在 Pageant Meaning - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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