मोक्ष Moksha - 木屋裡的現場梵唱錄音
Live Mantra Music recordings!
🔶Silence in sound
🔸Stillness in movement
✨Perfect imperfection
Moksha or liberation. Liberation from what is not. Simply BE.
Mantras are vibrations present in nature, the whole universe. Sound vibrations bypass the intellect, shared by all existence, hence is beyond culture and religion. Mantra chanting helps to fine-tune the whole being, realign one to nature so that the true Self can shine through and reach its full potential.
To Durga Devi, mantra is a way of being, more than a practice. Through the chanting of mantras and witnessing inner wisdom unfold, she has come to greater understanding of her own existence and purpose of life. As for the meanings of these mantras, which tradition they belong to, or is it music?… It’s all encompassed in sound vibrations, waiting for your interpretation.
Live recordings are actually LIFE recordings, capturing the atmosphere of the moment, which is perfectly imperfect. Musicians meditate upon the sound of mantra and improvise on the scene. Every “mistake” is perfect and meant for the moment. Rise and fall of energy, captured AS IS.
梵唱對 Durga Devi 來說即是存在。在持續不斷的梵唱修習中,逐漸理解自身的存在與生命的意義。至於這梵唱要怎麼歸類、是否悅耳、字義為何⋯⋯ 一切已了然於聲響之中,待你自行解讀。
मोक्ष Moksha意為超脫。穿越各種分別,單純的存在。
1 Gānga Āratī 5:33
2 Tantroktam Devī Sūktam 12:01
3 Mahā Mantra 9:29
4 Om Mangalam 9:29
5 He Muralī 9:47
6 Śiva Mānasa Pūjā 5:36
7 Śivo’ham 6:04
Durga Devi 陳瑜 Lead Vocal, Harmonium 梵唱、風琴
Devarishi Tseng曾皓暉 Producer, backup vocal, mridanga 製作人、梵唱、鼓
郭品 (Pin Kuo) Tabla 鼓
Tiger Jango Zen Huang 黃泰元 Violin 小提琴
Wan Ling Lee 李宛玲 Harmony, Flute 梵唱、笛
影片拍攝、剪輯 Photography
森子工作室、 Chee Lin
AUD$35 includes worldwide shipment
信用卡付款Pay through Paypal:https://paypal.me/OmDurgaDevi
Please message us if you don't have a PayPal account
pay present perfect 在 Sawada Chen Facebook 的最讚貼文
謝謝 Underon
there have seven series of works published, also have touching little story, want to go the route of sadness,
Interested please pay attention to them .
五個月前(2014.04),我的生活處在一種迷網的心理困境,看了朋友給我的一個TED演講的影片,影片裡的Mag Jay說:「二十歲的人生,不能三十才開始。」當下給了我這個罹患「三十恐懼症」的人一個極大的心理衝擊恐。隨後,我開始想辦法解決這種恐懼,就在一個禮拜內,我訂了去紐約的機票。為什麼選擇紐約?其實到現在回想也不知道所以然,大概是因為在此之前的人生,對紐約沒有任何興趣與研究,所以紐約就剛好適合那時不抱任何期待的我。於是,我抱著轉換環境生活的心態,去了那個城市。
有個陌生人給我了紐約這個城市很好的註解。他說:”WOW, It's a difficult city!” 的確!紐約生活艱難,卻也是讓人可在其中激發創作靈感,其原因並非它太多元,而是所有的生活百態都是被擠壓出來的,靈感也是被爆出來的。在紐約生活的經驗是一體多面,過了一個街口遇到的前後落差,大概像坐了升降梯高低來回數次。
SAWADA CHEN,業餘插畫家。一天8小時是一個品牌設計師,另外16小時是一個帶著嘲諷的創作者。8小時的夢想:努力於非主流創作與商業行為結合。16小時的夢想:想靠精神吃飯,把喜歡的創作發揚光大,然後去他的資本主義。插畫風格沒有限制,內容慣用於黑色幽默或是帶著諷刺的表現手法。最近經營著希望帶有存在感的粉絲專頁,裡面會一直有新的創作在上面,可能還有一些謎一般的畫面,歡迎大家逛逛看看。
【POP OUT GALLERY─New York Ukiyo-e】
One day, I saw a traveler dragging his suitcase in the Bryant Park, and I didn't know where he came from. He looked so tired that he just took off his shoes, took his coat as blanket, lying against the suitcase and fell asleep with ease. On the long bench besides him was a person with suit sitting and working there, and a homelessness was sitting nearby and seemed to be in a daze. Everyone looked up at the gap in this cement jungle, and I feel all of them could be me in the past, that is, before I came to NY.
Five months ago, I was trapped in a perplexed feeling. As someone who was scared of turning 30, I was startled when I watched a TED talk by Mag Jay, in which she says "30 is not the new 20." I start dealing with my fear over 30 after that, and within one week, I booked a ticket to New York. Some might ask: why New York? Actually, I don't have the answer even until now. I wasn't particularly interested in NY before, and I had never done any research on it, neither. I didn't hold any expectation toward this city at that moment, and maybe that's exactly the reason that makes it a perfect place for me. With the intention to get out of my mood, I went there.
One remark about New York I heard from a stranger perfectly describes New York: "Wow, it's a difficult city!" Indeed, living in NY is difficult, but you'll be inspired by this city if you live there. The reason is not that it's a diversified city, but because it squeezes out various forms of life from human beings, and the inspirations thus come pouring out. The multiple facets of life here makes you feel like taking the elevator up and down for several times: the scenery you see at the entrance to the lane might be totally conflicting to what you see at the end of the lane.
I visited different areas of NY during my 48 days there. It's not a long stay, but it certainly allows me to achieve my goal: living in a different surroundings. In these 7 illustrations I present my impressions toward this city and also the change of my mood. The last few pictures combines the photos I took there and my illustration, representing my life until today and my experience in NY, which is as vivid and abundant as an Ukiyo-e
Sawada Chen is an amateur illustrator. She is a brand designer during the 8 working hours, and in the rest 16 hours she is an artist with sarcastic style. She dreams of combing boundless creativities and marketing concerns when she is working, while in the other 16 hours, she wishes to earn money by her creativities, create artworks she like and fight against capitalism. There is no boundary regarding her illustration style, but black humor and sarcastic narration are what she is good at. Recently, she starts running a fanpage, hoping that it will become noticable to others. New works will be uploaded there continually (sometimes mysterious pictures also) and waiting to be explored.