昨天熱血去參加了一場以蘭姆酒為主題的品酒會,也是生平第一次喝到蘭姆酒,原本都是在國外才有在製作,沒想到近年來台灣也有了,去了一趟才知道原來台灣的氣候更適合製作蘭姆酒,而且所使用的原料就是甘蔗!這次品嚐了三款,都有不同風味,其中一款竟然還有梅子的香氣,搭配上餐點更是有畫龍點睛的氣味,實在不錯!這次熱血是在美。食光 Lumière 來體驗,這間店就藏身於台南美術館二館的五樓喔,除了有美味的餐點之外,也提供給廠商辦活動,有興趣的朋友可以來品味一下,從這個角度看台南,真的很不一樣!
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Fondazione Prada announces the launch of new Milan venue and opening exhibitions.
Fondazione Prada’s new Milan venue is scheduled to open on 9 May 2015.
Along with the new spaces in Milan, the Fondazione’s Venetian venue will continue to operate in the 18th century palazzo Ca’ Corner della Regina. From May and throughout summer 2015, both locations will be thematically linked by two ancient art exhibitions devised by Salvatore Settis.
The new Milan venue of the Fondazione, conceived by architecture firm OMA — led by Rem Koolhaas — expands the repertoire of spatial typologies in which art can be exhibited and shared with the public. Articulated by an architectural configuration which combines preexisting buildings with three new structures, it is the result of the transformation of a former distillery dating back to the 1910’s.
Located in Largo Isarco, in the South of Milan, the compound has a gross surface area of 19,000 square meters, of which 11,000 is dedicated as exhibition space. The entrance building will welcome visitors to two new facilities, developed through special collaborations: a kids’ area designed by a group of students from the École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Versailles, and a bar where director Wes Anderson has recreated the typical mood of old Milan cafés.
On the occasion of the opening of its new Milan venue, Fondazione Prada will present a wide range of activities. Robert Gober and Thomas Demand will realize site-specific installations in dialogue with the industrial architecture and the new spaces in the compound. Roman Polanski will explore the cinematographic inspirations behind his artistic vision, which will translate into a new documentary and a series of film screenings. Selections of artworks from the Prada Collection will be presented in a series of thematic exhibitions. ‘Serial Classic’ (9 May - 24 August 2015), in Milan, and ‘Portable Classic’ (9 May-13 September 2015), in Venice — two exhibitions curated by Salvatore Settis, in collaboration with Anna Anguissola and Davide Gasparotto — will complete the program. Both projects, whose display system has been conceived by OMA, analyze the themes of seriality and the copy in classical art and the reproduction of small-scale Greek and Roman sculptures from the Renaissance to Neoclassicism, respectively.