2019-11-17 Rock DJ Playlist
1-1 Saw Lightning: Beck (Hyperspace / 2019)
1-2 All The Way (Stay): Jimmy Eat World (Surviving / 2019)
1-3 White Noise White Heat: Elbow (Giants of All Sizes / 2019)
1-4 Move to Girls: The Deer (Do No Harm / 2019)
1-5 clementine: Halsey (Manic / 2019)
1-6 Paprika Pony: Kim Gordon (No Home Record / 2019)
1-7 Bang: Corridor (Junior / 2019)
1-8 海邊的房間: 凹與山 Our Shame (一切好事都會發生 /2019)
1-9 Baby Blue: Harlequin Gold (Baby Blue - EP / 2019)
1-10 Beauty in Your Brokenness: Wildwood Kin (Wildwood Kin / 2019)
1-11 Without You: Strawberry Guy (Taking My Time to Be / 2019)
2-1 Mr. Insecure: Walrus (Cool to Who / 2019)
2-2 導體暗流: 眠腦 Sleeping Brain (裸浪 / 2019)
2-3 Down And Out : E.B. The Younger (To Each His Own / 2019)
2-4 Colossus Of Rhodes: The New Pornographers (In the Morse Code of Brake Lights / 2019)
2-5 街仔路雨落袂停 (feat. 陳嫻靜): 鄭宜農 Enno Cheng (給天王星 Dear Uranus / 2019)
2-6 Hey Big Eyes: Caroline Polachek (Pang / 2019)
2-7 Lonely Generation: Echosmith (Lonely Generation / 2020)
2-8 Strange Rain: Patrick Watson (Wave / 2019)
2-9 我睡不著: Night Keepers 守夜人 (使者 / 2019)
2-10 Monkey Gone to Heaven: Pixies (Doolittle / 1989)
2-11 Dancing Barefoot: Patti Smith Group (Wave /1979)
2-12 Dreamland: Pet Shop Boys (feat. Years&Years) (Dreamland (remixes) /2019)
patti smith wave 在 DJ Mykal a.k.a.林哲儀 Facebook 的最佳解答
情報正式解禁!!!! 2017.04.22 James Lavelle presents UNKLE Sounds x DJ Mykal 20周年 at Neo Studio
James Lavelle對我生涯影響的重要性早已無庸置疑,很榮幸可以在我20周年系列Project裡再次邀請他訪台,而且是首次以UNKLE SOUNDS名義來台演出~~
【James Lavelle presents UNKLE Sounds x DJ Mykal 20周年】
★ 2017.03.29(三)中午12:00 限量早鳥票NT800元搶先開賣! ★
2017.04.22 Neo Studio
傳奇廠牌Mo'Wax主腦James Lavelle
台灣潮流音樂指標 DJ Mykal a.k.a.林哲儀
James Lavelle,你永遠不知道他的下一步又將如何超越世界!
身為英國著名樂團UNKLE的首腦 、Mo’Wax音樂廠牌創始人,多年來James Lavelle與DJ Shadow、Radiohead主唱Thom Yorke、DJ Krush、Mike D等世界頂尖音樂人合作發行了無數音樂作品,並建立起「Trip Hop」的不敗地位。此外,擔任知名品牌如:Nike、Converse以及日本潮流教主Nigo長期合作夥伴、邀請Futura 創作經典的Point Man圖像,James Lavelle的一舉一動永遠是全球潮流時尚的領導指標。
距前次James Lavelle訪台已有10年時間,這一次James Lavelle將首度以「UNKLE SOUNDS」派對系列登台演出,同時今年也是DJ Mykal a.k.a.林哲儀DJ生涯20周年,作為系列Project以及ROKON滾石電音首發派對,台灣英國兩地潮流音樂指標領袖,聯手轟炸、精彩可期!
限量早鳥票:NT800 (不含酒水)
預售票:NT1200 with 1 Drink
現場票:NT1500 with 1 Drink
Support by
DJ Mykal a.k.a.林哲儀
OVDS(special club set)
Everything James Lavelle has created and initiated has been driven by the same irrepressible sense of curiosity and an incorruptible willingness to take risks. The music released today under the banner of UNKLE is very different from early UNKLE records. The spirit is the same.
2014 was a landmark year for independent music svengali James Lavelle. Coinciding with his 40th birthday he launched Mo’ Wax21: Urban Archaeology - a mind blowing Kickstarter resourced exhibition and a lavish Rizzoli published book to celebrate the 21st birthday of Mo’ Wax records, the label he launched as a teenager. He was also the curator for Meltdown on London’ s South Bank. Joining a long list musical luminaries such as Yoko Ono, Ornette Coleman, Massive Attack, Nick Cave, John Peel, Lee ‘ Scratch’ Perry, Patti Smith, amongst others, is according to James, “one of the proudest moments of my life in music so far.”
