Posted @withregram • @alex_cwy 《Two variations of an wheel roll out 兩種腹輪的訓練方法》
第四波疫情下大家都會選擇家中健身, 市面上有不同種類的健身器材使用, 而腹輪是相對便宜和慳位的工具訓練腹肌, 是家中鍛練腹工具不二之選,而其中腹輪的訓練變化能偏向不同肌肉能參與動作 ,以下會同大家介紹兩個腹輪訓練的變化
屈曲脊椎 (脊椎前彎)帶動腹輪, 令腰部呈拱形弧度,脊椎屈曲動作能令腹直肌 俗稱六舊腹肌 的參與度上升, 但同時也需要脊椎需要一定的柔軟度才能掌握動作 ,以及腰背有傷患的學生不是太理想動作
此變化目的是把腹輪帶出及收入的時候, 下背腰保持中立位置, 當收回腹輪的時候,避免使屈曲脊椎帶動動作, 並感覺肩膊下壓(肩伸) 帶動動作, 腹部和臀部保持收緊 ,避免拗腰動作出現, 由於此變化中不需脊椎有任何屈曲動作,所以較為適合有腰背傷患的學員。另外,由於主導動作是肩伸, 所以背闊肌參與度也會增加
如果大家覺得以上資料有用的話 ,不妨like share 同埋follow 我個page啦 , 黎緊都會擺多d不同的健身資訊!
Hoping everyone stay safe under the fourth wave of COVID-19 !! I would like to share two variations of abs wheel roll-out that everyone can try out at home , since abs rollout is a fairly advanced exercise, if you don’t have much experience in abs training , master some basics exercise such as plank , cat-cow to strengthen the mind-muscle connection prior to working on ab wheel
📍Driven by spine
Meaning that “curl the spine” in order to bring the wheel back to your body , this will involve in spinal flexion, which means superficial layer of abs will be engaged (rectus abdominis). However, for some trainee who have lower back injury such as flexion intolerance lower back pain , this maybe not be an ideal abs exercise, Also, it require some degree of motor control and mobility on lumber spine flexion in order to master the exercises
📍Driven by shoulder
The purpose of this variation is to keep the spine neutral through out the exercises and none of the spinal movement will be involved
, rather than “curl the spine”, this cueing of this exercise is to “bring the elbow to your back pocket “ while the spine and pelvic stays neutral . By bringing the elbow back , this will result in more back muscle engagement ( latissimus dorsi). Although this variation doesn’t’t work the superficial layer of abs like the former variation, but it’s a good modification for those who trains around with back pain
Thank you for your time !! If you feel it’s useful please like and share the post and follow my page for more posts !! @markys_strength_performance
rectus abdominis exercises 在 ชุมชนคนสร้างซิกแพ็ค Facebook 的最佳貼文
#อยากมีsixpackต้องออกกำลังกายอย่างไร ครูมายด์จะมาชี้แจงให้เห็นภาพชัดๆนะ
ทุกคนคงเคยเห็น ภาพแนะนำ หรือคลิปต่างๆใน Youtube แบบนี้ไหม?
- วันนี้เราจะมาแนะนำ 10 ท่า เล่นท้อง ช่วยลดไขมันหน้าท้อง”
- ทำ Crunch 3 เซต เซตละ 20 ครั้ง ช่วยลดไขมันหน้าท้องสร้าง Six-pack
- วันนี้เราจะมาทำ Plank ลดไขมันหน้าท้องกัน...
Continue Reading#If you want to have a sixpack, how to exercise. Teacher Mind will come to explain the picture clearly.
Has anyone seen any featured photos or clips on Youtube?
- Today we will introduce 10 moves to the stomach and reduce belly fat ′′
- Making Crunch 3 set 20 times per set. Helping reduce belly fat. Build Six-pack.
- Today we are doing Plank to reduce belly fat.
- Exercise according to this clip. 10 minutes to help reduce the belly fat. (There is only a belly pose.)
Do you ever wonder if it really helps reduce abs and create Six-Pack?
Nowadays, playing abs is very popular for those who want to have Six-Pack. It's definitely online. It's a lot of online people. It's a lot of fun. It's a lot of belly to reduce abs. Create Six-Pack #but it's true that you want to lose belly, build Six. - Pack is #It has several other components, not just abs. So let's see its components. Today's topic is titled.
I think so.
!!️ I want to have Six Pack. How to exercise?‼ ️
What is Six-Pack?
First we need to know what Six-Pack is.
👉🏻 Six-Pack is a belly muscle called Rectus Abdominis. It's a muscle in abs or popularly called Six-Pack.
Ask if everyone has it? There are all of us, no matter how fat or skinny you are. If we don't have, we wouldn't be able to do many things. For sure, we couldn't get back from the bed, but we wouldn't be able to support our abs muscles. - I can't pack it, but I don't see it because it's fat-covering.
Therefore, let you forget the word ′′ we don't have Six-Pack ′′ and change to ′′ Six-Pack ′′ only.
What should I do if I want to mix-pack?
It's not difficult to say that it's not clear because there is a fat bang. We can just take it off by a ′′ Cardio ′′ exercise. It's also known that Cardio is a fat loss exercise. Therefore, if we do it regularly and get a clear Six-Pack.
So only abs play, why not make Six-Pack clear?
Abdominal play, Plank, Crunch, Sit-Up and dozens of other poses. These are the Weight Training exercises.
Of course, Weight Training doesn't help reduce the fat, but it strengthens the muscle and activates fat burning. This is why I don't have abs acting. Six-Pack is not clear.
It's only Cardio. You don't have to play abs like that. You can't do it anyway. Because if you lose something, you have to replace something. Easy to say. If you want to remove fat, you have to replace it with a muscle to replace it. For beautiful Six-Pack.
#In conclusion, I want to have a clear Six Pack. How to exercise?
💪 Exercise by strengthening, strengthening, strengthening and increasing metabolism by playing abs and Cardio alongside to reduce body fat 💪🏻
Because Teacher Mild did that, never played only abs, but did both Cardio and Weight Training together.
#Don't forget. Everyone wants to lose belly. Good shape, you have to go out every part. Don't choose to take one
Hope this article is a huge benefit to everyone.
′′ When I talk about Cardio, many people are wondering how Cardio works best. Next time, let's find an answer
Who reads this message, comment 1 please. I will have energy in writing next story.
Thank you 😉
See you next time.
By teacher mildTranslated