God’s word strongly implies that only God has the authority to forgive sins (Mark 2:5-11).
So what does John 20:23 actually mean? To understand it, we must read the verses just before it. Jesus was speaking to the apostles and He commissioning them for ministry.
We know that He was speaking only to the apostles because the next verse after John 20:23 talks about how Thomas who was one of the twelve wasn’t with them.
The twelve refers to the twelve apostles and “them” refers to the apostles who were present in that room.
Having the Holy Spirit inside them changed everything.
God was able to teach the apostles and guide them “into all truth” through His Spirit (John 16:12-15).
As the Bible wasn’t complete yet, they didn’t have the privilege that we do today to be able to check the Scriptures.
God had to instruct them from within. Through this way, they were able to learn the terms and conditions of forgiveness of sins, and preach it in Jesus’ name.
That’s why Jesus could give the apostles the authority to declare a person’s sins forgiven and another person’s sins retained.
They were taught and guided by the Holy Spirit, in the absence of the written New Testament.
Take note that the words “have been forgiven” and “have been retained” in Greek are both phrases in the present perfect tense.
It means that once a person is declared forgiven, they will always continue to be forgiven.
Likewise, if a person is declared that his sins are retained, his sins continue to be retained and the wrath of God remains over him.
This teaches us that once a person believes in Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior, he cannot ever lose the gift of salvation that he has received.
Conversely, a person who doesn’t believe in Jesus cannot ever have forgiveness of sins unless he believes in Jesus.
Today since we have the Bible, we know the terms of the forgiveness of sins. It is clearly written in it.
Once a person believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, he or she is saved and has passed from death to eternal life. We have the revealed will of God!
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present perfect tense before 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Facebook 的最佳解答
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我:嗯,但以我所知,你地暫時好似未識得講裝修住啵,Miss Tiffany依家可以教你講,不過到時考緊試個陣,Miss Tiffany唔會係你身邊,咁點算啊?
同學話:咁我不如就咁話:School has new library, I feel happy 啦。
我:其實裝修的英文,其中一個講法是renovation,不過識唔識呢個字,可能係A同A+既分別,要拿到B+的成績,或者你地可以試下咁樣寫:There is a new library at our school, so I can read so many more books now. I've found books I have never read at home before. I enjoy visiting the library during the recesses every day. To my excitement, I even found my favourite book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory there!
事實上,小五的同學能寫成這樣已經相當難得,懂得用simple present tens、simple past tense和present perfect tense,enjoy後面懂得加gerund,懂得用there is,不是用the school has,懂得用連接詞so連接字句。詞彙雖然不算特頂豐富,但準確度高,老師理應會給高分了。
其實,作文要作得好,不外乎就係要用一個思考方式:意念方面,要有創意,但又唔可以有創意到離曬地,唔合理;要盡用接觸過的語文知識、句式同詞彙,但唔可以不自量力,夾硬寫啲自己寫唔到既野,適度的簡化是好的。表現自己的語文功架,不一定要使用words(字彙),還可以使用phrases(短語)同grammar items(文法知識):introductory it啊,一些特別的tenses啊,modal verbs啊,等等。
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