Since the early Nineties James Lavelle has been on a global roller coaster ride. It’ s taken him from being an obsessive 18 year old indie record label boss to the heart of corporate record company darkness and back to the light with an array of dynamic visual adventures based around the collective musical experience of his UNKLE project. A child of the sampling generation, he has honed his curatorial skills while riding the tidal wave of information technology. The Nineties were hectic - an endless cycle of clubbing and unfettered creativity and his Mo’ Wax label was bold, irreverent and “Kicking More Phunk Than A Shaolin Monk”. He released a flood of hip, deftly packaged 12”singles and ventured far and wide in search of like-minded souls. He forged links with Japan’ s hip hop originals Major Force and DJ Krush but it was in Oakland California that he found the future - Josh Davis aka DJ Shadow.
In ‘ 96 Rolling Stone magazine declared Mo’ Wax as the true source of ‘ Trip Hop’ - a decision underpinned by the aural impact of DJ Shadow’ s ‘ In/Flux’ 12” single – but In reality, it was the ‘ Headz’ compilation, released in ‘ 94, complete with cover art by Massive Attack’ s 3D that took ‘ trip hop’ worldwide. What followed was DJ Shadow’ s skillfully crafted ‘ Endtroducing’ LP – a homage to his trusty Akai MPC60 and a seminal slab of vinyl that has since notch up sales in excess of a million. A label deal with A&M appeared to give James the freedom to pursue the Mo’ Wax grail and UNKLE was chosen to deliver the vision. DJ Shadow took on the producer role of ‘ Psyence Fiction’ . Meanwhile James commissioned Futura2000 to provide the artwork and succeeded in enlisting Radiohead’ s Thom Yorke and ex-Verve frontman Richard Ashcroft to the project. It was a radical venture that predictably met with the glint of sharpened critical knives. A combination of youth and boundary breaking ambition has never endeared James Lavelle to the critics. Ironically, the deal-breaker when signing to A&M records was a Jean-Michel Basquiat drawing that declared “Cowards with get rid of you, the sky is the limit”. It proved an apt warning. At the dawn of the new millennium A&M imploded andtook Mo’ Wax with it. Financial uncertainty ensued. He sold the Basquiat, reverted to his DJ career and pressed on with UNKLE.
James Lavelle loves DJing. It’ s back to basics. He describes his five year long residency at Fabric as “insane” and is happy to point out that he’ s had residencies in all of the Top 10 clubs in the world including Zouk and Womb.
Obsessed with the collision of music, fashion and art James forged links with Nigo at A Bathing Ape and launched Mo' Wax Arts to translate Futura 2000’ s concepts and images into merchandise, toys and fashion. He was mates with iconoclastic London fashion genius Lee Alexander McQueen and continues to work with McQueen collaborators Warren Du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones. Daydreaming with.... James Lavelle was launched at London’ s Museum Of Mankind and has produced collaborations with celebrated artists like Jonathan Glazer, 3D, Jonas Burget, Doug Foster and Turner Prize nominee Nathan Coley.
In 2005, he set up Surrender - a clothing line and boutique record label dedicated to all things UNKLE. Over a five period they produced three UNKLE albums - ‘ War Stories’ , ‘ End Titles- Stories For Films’ , ‘ Where Did Night Fall’ and around 150 tracks. UNKLE's progression in the studio from a classic hip hop aesthetic to breakbeats-meet-house to electronica to rock has also been instrumental in UNKLE manifesting as a live band that’ s successfully toured the world.
The UNKLE crew has been populated by a bunch of serious players who have made a massive impact on the UK music scene and beyond. Tim Goldsworthy set up DFA records, Nick Huggett signed Adele, M.I.A and Dizzee Rascal, Damian Taylor is Bjork’ s right hand person, Cameron Craig is a Grammy winning engineer and Jim Abiss and Paul Epworth are both producers at the top the game – think: Adele, Kasabian, Plan B, Florence & The Machine. Another UNKLE veteran Toby Feltwell went on to run Bathing Ape and Billionaire Boys Club with Nigo and Pharrell.
Here in lies the journey of a hip hop, subway art, Massive Attack obsessed kid from Oxford. It’ s been a wild and mind expanding journey. His focus is always on the future. Watch this space.
PRE-SALE : NT1200 with 1 Drink
AT DOOR : NT1500 with 1 Drink
5F., No.22, Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City
patti smith wave 在 袁智聰 Yuen Chi-Chung Facebook 的最佳解答
今期《art plus》我寫《1977的40週年》:2017年1月是David Bowie逝世一週年,也叫我想到是他兩張1977年經典專輯《Low》和《Heroes》的面世40週年;而1977年,也有精采的歐陸progressive電子音樂以及火熱的punk movement。
踏入2017年,英國音樂傳奇David Bowie(1947-2016)逝世一晃眼已經一個年頭。仍忘不了去年1月收到他的與世長辭噩耗時,由於消息來得太突然,大家都不情願接受Bowie之病逝、不相信這是真實的,一時間叫人難以接受。即使一年後的今天,我們仍覺得Bowie彷彿從沒有離去。
正如他在離世前兩天(他69歲生日當天)發表的《★》(Blackstar) 專輯,迄今仍叫大家為之津津樂道,更再三有樂迷發現到隱藏在其黑膠唱片封套設計上秘密(如要用陽光透射以及用紫外燈照射才看到的效果)。
當年,Bowie夥拍前衛音樂鬼才Brian Eno作為音樂拍檔,向他傾慕的德國krautrock電子音樂取經;分別在1977年1月及10月出版的《Low》和《Heroes》,日後被視為其「柏林三部曲」的第一、二章——因為在1976年底,Bowie與惺惺相惜的好友Iggy Pop開始在德國柏林定居。而「柏林三部曲」的出現,也是這位「搖滾變色龍」一個重要的蛻變,擺脫了之前作為「白骨公爵」(The Thin White Duke)時期的白人騷靈風格(76年專輯《Station to Station》正是一個交接期) 。
《Low》原名《New Music, Night and Day》主要在法國Château d'Hérouville錄音,到後期移師到西柏林混音;而《Heroes》才是全盤在西柏林鄰近柏林圍牆的Hansa Tonstudio錄製出來。
但在樂迷心目中,《Low》和《Heroes》已猶如兩張關係密切的姊妹專輯,同是投射出Kraftwerk、Neu!、Harmonia等德國krautrock樂隊對他的重大薰陶,吸納著德國電子音樂的冷洌氛圍而來;而且當年這兩張黑膠唱片專輯,亦同樣是劃分為一面是充滿未來派氣息的電氣art rock / avant-pop歌曲,一面是耐人尋味、神秘深邃的ambient器樂曲目,彼此的共通之處,都讓樂迷在一直以來都把彼此作相提並論、混為一談。到底你喜歡《Low》多些還是喜歡《Heroes》多些?相信這條問題可以考起不少Bowie迷。
別忘記,Iggy Pop這位前美國底特律garage rock / proto-punk鼻祖樂隊The Stooges主唱在同年3月出版收錄於法國與德國的首張個人專輯《The Idiot》是由Bowie擔任監製,專輯比Bowie的《Low》更早灌錄(相隔了7個月才出版),所以《The Idiot》大可視為Bowie「柏林三部曲」的周邊出品,甚至壓根兒是非官方地啟動了Bowie的「柏林時期」。
這邊廂,70年代歐陸的progressive電子音樂發展不但方興未艾,而且更走向成熟渾圓的階段。法國電音先鋒Jean Michel Jarre首張官方專輯《Oxygène》雖然是在1976年12月發表,但到77年才作國際性發行;唱片不單在法國當冠,也成為當地史上最暢銷的專輯,而且又歷史性的登上英國排行榜亞軍。而德國杜塞爾多夫電音先鋒教父樂隊Kraftwerk在1977年出版了無人不䁱的《Trans-Europe Express》專輯,歐陸浪漫與未來主義的結合,被公認為他們無懈可擊的神級之作。1977年,還有另一德國krautrock界電音樂團Cluster與Brian Eno標誌著德英電子音樂交流、在Cluster的製作人Conny Plank操刀監製下於其錄音室收錄的同名專輯《Cluster & Eno》。
而在另一邊廂,秉承punk movement在1976年於美、英兩地同步一觸即發,punk rock運動來到77年已進入白熱化的階段。經過Patti Smith、Ramones和 Blondie等紐約市punk樂先鋒開啓了門戶之後,Sex Pistols、The Clash、The Damned、The Jam、Richard Hell & The Voidoids、Television、Talking Heads、The Dead Boys之一眾英美punk掌門人樂隊的首張專輯,都全屬1977年之出品。
而Bowie的《Low》和《Heroes》的音樂姿態,就猶如站在兩方面之間。事實上,這兩張Bowie專輯所留下的無遠弗屆影響力,最先見證到就是在自70年代末以降對眾多new wave / post-punk / no wave / new romantic / synth-pop樂隊之重大啓發意義,猶如其某程度上的音樂藍本。